Class HistoryManager

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.web.form.HistoryManager
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HistoryManager
extends Object
implements Serializable

HistoryManager stores the map of the most recentFlows and a map of flows stored by flowId concatenated with formId. HistoryManager is used in session.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 HistoryFlow getMostRecentFlowByFormKey(String key, String formKey)
          Get the flow by flowKey and formKey.
 HistoryFlow getMostRecentFlowByKey(String key)
          Get the flow that matches the flow key.
 HistoryFlow process(String flowKey, String formKey, String currentUrl)
          Process/update the HistoryFlow stored in session for the flowKey, formKey, and currentUrl passed in.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HistoryManager()
Method Detail


public HistoryFlow process(String flowKey,
                           String formKey,
                           String currentUrl)
Process/update the HistoryFlow stored in session for the flowKey, formKey, and currentUrl passed in.

If flowKey is blank or equal to "start", this will begin a new flow, otherwise the flow will continue by picking up the last flow that matches the flowKey, but if it also matches to a formKey that already is keyed to that flowKey, it will "jump" back to that HistoryFlow instead.

flowKey - the flow key
formKey - the form key
currentUrl - the currentUrl being process
the HistoryFlow which represents the current HistoryFlow based on the parameters passed in


public HistoryFlow getMostRecentFlowByKey(String key)
Get the flow that matches the flow key. This represents the most recent flow tied to this flow key.

key - the flow key
the HistoryFlow, null if not found


public HistoryFlow getMostRecentFlowByFormKey(String key,
                                              String formKey)
Get the flow by flowKey and formKey. This represents a flow specific to this combination.

key - the flow key
formKey - the form key
the HistoryFlow if found, null otherwise

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