Interface | Description |
Failable |
Possible way to help keep JUnit, NG, Se, and SauceLabs failures separate abstracted behind Failable.
Class | Description |
FreemarkerSTBase | |
FreemarkerSTGenerator | |
FreemarkerSTTmplMthdBlanketAppGenerator | |
FreemarkerSTTmplMthdGenerator | |
FreemarkerUtil |
FreemarkerUtil loads properties from user defined InputStream.
ITUtil |
Keep WebDriver dependencies out of this class, those should be in
Keep JUnit or TestNG dependencies out of in this class.
Extract Hub specific logic?/li>
Rename to SmokeTestUtil or such
JiraAwareFailureUtil |
Created as a way to link Rice Smoke Test failures to existing Jiras as a html link in Jenkins.
NavTemplateMethodSTBase | |
NeustarJSTemplate |
TODO Setup as command line tool or implement gold standard/acceptance testing for the templated result.
PropertiesUtils | |
SauceLabsWebDriverHelper |
RemoteWebDriver test that demonstrates how to run your Selenium tests with Sauce OnDemand. |
SmokeTestBase |
SmokeTests should extend this Base class or have it in their class hierarchy.
SmokeTestRunner |
JUnit Test Runner to run test SmokeTests.
WebDriverITBase |
Base class for Selenium Webdriver integration tests
WebDriverLegacyITBase |
Originally used to upgrade UpgradedSeleniumITBase (Selenium 1.0) tests to WebDriver (Selenium 2.0).
WebDriverUtil |
The goal of the WebDriverUtil class is to invert the dependencies on WebDriver from WebDriverLegacyITBase for reuse
without having to extend WebDriverLegacyITBase.
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