View Javadoc
1   /**
2    * Copyright 2005-2016 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package org.kuali.rice.ken.service.impl;
18  import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
22  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
23  import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.xml.XmlException;
24  import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.xml.XmlJotter;
25  import org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.dao.GenericDao;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import org.kuali.rice.ken.service.NotificationContentTypeService;
35  import org.kuali.rice.ken.service.NotificationMessageContentService;
36  import org.kuali.rice.ken.util.CompoundNamespaceContext;
37  import org.kuali.rice.ken.util.ConfiguredNamespaceContext;
38  import org.kuali.rice.ken.util.NotificationConstants;
39  import org.kuali.rice.ken.util.Util;
40  import org.kuali.rice.kew.util.Utilities;
41  import;
42  import;
43  import org.w3c.dom.Document;
44  import org.w3c.dom.Element;
45  import org.w3c.dom.Node;
46  import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
47  import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
48  import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
50  import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
51  import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
52  import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
53  import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
54  import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
55  import;
56  import;
57  import;
58  import java.sql.Timestamp;
59  import java.text.DateFormat;
60  import java.text.ParseException;
61  import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
62  import java.util.ArrayList;
63  import java.util.Date;
64  import java.util.HashMap;
65  import java.util.List;
66  import java.util.Map;
68  /**
69   * NotificationMessageContentService implementation - uses both Xalan and XStream in various places to manage the marshalling/unmarshalling of
70   * Notification data for processing by various components in the system.
71   * @see NotificationMessageContentService
72   * @author Kuali Rice Team (
73   */
74  public class NotificationMessageContentServiceImpl implements NotificationMessageContentService {
75      private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(NotificationMessageContentServiceImpl.class);
77      /**
78       * Prefix that content type schemas should start with
79       */
80      static final String CONTENT_TYPE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "ns:notification/ContentType";
82      // Date format of current timezone necessary for intra-system XML parsing via send form
83      private static final DateFormat DATEFORMAT_CURR_TZ = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S");
85      /**
86       * Our BusinessObjectDao persistence layer
87       */
88      private GenericDao boDao;
89      /**
90       * NotificationContentTypeService impl
91       */
92      private NotificationContentTypeService notificationContentTypeService;
94      /**
95       * Constructor which takes a GenericDao
96       * Constructs a
97       * @param boDao
98       */
99      public NotificationMessageContentServiceImpl(GenericDao boDao,  NotificationContentTypeService notificationContentTypeService) {
100         this.boDao = boDao;
101         this.notificationContentTypeService = notificationContentTypeService;
102     }
104     /**
105      * This method implements by taking in a String and then converting that to a byte[];
106      * @see org.kuali.rice.ken.service.NotificationMessageContentService#parseNotificationRequestMessage(java.lang.String)
107      */
108     public NotificationBo parseNotificationRequestMessage(String notificationMessageAsXml) throws IOException, XmlException {
109         // this is sort of redundant...but DOM does not perform validation
110         // so we have to read all the bytes and then hand them to DOM
111         // after our first-pass validation, for a second parse
112         byte[] bytes = notificationMessageAsXml.getBytes();
114         return parseNotificationRequestMessage(bytes);
115     }
117     /**
118      * This method implements by taking in an InputStream and then coverting that to a byte[].
119      * @see org.kuali.rice.ken.service.NotificationMessageContentService#parseNotificationRequestMessage(
120      */
121     public NotificationBo parseNotificationRequestMessage(InputStream stream) throws IOException, XmlException {
122         // this is sort of redundant...but DOM does not perform validation
123         // so we have to read all the bytes and then hand them to DOM
124         // after our first-pass validation, for a second parse
125         byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(stream);
127         return parseNotificationRequestMessage(bytes);
128     }
130     /**
131      * This method is the meat of the notification message parsing.  It uses DOM to parse out the notification
132      * message XML and into a Notification BO.  It handles lookup of reference objects' primary keys so that it
133      * can properly populate the notification object.
134      * @param bytes
135      * @return Notification
136      * @throws IOException
137      * @throws XmlException
138      */
139     private NotificationBo parseNotificationRequestMessage(byte[] bytes) throws IOException, XmlException {
140         /* First we'll fully parse the DOM with validation turned on */
141         Document doc;
142         try {
143             doc = Util.parseWithNotificationEntityResolver(new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)), true, true, notificationContentTypeService);
144         } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
145             throw new XmlException("Error obtaining XML parser", pce);
146         } catch (SAXException se) {
147             throw new XmlException("Error validating notification request", se);
148         }
150         Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
151         /* XPath is namespace-aware, so if the DOM that XPath will be evaluating has fully qualified elements
152            (because, e.g., it has been parsed with a validating DOM parser as above, then we need to set a
153            "NamespaceContext" which essentially declares the defined namespace mappings to XPath.
155            Unfortunately there is no EASY way (that I have found at least) to automatically expose the namespaces
156            that have been discovered in the XML document parsed into DOM to XPath (an oversight in my opinion as
157            this requires duplicate footwork to re-expose known definitions).
159            So what we do is create a set of helper classes that will expose both the "known" core Notification system
160            namespaces, as well as those that can be derived from the DOM Document (Document exposes these but through a
161            different API than XPath NamespaceContext).  We create CompoundNamespaceContext that consists of both of these
162            constituent namespace contexts (so that our core NamespaceContext takes precedent...nobody should be redefining
163            these!).
165            We can *then* use fully qualified XPath expressions like: /nreq:notification/nreq:channel ...
167            (Another alternative would be to REPARSE the incoming XML with validation turned off so we can have simpler XPath
168            expresssions.  This is less correct, but also not ideal as we will want to use qualified XPath expressions with
169            notification content type also)
170          */
171         XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
172         xpath.setNamespaceContext(Util.getNotificationNamespaceContext(doc));
174         /* First parse immediate/primitive Notification member data */
175         LOG.debug("URI: " + xpath.getNamespaceContext().getNamespaceURI("nreq"));
176         try {
177             String channelName = (String) xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/nreq:channel", root);
178             LOG.debug("CHANNELNAME: "+ channelName);
179             String producerName = xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/nreq:producer", root);
181             List<String> senders = new ArrayList<String>();
182             NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/nreq:senders/nreq:sender", root, XPathConstants.NODESET);
183             for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
184                 LOG.debug("sender node: " + nodes.item(i));
185                 LOG.debug("sender node VALUE: " + nodes.item(i).getTextContent());
186                 senders.add(nodes.item(i).getTextContent());
187             }
188             nodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/nreq:recipients/nreq:group|/nreq:notification/nreq:recipients/nreq:user", root, XPathConstants.NODESET);
189             List<NotificationRecipientBo> recipients = new ArrayList<NotificationRecipientBo>();
190             for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
191                 Node node = nodes.item(i);
192                 NotificationRecipientBo recipient = new NotificationRecipientBo();
193                 // NOTE: assumes validation has occurred; does not check validity of element name
194                 if (NotificationConstants.RECIPIENT_TYPES.GROUP.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getLocalName())) {
195                     //recipient.setRecipientType(NotificationConstants.RECIPIENT_TYPES.GROUP);
196                     recipient.setRecipientType(KimGroupMemberTypes.GROUP_MEMBER_TYPE.getCode());
197                     recipient.setRecipientId(KimApiServiceLocator.getGroupService().getGroupByNamespaceCodeAndName(
198                             Utilities.parseGroupNamespaceCode(node.getTextContent()), Utilities.parseGroupName(
199                             node.getTextContent())).getId());
200                 } else if (NotificationConstants.RECIPIENT_TYPES.USER.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getLocalName())){
201                     //recipient.setRecipientType(NotificationConstants.RECIPIENT_TYPES.USER);
202                     recipient.setRecipientType(KimGroupMemberTypes.PRINCIPAL_MEMBER_TYPE.getCode());
203                     recipient.setRecipientId(node.getTextContent());
204                 } else {
205                     throw new XmlException("Invalid 'recipientType' value: '" + node.getLocalName() +
206                 	    "'.  Needs to either be 'user' or 'group'");
207                 }
208                 recipients.add(recipient);
209             }
211             String deliveryType = xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/nreq:deliveryType", root);
212             String sendDateTime = xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/nreq:sendDateTime", root);
213             String autoRemoveDateTime = xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/nreq:autoRemoveDateTime", root);
215             String priorityName = xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/nreq:priority", root);
216             String title = xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/nreq:title", root);
217             String contentTypeName = xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/nreq:contentType", root);
219             /* Construct the Notification business object */
221             NotificationBo notification = new NotificationBo();
223             if (!StringUtils.isBlank(title)) {
224                 notification.setTitle(title);
225             }
227             /* channel and producer require lookups in the system (i.e. we can't just create new instances out of whole cloth), so
228                we call a helper method to retrieve references to the respective objects
229              */
230             NotificationChannelBo channel = Util.retrieveFieldReference("channel", "name", channelName, NotificationChannelBo.class, boDao);
231             notification.setChannel(channel);
233             NotificationProducerBo producer = Util.retrieveFieldReference("producer", "name", producerName, NotificationProducerBo.class, boDao);
234             notification.setProducer(producer);
236             for (String sender: senders) {
237                 NotificationSenderBo ns = new NotificationSenderBo();
238                 LOG.debug("Setting sender: " + sender);
239                 ns.setSenderName(sender);
240                 notification.addSender(ns);
241             }
243             for (NotificationRecipientBo recipient: recipients) {
244                 LOG.debug("Setting recipient id: "+ recipient.getRecipientId());
245                 notification.addRecipient(recipient);
246             }
248             /* validate the delivery type */
249             if(!NotificationConstants.DELIVERY_TYPES.ACK.equalsIgnoreCase(deliveryType) &&
250                !NotificationConstants.DELIVERY_TYPES.FYI.equalsIgnoreCase(deliveryType)) {
251                 throw new XmlException("Invalid 'deliveryType' value: '" + deliveryType +
252                     "'.  Must be either 'ACK' or 'FYI'.");
253             }
254             notification.setDeliveryType(deliveryType);
256             /* If we have gotten this far, then these dates have obviously already passed XML schema validation,
257                but as that may be volatile we make sure to validate programmatically.
258              */
259             Date d;
260             if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(sendDateTime)) {
261                 try {
262                     d = Util.parseXSDDateTime(sendDateTime);
263                 } catch (ParseException pe) {
264                     throw new XmlException("Invalid 'sendDateTime' value: " + sendDateTime, pe);
265                 }
266                 notification.setSendDateTimeValue(new Timestamp(d.getTime()));
267             }
268             if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(autoRemoveDateTime)) {
269                 try {
270                     d = Util.parseXSDDateTime(autoRemoveDateTime);
271                 } catch (ParseException pe) {
272                     throw new XmlException("Invalid 'autoRemoveDateTime' value: " + autoRemoveDateTime, pe);
273                 }
274                 notification.setAutoRemoveDateTimeValue(new Timestamp(d.getTime()));
275             }
278             /* we have to look up priority and content type in the system also */
279             NotificationPriorityBo priority = Util.retrieveFieldReference("priority", "name", priorityName, NotificationPriorityBo.class, boDao);
280             notification.setPriority(priority);
282             NotificationContentTypeBo contentType = Util.retrieveFieldReference("contentType", "name", contentTypeName, NotificationContentTypeBo.class, boDao);
283             notification.setContentType(contentType);
285             /* Now handle and validate actual notification content.  This is a tricky part.
286                Our job is to validate the incoming content xml blob.  However that content could be under ANY namespace
287                (since we have pluggable content types).  So how can we construct an XPath expression, that refers to
288                node names that are fully qualified with the correct namespace/uri, when we don't KNOW at this point what that
289                correct namespace URI is?
291                The solution is to use a namespace naming convention coupled with the defined content type name in order to generate
292                the canonical namespace uri for any custom content type.
294                ns:notification/Content<Content Type name>
296                e.g. ns:notification/ContentSimple, or ns:notification/ContentEvent
298                We then construct an "ephemeral" namespace prefix to use in the NamespaceContext/XPath expressions to refer to this namespace URI.
300                e.g. contentNS_<unique number>
302                It doesn't (shouldn't!) matter what this ephemeral namespace is.
304                We then define a temporary NamespaceContext that consists only of this ephemeral namespace mapping, and wrap the existing
305                XPath NamespaceContext (the nice one we set up above to do our original qualifizzizing) with it.  Then we are off and on our
306                way and can use XPath to parse the content type of arbitrary namespace.
307              */
308             Map<String, String> contentTypeNamespace = new HashMap<String, String>();
309             String ephemeralNamespace = "contentNS_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
310             contentTypeNamespace.put(ephemeralNamespace, CONTENT_TYPE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX + contentType.getName());
311             xpath.setNamespaceContext(new CompoundNamespaceContext(new ConfiguredNamespaceContext(contentTypeNamespace), xpath.getNamespaceContext()));
312             Node contentNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nreq:notification/" + ephemeralNamespace + ":content", root, XPathConstants.NODE);
313             Element contentElement = null;
314             String content = "";
315             /* Since we have had to use <any processContents="lax" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> for the content element
316              * (since there is no way to specify a mandatory element of specified name, but unspecified type), we need to
317              * make sure to *programmatically* enforce its existence, since schema won't (the above statement says any
318              * element occuring once, but we don't want "any" element, we want an element named 'content').
319              */
320             if (contentNode == null) {
321                 throw new XmlException("The 'content' element is mandatory.");
322             }
323             if (contentNode != null) {
324                 if (!(contentNode instanceof Element)) {
325                     // don't know what could possibly cause this
326                     throw new XmlException("The 'content' node is not an Element! (???).");
327                 }
328                 contentElement = (Element) contentNode;
329                 /* Take the literal XML content value of the DOM node.
330                    This should be symmetric/reversable */
331                 content = XmlJotter.jotNode(contentNode, true);
332             }
334             notification.setContent(content);
336             LOG.debug("Content type: " + contentType.getName());
337             LOG.debug("Content: " + content);
339             /* double check that we got content of the type that was declared, not just any valid
340                content type! (e.g., can't send valid Event content for a Simple notification type)
341              */
342             validateContent(notification, contentType.getName(), contentElement, content);
344             return notification;
345         } catch (XPathExpressionException xpee) {
346             throw new XmlException("Error parsing request", xpee);
347         }
348     }
352     /**
353      * This method validates the content of a notification message by matching up the namespace of the expected content type
354      * to the actual namespace that is passed in as part of the XML message.
355      *
356      * This is possibly redundant because we are using qualified XPath expressions to obtain content under the correct namespace.
357      *
358      * @param notification
359      * @param contentType
360      * @param contentElement
361      * @param content
362      * @throws IOException
363      * @throws XmlException
364      */
365     private void validateContent(NotificationBo notification, String contentType, Element contentElement, String content) throws IOException, XmlException {
366         // this debugging relies on a DOM 3 API that is only available with Xerces 2.7.1+ (TypeInfo)
367         // commented out for now
368         /*LOG.debug(contentElement.getSchemaTypeInfo());
369         LOG.debug(contentElement.getSchemaTypeInfo().getTypeName());
370         LOG.debug(contentElement.getSchemaTypeInfo().getTypeNamespace());
371         LOG.debug(contentElement.getNamespaceURI());
372         LOG.debug(contentElement.getLocalName());
373         LOG.debug(contentElement.getNodeName());*/
375         String contentTypeTitleCase = Character.toTitleCase(contentType.charAt(0)) + contentType.substring(1);
376         String expectedNamespaceURI = CONTENT_TYPE_NAMESPACE_PREFIX + contentTypeTitleCase;
377         String actualNamespaceURI = contentElement.getNamespaceURI();
378         if (!actualNamespaceURI.equals(expectedNamespaceURI)) {
379             throw new XmlException("Namespace URI of 'content' node, '" + actualNamespaceURI + "', does not match expected namespace URI, '" + expectedNamespaceURI + "', for content type '" + contentType + "'");
380         }
381     }
383     /**
384      * This method will marshall out the NotificationResponse object as a String of XML, using XStream.
385      * @see org.kuali.rice.ken.service.NotificationMessageContentService#generateNotificationResponseMessage(
386      */
387     public String generateNotificationResponseMessage(NotificationResponseBo response) {
388 	XStream xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver());
389 	xstream.alias("response", NotificationResponseBo.class);
390 	xstream.alias("status", String.class);
391 	xstream.alias("message", String.class);
392         xstream.alias("notificationId", Long.class);
393 	String xml = xstream.toXML(response);
394 	return xml;
395     }
397     /**
398      * This method will marshall out the Notification object as a String of XML, using XStream and replaces the
399      * full recipient list with just a single recipient.
400      * @see org.kuali.rice.ken.service.NotificationMessageContentService#generateNotificationMessage(, java.lang.String)
401      */
402     public String generateNotificationMessage(NotificationBo notification, String userRecipientId) {
403 	// create a new fresh instance so we don't screw up any references
404 	NotificationBo clone = Util.cloneNotificationWithoutObjectReferences(notification);
406         /* TODO: modify clone recipient list so that:
407              1. only the specified user is listed as a recipient (no other users or groups)
408              2. if the specified user was resolved from a group, make sure to include
409                 that group in the list so it can be searched against for this
410                 particular per-user notification
412            Group1 --> testuser1 --> "Group1 testuser1"
413                   --> testuser2 --> "Group1 testuser2"
415         */
417 	// inject only the single specified recipient
418 	if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(userRecipientId)) {
419 	    clone.getRecipients().clear();
421 	    NotificationRecipientBo recipient = new NotificationRecipientBo();
422 	    recipient.setRecipientId(userRecipientId);
423 	    recipient.setRecipientType(KimGroupMemberTypes.PRINCIPAL_MEMBER_TYPE.getCode());
425 	    clone.getRecipients().add(recipient);
426 	}
428 	// now marshall out to XML
429 	XStream xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver());
430 	xstream.alias("notification", NotificationBo.class);
431 	xstream.alias("channel", NotificationChannelBo.class);
432 	xstream.alias("contentType", NotificationContentTypeBo.class);
433         xstream.alias("title", String.class);
434 	xstream.alias("priority", NotificationPriorityBo.class);
435 	xstream.alias("producer", NotificationProducerBo.class);
436 	xstream.alias("recipient", NotificationRecipientBo.class);
437 	xstream.alias("sender", NotificationSenderBo.class);
438 	String xml = xstream.toXML(clone);
439 	return xml;
440     }
442     /**
443      * This method will marshall out the Notification object as a String of XML, using XStream.
444      * @see org.kuali.rice.ken.service.NotificationMessageContentService#generateNotificationMessage(
445      */
446     public String generateNotificationMessage(NotificationBo notification) {
447 	return generateNotificationMessage(notification, null);
448     }
450     /**
451      * Uses XPath to parse out the serialized Notification xml into a Notification instance.
452      * Warning: this method does NOT validate the payload content XML
453      * @see org.kuali.rice.ken.service.NotificationMessageContentService#parseNotificationXml(byte[])
454      */
455     public NotificationBo parseSerializedNotificationXml(byte[] xmlAsBytes) throws Exception {
456         Document doc;
457         NotificationBo notification = new NotificationBo();
459         try {
460             doc = Util.parse(new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlAsBytes)), false, false, null);
461         } catch (Exception pce) {
462             throw new XmlException("Error obtaining XML parser", pce);
463         }
465         Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
466         XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
467         xpath.setNamespaceContext(Util.getNotificationNamespaceContext(doc));
469         try {
470             // pull data out of the application content
471             String title = ((String) xpath.evaluate("//notification/title", root)).trim();
473             String channelName = ((String) xpath.evaluate("//notification/channel/name", root)).trim();
475             String contentTypeName = ((String) xpath.evaluate("//notification/contentType/name", root)).trim();
477             String priorityName = ((String) xpath.evaluate("//notification/priority/name", root)).trim();
479             List<String> senders = new ArrayList<String>();
480             NodeList senderNodes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("//notification/senders/sender/senderName", root, XPathConstants.NODESET);
481             for (int i = 0; i < senderNodes.getLength(); i++) {
482                 senders.add(senderNodes.item(i).getTextContent().trim());
483             }
485             String deliveryType = ((String) xpath.evaluate("//notification/deliveryType", root)).trim();
486             if(deliveryType.equalsIgnoreCase(NotificationConstants.DELIVERY_TYPES.FYI)) {
487                 deliveryType = NotificationConstants.DELIVERY_TYPES.FYI;
488             } else {
489                 deliveryType = NotificationConstants.DELIVERY_TYPES.ACK;
490             }
492             String sendDateTime = ((String) xpath.evaluate("//notification/sendDateTime", root)).trim();
494             String autoRemoveDateTime = ((String) xpath.evaluate("//notification/autoRemoveDateTime", root)).trim();
496             List<String> userRecipients = new ArrayList<String>();
497             List<String> workgroupRecipients = new ArrayList<String>();
499             NodeList recipientIds = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("//notification/recipients/recipient/recipientId", root, XPathConstants.NODESET);
500             NodeList recipientTypes = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("//notification/recipients/recipient/recipientType", root, XPathConstants.NODESET);
502             for (int i = 0; i < recipientIds.getLength(); i++) {
503             	if(KimGroupMemberTypes.PRINCIPAL_MEMBER_TYPE.getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(recipientTypes.item(i).getTextContent().trim())) {
504             	    userRecipients.add(recipientIds.item(i).getTextContent().trim());
505             	} else {
506             	    //String groupName = recipientIds.item(i).getTextContent().trim();
507             	    //KimGroup recipGroup = KimApiServiceLocator.getIdentityManagementService().getGroupByNamespaceCodeAndName(Utilities.parseGroupNamespaceCode(groupName), Utilities.parseGroupName(groupName));
508             	    //workgroupRecipients.add(recipGroup.getGroupId());
509             	    workgroupRecipients.add(recipientIds.item(i).getTextContent().trim());
510             	}
511             }
513             String content = ((String) xpath.evaluate("//notification/content", root)).trim();
515             // now populate the notification BO instance
516             NotificationChannelBo channel = Util.retrieveFieldReference("channel", "name", channelName, NotificationChannelBo.class, boDao);
517             notification.setChannel(channel);
519             NotificationPriorityBo priority = Util.retrieveFieldReference("priority", "name", priorityName, NotificationPriorityBo.class, boDao);
520             notification.setPriority(priority);
522             NotificationContentTypeBo contentType = Util.retrieveFieldReference("contentType", "name", contentTypeName, NotificationContentTypeBo.class, boDao);
523             notification.setContentType(contentType);
525             NotificationProducerBo producer = Util.retrieveFieldReference("producer", "name", NotificationConstants.KEW_CONSTANTS.NOTIFICATION_SYSTEM_USER_NAME,
526         	    NotificationProducerBo.class, boDao);
527             notification.setProducer(producer);
529             for (String senderName: senders) {
530                 NotificationSenderBo ns = new NotificationSenderBo();
531                 ns.setSenderName(senderName);
532                 notification.addSender(ns);
533             }
535             for (String userRecipientId: userRecipients) {
536                 NotificationRecipientBo recipient = new NotificationRecipientBo();
537                 recipient.setRecipientType(KimGroupMemberTypes.PRINCIPAL_MEMBER_TYPE.getCode());
538                 recipient.setRecipientId(userRecipientId);
539                 notification.addRecipient(recipient);
540             }
542             for (String workgroupRecipientId: workgroupRecipients) {
543                 NotificationRecipientBo recipient = new NotificationRecipientBo();
544                 recipient.setRecipientType(KimGroupMemberTypes.GROUP_MEMBER_TYPE.getCode());
545                 recipient.setRecipientId(workgroupRecipientId);
546                 notification.addRecipient(recipient);
547             }
549             if (!StringUtils.isBlank(title)) {
550                 notification.setTitle(title);
551             }
553             notification.setDeliveryType(deliveryType);
555             // simpledateformat is not threadsafe, have to sync and validate
556             synchronized (DATEFORMAT_CURR_TZ) {
557                 Date d = null;
558                 if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(sendDateTime)) {
559                     try {
560                         d = DATEFORMAT_CURR_TZ.parse(sendDateTime);
561                     } catch (ParseException pe) {
562                         LOG.warn("Invalid 'sendDateTime' value: " + sendDateTime, pe);
563                     }
564                     notification.setSendDateTimeValue(new Timestamp(d.getTime()));
565                 }
567                 Date d2 = null;
568                 if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(autoRemoveDateTime)) {
569                     try {
570                         d2 = DATEFORMAT_CURR_TZ.parse(autoRemoveDateTime);
571                     } catch (ParseException pe) {
572                 	LOG.warn("Invalid 'autoRemoveDateTime' value: " + autoRemoveDateTime, pe);
573                     }
574                     notification.setAutoRemoveDateTimeValue(new Timestamp(d2.getTime()));
575                 }
576             }
578             notification.setContent(content);
580             return notification;
581         } catch (XPathExpressionException xpee) {
582             throw new XmlException("Error parsing request", xpee);
583         }
584     }
585 }