Interface UifKeyValuesFinder

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActionTypeValuesFinder, AdHocActionRequestCodesValuesFinder, AgendaNamespaceValuesFinder, AgendaTypeValuesFinder, CategoryValuesFinder, ContextTypeValuesFinder, ExpenseTypeKeyValuesFinder, FoodKeyValuesFinder, FoodKeyValuesFinder, KewTypeOptionsFinder, PostalCountryCodeKeyValuesFinder, PostalStateCodeKeyValuesFinder, PropositionOpCodeValuesFinder, PropositionTypeValuesFinder, RuleTypeValuesFinder, TripTypeKeyValuesFinder, UifKeyValuesFinderBase, UserWorkgroupsKeyValues, ValidTermsForPropositionValuesFinder, ValidTermsValuesFinder

public interface UifKeyValuesFinder
extends KeyValuesFinder

Values finder that can taken the ViewModel that provides data to the view for conditionally setting the valid options

Values finder also allows configuration for a blank option that will be added by the framework

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 List<KeyValue> getKeyValues(ViewModel model)
          Builds a list of key values representations for valid value selections using the given view model to retrieve values from other fields and conditionally building the options
 List<KeyValue> getKeyValues(ViewModel model, InputField field)
          Builds a list of key values representations for valid value selections using the given view model to retrieve values from other fields and conditionally building the options
 boolean isAddBlankOption()
          Indicates whether a blank option should be included as a valid option
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.keyvalues.KeyValuesFinder
clearInternalCache, getKeyLabel, getKeyLabelMap, getKeyValues, getKeyValues

Method Detail


List<KeyValue> getKeyValues(ViewModel model)
Builds a list of key values representations for valid value selections using the given view model to retrieve values from other fields and conditionally building the options

model - object instance containing the view data
List of KeyValue objects


List<KeyValue> getKeyValues(ViewModel model,
                            InputField field)
Builds a list of key values representations for valid value selections using the given view model to retrieve values from other fields and conditionally building the options

model - object instance containing the view data
field - object instance containing the field data of the key value lookup
List of KeyValue objects


boolean isAddBlankOption()
Indicates whether a blank option should be included as a valid option

boolean true if the blank option should be given, false if not

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