Interface MetadataCommon

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
DataObjectAttribute, DataObjectAttributeInternal, DataObjectCollection, DataObjectMetadata, DataObjectMetadataInternal, DataObjectRelationship, MetadataChild, MetadataCommonInternal
All Known Implementing Classes:
DataObjectAttributeImpl, DataObjectCollectionImpl, DataObjectMetadataImpl, DataObjectRelationshipImpl, MetadataChildBase, MetadataCommonBase

public interface MetadataCommon
extends Serializable

An interface for attributes common to all primary metadata objects. (name, backing object, labels, etc...)

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 String getBackingObjectName()
          Provider specific name of the persistent storage behind this object type.
 String getDescription()
          A longer description of the object.
 String getLabel()
          The user displayed name of the object.
 MetadataMergeAction getMergeAction()
          MetadataMergeAction which determines how to handle the embedding of this object when multiple metadata providers are in use.
 String getName()
          The name of the object as known to the system.
 String getShortLabel()
          A shorter version of the user displayed name of the object.
 String getSummary()
          An even longer description of the object?
 Object getUniqueKeyForMerging()
          An object representing the object for purposes of merging.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Whether this metadata object should be considered read-only by calling code.

Method Detail


MetadataMergeAction getMergeAction()
MetadataMergeAction which determines how to handle the embedding of this object when multiple metadata providers are in use.

the merge action to use when embedding this metadata when multiple metadata providers are in use
See Also:


Object getUniqueKeyForMerging()
An object representing the object for purposes of merging. This should return an attribute name or a unique data type object. Whatever the class, it must have proper hashCode() and equals() semantics and not rely on object identity. This method must not return null;


String getBackingObjectName()
Provider specific name of the persistent storage behind this object type. For a data object, this would likely be the table name. For an attribute, this would be the table column name. It is to be used for reference purposes only.

String representing the backing object. Must not return null.


String getName()
The name of the object as known to the system. This would be the class name, attribute name, etc...


String getLabel()
The user displayed name of the object.


String getShortLabel()
A shorter version of the user displayed name of the object.


String getDescription()
A longer description of the object. TODO: what is this used for?


String getSummary()
An even longer description of the object?


boolean isReadOnly()
Whether this metadata object should be considered read-only by calling code. That is, the persistence layer is not likely to accept/persist an update to this object, attribute, collection, reference.

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