Interface Summary | |
CollectionSizeConstraint | A collection size constraint is one that implements a maximum and minimum number of elements for a collection. |
Constraint | This is the marker interface for constraints. |
DataTypeConstraint | A data type constraint is one that enforces a specific data type for an object. |
ExistenceConstraint | An existence constraint is a constraint that requires (or does not require) that some non-empty value exist for this constrained object or field. |
LengthConstraint | Constraint that restricts the length of a string to some predefined maximum and/or minimum |
RangeConstraint | A range constraint that restricts a value to a specified range |
Class Summary | |
AllowCharacterConstraint | Parent abstract class that allows additional characters to be allowed in child constraint character sets, see AlphaNumericPatternConstraint, among others for example. |
AlphaNumericPatternConstraint | A ValidCharactersConstraint based on AlphaNumericValidationPattern. |
AlphaPatternConstraint | Pattern for matching alpha characters |
AnyCharacterPatternConstraint | Pattern for matching any printable character |
BaseConstraint | A class that implements the required accessor for label keys. |
CaseConstraint | CaseConstraint is imposed only when a certain condition is met |
CharsetPatternConstraint | Pattern for matching any character in the given list (String) |
CommonLookup | Direct copy of one that was in Kuali Student. |
CommonLookupParam | This class is a direct copy of one that was in Kuali Student. |
ConfigurationBasedRegexPatternConstraint | ConfigurationBasedRegexPatternConstraint uses a patternTypeKey to get the regex used for validation by key from the KualiConfigurationService |
DatePatternConstraint | DatePatternConstraint constrains a field to only allow dates which are part of the formats defined in the system. |
FixedPointPatternConstraint | TODO delyea don't forget to fill this in. |
FloatingPointPatternConstraint | Validation pattern for matching floating point numbers, optionally matching negative numbers |
IntegerPatternConstraint | TODO Administrator don't forget to fill this in. |
LookupConstraint | This class is a direct copy of one that was in Kuali Student. |
LookupConstraintParamMapping | This class is a direct copy of one that was in Kuali Student. |
MustOccurConstraint | Must occur constraints are constraints that indicate some range of acceptable valid results. |
NumericPatternConstraint | Pattern for matching numeric characters, difference between NumericPatternConstraint and IntegerPatternConstraint is that a numeric pattern constraint is for matching numeric characters and can be mixed with other characters by setting allow flags on, while integer is for only positive/negative numbers |
PrerequisiteConstraint | Prerequisite constraints require that some other attribute be non-empty in order for the constraint to be valid. |
SimpleConstraint | A simple constraint stores 'basic' constraints for a field. |
UTF8AnyCharacterPatternConstraint | Pattern for matching any printable character |
ValidCharactersConstraint | This is a constraint that limits attribute values to some subset of valid characters or to match a particular regular expression. |
ValidCharactersPatternConstraint | This abstract class extends from ValidCharactersConstraint. |
ValidDataPatternConstraint | |
WhenConstraint | WhenConstraint is a child of a CaseConstraint |
Enum Summary | |
CommonLookupParam.Usage | |
CommonLookupParam.Widget | |
CommonLookupParam.WriteAccess |