Package org.kuali.rice.core.api.criteria

Copyright 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.


Interface Summary
CompositePredicate An predicate that contains other predicates.
CriteriaValue<T> A wrapper for values that are used on a Criteria.
MultiValuedPredicate Represents an predicate which contains multiple CriteriaValue.
Predicate An predicate represents some portion of a criteria statement.
PropertyPathPredicate An predicate which contains a property path.
QueryResults<T> Contains a collection of results from a query.
SingleValuedPredicate Represents an predicate which contains some CriteriaValue.

Class Summary
AndPredicate An immutable composite predicate which implements "and-ing" of multiple predicates together.
CriteriaDateTimeValue A CriteriaValue which stores date and time information in the form of a Calendar value.
CriteriaDecimalValue A CriteriaValue which stores date and time information in the form of a BigDecimal value.
CriteriaIntegerValue A CriteriaValue which stores date and time information in the form of a BigInteger value.
CriteriaStringValue A CriteriaValue which stores date and time information in the form of a String value.
EqualIgnoreCasePredicate An immutable predicate which represents an "equal ignore case" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate.
EqualPredicate An immutable predicate which represents an "equal" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate.
GreaterThanOrEqualPredicate An immutable predicate which represents a "greater than or equal to" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate.
GreaterThanPredicate An immutable predicate which represents a "greater than" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate.
InIgnoreCasePredicate An immutable predicate which represents an "in" statement which is evaluated against a list of values.
InPredicate An immutable predicate which represents an "in" statement which is evaluated against a list of values.
LessThanOrEqualPredicate An immutable predicate which represents a "less than or equal to" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate.
LessThanPredicate An immutable predicate which represents a "less than" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate.
LikePredicate An immutable predicate which represents a "like" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate.
LookupCustomizer<T> This class works withe the lookup framework to customize a query.
NotEqualIgnoreCasePredicate An immutable predicate which represents a "not equal ignore case" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate.
NotEqualPredicate An immutable predicate which represents a "not equal" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate.
NotInIgnoreCasePredicate An immutable predicate which represents a "not in" statement which is evaluated against a list of values.
NotInPredicate An immutable predicate which represents a "not in" statement which is evaluated against a list of values.
NotLikePredicate An immutable predicate which represents a "not like" statement which is evaluated the CriteriaValue of this predicate.
NotNullPredicate An immutable predicate which represents an "is not null" statement which is evaluated the property defined by the property path on this predicate.
NullPredicate An immutable predicate which represents an "is null" statement which is evaluated the property defined by the property path on this predicate.
OrderByField Defines a criteria-based query.
OrPredicate An immutable composite predicate which implements "or-ing" of multiple predicates together.
PredicateFactory This is a factory class to construct Predicates.
QueryByCriteria Defines a criteria-based query.

Enum Summary
CountFlag Defines possible directives for how a query is requested to produce count values in it's results.
OrderDirection Defines possible directives for how a query is requested to produce count values in it's results.

Package org.kuali.rice.core.api.criteria Description

Copyright 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright © 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation. All Rights Reserved.