Class ExpressionBasedProposition

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.engine.expression.ExpressionBasedProposition
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ExpressionBasedProposition
extends Object
implements Proposition

An implementation of Proposition which uses a given Expression

Kuali Rice Team (

Constructor Summary
ExpressionBasedProposition(Expression<Boolean> expression)
          Create an ExpressionBasedProposition with the given value
Method Summary
 PropositionResult evaluate(ExecutionEnvironment environment)
          Evaluates this proposition -- and in the case of Propositions containing children, those children as well -- and returns the boolean result;
 List<Proposition> getChildren()
          Returns the List of child Propositions that belong to this object.
 boolean isCompound()
          Indicates whether this Proposition can have children.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExpressionBasedProposition(Expression<Boolean> expression)
Create an ExpressionBasedProposition with the given value

expression - Expression to set the expression to
Method Detail


public PropositionResult evaluate(ExecutionEnvironment environment)
Description copied from interface: Proposition
Evaluates this proposition -- and in the case of Propositions containing children, those children as well -- and returns the boolean result;

Specified by:
evaluate in interface Proposition
environment - the ExecutionEnvironment that this Proposition is running in
the boolean result of evaluation


public List<Proposition> getChildren()
Description copied from interface: Proposition
Returns the List of child Propositions that belong to this object. If there are no children (e.g. for simple Proposition types), this must return an empty List.

Specified by:
getChildren in interface Proposition
a List containing any child Propositions that belong to this object. Must never return null.


public boolean isCompound()
Description copied from interface: Proposition
Indicates whether this Proposition can have children.

Specified by:
isCompound in interface Proposition
true if this Proposition can contain child Propositions.

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