Package org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl

Interface Summary
LookupCriteriaGenerator Handles generating QueryByCriteria for lookups from a given Map of the properties submitted on the lookup form.

Class Summary
AttachmentServiceImpl Attachment service implementation
BusinessObjectServiceImpl Deprecated. use new KRAD Data framework DataObjectService
DataDictionaryComponentPublisherServiceImpl Reference implementation of the DataDictionaryComponentPublisherService.
DataDictionaryRemoteFieldServiceImpl Implementation of the DataDictionaryRemoteFieldService service
DataDictionaryServiceImpl Service implementation for a DataDictionary.
DataObjectAuthorizationServiceImpl Implementation of DataObjectAuthorizationService that uses the configured AttributeSecurity for a field to determine authorization checks that need to be performed
DataObjectMetaDataServiceImpl Deprecated. use new KRAD Data framework DataObjectService, replaced by metadata provider framework
DictionaryValidationServiceImpl Validates Documents, Business Objects, and Attributes against the data dictionary.
DocumentAdHocServiceImpl Implementation for DocumentAdHocService
DocumentDictionaryServiceImpl Implementation of DocumentDictionaryService which reads configuration from the data dictionary
DocumentSerializerServiceImpl Default implementation of the DocumentSerializerService.
DocumentServiceImpl Service implementation for the Document structure.
InactivateableFromToServiceImpl Implementation of InactivateableFromToService that uses the lookup service for query implementation
InactivationBlockingDetectionServiceImpl Performs checking of inactivation blocking
InactivationBlockingDisplayServiceImpl This is a description of what this class does - wliang don't forget to fill this in.
KeyValuesServiceImpl Deprecated.
KNSLegacyDataAdapterImpl Deprecated.
KRADModuleService Module service implementation for the Rice KRAD module
KualiExceptionIncidentServiceImpl Modified this service so that it now extends the KualiFeedbackServiceImpl.
KualiFeedbackServiceImpl This class implements the KualiFeedbackService and contains logic to send a feedback email to the feedback email list with information from users.
KualiRuleServiceImpl Represents a rule evaluator for Kuali.
LegacyAppFrameworkAdapterServiceImpl Deprecated.
LegacyDataAdapterImpl Deprecated. instead of using this class, where possible go directly against new KRAD code
LookupCriteriaGeneratorImpl Base LookupCriteriaGenerator into which logic common to both OJB and JPA for criteria construction has been extracted.
LookupServiceImpl Service implementation for the Lookup structure.
MailServiceImpl Default implementation of mail service
MaintenanceDocumentServiceImpl Service implementation for the MaintenanceDocument structure.
ModuleServiceBase Base implementation of the module service
NoteServiceImpl Service implementation for the Note structure
PersistenceServiceImpl Deprecated.
PersistenceServiceImplBase Deprecated.
PersistenceServiceOjbImpl Deprecated.
PersistenceServiceStructureImplBase Deprecated.
PersistenceStructureServiceImpl Deprecated. use new KRAD Data framework DataObjectService
PersistenceStructureServiceOjbImpl Deprecated.
PessimisticLockServiceImpl Service implementation for pessimistic locking
PostProcessorServiceImpl This class is the postProcessor for the Kuali application, and it is responsible for plumbing events up to documents using the built into the document methods for handling route status and other routing changes that take place asyncronously and potentially on a different server.
SequenceAccessorServiceImpl Deprecated.
SerializerServiceBase Default implementation of the DocumentSerializerService.
SessionDocumentServiceImpl Deprecated. (Deprecated and removed from use in KRAD (KULRICE-9149)
ViewValidationServiceImpl Implementation of Validation service for views, uses the same validation mechanisms as DictionaryValidationService but uses a different AttributeValueReader to get the correct information from InputFields - which include any AttributeDefinition defined attributes, if defined and not overriden
XmlObjectSerializerIgnoreMissingFieldsServiceImpl Service implementation for the XmlObjectSerializer structure.
XmlObjectSerializerServiceImpl Service implementation for the XmlObjectSerializer structure.

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