Interface Lookupable

All Superinterfaces:
Serializable, ViewHelperService
All Known Implementing Classes:
AgendaLookupableHelperServiceImpl, AgendaStudentLookupableHelperServiceImpl, GroupLookupableImpl, LookupableImpl, PersonLookupableImpl, PropositionLookupableHelperServiceImpl, RoleLookupableImpl

public interface Lookupable
extends ViewHelperService, Serializable

Provides contract for implementing a lookup within the lookup framework

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 void generateErrorMessageForResults(LookupForm form, String messageToDisplay)
          Set an error message to be displayed in the lookup results field
 Class<?> getDataObjectClass()
          Returns the class for the data object the lookup is configured with
 void getMaintenanceActionLink(Action actionLink, Object model, String maintenanceMethodToCall)
          Invoked to build a maintenance URL for a result row
 void getReturnUrlForResults(Action returnLink, Object model)
          Invoked to build the return URL for a result row
 void initSuppressAction(LookupForm lookupForm)
          Initialize the suppressAction indicator on the LookupForm.
 Map<String,String> performClear(LookupForm form, Map<String,String> searchCriteria)
          Invoked when the clear action is requested to result the search fields to their initial default values
 Collection<?> performSearch(LookupForm form, Map<String,String> searchCriteria, boolean bounded)
          Invoked to carry out the lookup search based on the given map of key/value search values
 void setDataObjectClass(Class<?> dataObjectClass)
          Sets the class for the data object the lookup will be provided on
 void setMultiValueLookupSelect(InputField selectField, Object model)
          Set the value for the input field control to contain the field conversion values for the line
 boolean validateSearchParameters(LookupForm form, Map<String,String> searchCriteria)
          Invoked to perform validation on the search criteria before the search is performed
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.ViewHelperService
applyDefaultValuesForCollectionLine, buildExportTableData, buildInquiryLink, cleanViewAfterRender, getCommonContext, getExpressionEvaluator, performApplyModel, performComponentInitialization, performComponentLifecycle, performFinalize, performInitialization, populateViewFromRequestParameters, processCollectionAddBlankLine, processCollectionAddLine, processCollectionDeleteLine, processCollectionSaveLine, processMultipleValueLookupResults, refreshReferences, spawnSubLifecyle

Method Detail


void initSuppressAction(LookupForm lookupForm)
Initialize the suppressAction indicator on the LookupForm.

The suppress action is set to true if the user is not authorized to initiate these documents. The indicator is then used to hide irrelevant actions such as creating a new document or editing existing ones.

lookupForm - on which to initialize the suppressAction indicator


Collection<?> performSearch(LookupForm form,
                            Map<String,String> searchCriteria,
                            boolean bounded)
Invoked to carry out the lookup search based on the given map of key/value search values

form - - lookup form instance containing the lookup data
searchCriteria - - map of criteria currently set
bounded - - indicates whether the results should be limited (if necessary) to the max search result limit configured
the list of result objects, possibly bounded


Map<String,String> performClear(LookupForm form,
                                Map<String,String> searchCriteria)
Invoked when the clear action is requested to result the search fields to their initial default values

form - - lookup form instance containing the lookup data
searchCriteria - - map of criteria currently set
map of criteria with field values reset to defaults


boolean validateSearchParameters(LookupForm form,
                                 Map<String,String> searchCriteria)
Invoked to perform validation on the search criteria before the search is performed

form - - lookup form instance containing the lookup data
searchCriteria - - map of criteria where key is search property name and value is search value (which can include wildcards)
boolean true if validation was successful, false if there were errors and the search should not be performed


void setDataObjectClass(Class<?> dataObjectClass)
Sets the class for the data object the lookup will be provided on

dataObjectClass - - data object class for lookup


Class<?> getDataObjectClass()
Returns the class for the data object the lookup is configured with

Class data object class


void getReturnUrlForResults(Action returnLink,
                            Object model)
Invoked to build the return URL for a result row

Based on the line contained in the field context, the URL for returning the role is constructed and set as the action for the action link. If a return link cannot be constructed the action link should be set to not render

returnLink - - action link that will be used to render the return URL
model - - lookup form containing the data


void getMaintenanceActionLink(Action actionLink,
                              Object model,
                              String maintenanceMethodToCall)
Invoked to build a maintenance URL for a result row

Based on the line contained in the field context and the given maintenance method that should be called a URL is constructed and set as the action on the action link. If a maintenance link cannot be constructed the action link should be set to not render

actionLink - - action link that will be used to return the maintenance URL
model - - lookup form containing the data
maintenanceMethodToCall - - name of the method that should be invoked in the maintenance controller


void setMultiValueLookupSelect(InputField selectField,
                               Object model)
Set the value for the input field control to contain the field conversion values for the line

Creates and populate the value of the input field control. This value is build according to LookupForm.getFieldConversions() and allows for client side population of the returned fields without having to do an additional server call.

selectField - - the InputField used to mark the lookup row as selected
model - - lookup form containing the data


void generateErrorMessageForResults(LookupForm form,
                                    String messageToDisplay)
Set an error message to be displayed in the lookup results field

form -
messageToDisplay -

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