Class UserSessionUtils

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.UserSessionUtils

public final class UserSessionUtils
extends Object

Utility class for working with the UserSession.

Method Summary
static void addWorkflowDocument(UserSession userSession, WorkflowDocument workflowDocument)
          Adds the given WorkflowDocument to the UserSession.
static WorkflowDocument getWorkflowDocument(UserSession userSession, String workflowDocumentId)
          Returns the WorkflowDocument with the given ID from the UserSession.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void addWorkflowDocument(UserSession userSession,
                                       WorkflowDocument workflowDocument)
Adds the given WorkflowDocument to the UserSession.

userSession - the session to add the workflow document to
workflowDocument - the workflow doc to add to the session


public static WorkflowDocument getWorkflowDocument(UserSession userSession,
                                                   String workflowDocumentId)
Returns the WorkflowDocument with the given ID from the UserSession. If there is not one cached in the session with that ID, then null is returned.

userSession - the user session from which to retrieve the workflow document
workflowDocumentId - the ID of the workflow document to get
the cached workflow document, or null if a document with that ID is not cached in the user session

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