Interface ActionRegistry

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ActionRegistry

Maintains the registry of Workflow Actions. Actions are (currently) identified by a one-letter action code and map to a Class which should extend the org.kuali.rice.kew.actions.ActionTakenEvent class.

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 ActionTakenEvent createAction(String actionCode, List<DataDefinition> parameters)
          Constructs and returns the ActionTakenEvent implementation which can be used to invoke the Action with the given parameters.
 Map getActionMap()
          Returns an immutable map of the Action Code to Action Class mappings in this registry.
 ValidActions getValidActions(PrincipalContract principal, DocumentRouteHeaderValue document)
          Returns a List of valid action codes for the given user on the document.
 void registerAction(String actionCode, String actionClass)
          Registers the given Action.
 void unregisterAction(String actionCode)
          Unregisters the Action with the given code.

Method Detail


void registerAction(String actionCode,
                    String actionClass)
Registers the given Action.

actionCode - Should be a one-letter unique code
actionClass - the fully-qualified Java classname of the ActionTakenEvent implementation
IllegalArgumentException - if the actionCode is not one character or already in use, also throws this exception if the actionClass is null


void unregisterAction(String actionCode)
Unregisters the Action with the given code.


Map getActionMap()
Returns an immutable map of the Action Code to Action Class mappings in this registry.


ActionTakenEvent createAction(String actionCode,
                              List<DataDefinition> parameters)
                              throws ResourceUnavailableException
Constructs and returns the ActionTakenEvent implementation which can be used to invoke the Action with the given parameters.

ResourceUnavailableException - if the action class cannot be constructed
IllegalArgumentException - if the given actionCode has not been registered


ValidActions getValidActions(PrincipalContract principal,
                             DocumentRouteHeaderValue document)
Returns a List of valid action codes for the given user on the document.

ResourceUnavailableException - if an action class cannot be constructed

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