Package org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.element

Interface Summary

Class Summary
Action Field that presents an action that can be taken on the UI such as submitting the form or invoking a script
ActionSecurity Action field security adds the take action flags to the standard component security
ApplicationHeader Component that renders a standard application header including a logo, navigation, and toolbar.
DataTable Content element that renders a table using the RichTable widget configured with an Ajax (or Javascript) data source
Div Outputs an empty div for placeholder purposes, including any basic component options set on it through bean properties or by the framework (id, css, data attributes, etc.)
FieldValidationMessages ValidationMessages for logic and options specific to groups
GroupValidationMessages ValidationMessages for logic and options specific to groups
Header Content element that renders a header element and optionally a Group to present along with the header text
Icon Element that presents an Icon
Iframe Content element that encloses an iframe
Image Content element that renders a HTML <IMG> tag
Label Content element that renders a label
Link Content element that renders a link
Message Encapsulates a text message to be displayed
NavigationBar Component that renders a navigation bar, including a branding and navigation group.
PageValidationMessages ValidationMessages for logic and options specific to pages TODO this class is currently a placeholder for possible future functionality (ex.
Space Content element that renders a non-breaking space HTML &nbsp; tag
ToggleMenu Renders a toggle menu (aka sub menu, dropdown menu) of items.
ValidationMessages Field that displays error, warning, and info messages for the keys that are matched.
ViewHeader The ViewHeader component represents the header for the view

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