View Javadoc
1   /**
2    * Copyright 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package;
18  import;
19  import;
20  import org.junit.Test;
21  import org.kuali.rice.core.api.resourceloader.GlobalResourceLoader;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import;
29  import;
30  import org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup.Lookupable;
31  import org.kuali.rice.kns.service.KNSServiceLocator;
32  import;
33  import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.BusinessObjectService;
34  import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocator;
35  import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocatorWeb;
36  import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.SequenceAccessorService;
37  import org.kuali.rice.test.BaselineTestCase;
38  import;
39  import org.springframework.util.AutoPopulatingList;
41  import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
42  import;
43  import java.util.ArrayList;
44  import java.util.HashMap;
45  import java.util.List;
46  import java.util.Map;
48  import static org.junit.Assert.*;
50  /**
51   * This is a description of what this class does - kellerj don't forget to fill this in.
52   *
53   * @author Kuali Rice Team (
54   *
55   */
56  @BaselineTestCase.BaselineMode(BaselineTestCase.Mode.NONE)
57  public class PersonServiceImplTest extends KIMTestCase {
59  	private PersonServiceImpl personService;
61  	public void setUp() throws Exception {
62  		super.setUp();
63  		personService = (PersonServiceImpl) GlobalResourceLoader.getService(new QName("personService"));
65  	}
67  	/**
68  	 * Test method for {@link, java.lang.String)}.
69  	 */
70  	@Test
71  	public void testGetPersonByExternalIdentifier() {
72  		//insert external identifier
73  		Principal principal = KimApiServiceLocator.getIdentityService().getPrincipal("p1");
75  		SequenceAccessorService sas = KRADServiceLocator.getSequenceAccessorService();
76  		Long externalIdentifierId = sas.getNextAvailableSequenceNumber("KRIM_ENTITY_EXT_ID_ID_S", EntityExternalIdentifierBo.class);
77  		EntityExternalIdentifierBo externalIdentifier = new EntityExternalIdentifierBo();
78  		externalIdentifier.setId("externalIdentifierId");
79  		externalIdentifier.setEntityId(principal.getEntityId());
80  		externalIdentifier.setExternalId("000-00-0000");
81  		externalIdentifier.setExternalIdentifierTypeCode("SSN");
82  		KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService().save(externalIdentifier);
84  		List<Person> people = personService.getPersonByExternalIdentifier( "SSN", "000-00-0000" );
85  		assertNotNull( "result object must not be null", people );
86  		assertEquals( "exactly one record should be returned", 1, people.size() );
87  		assertEquals( "the returned principal is not correct", "p1", people.get(0).getPrincipalId() );
88  	}
90  //	@Test
91  //	public void testHasRole_Inherited() {
92  //		Person p = personService.getPersonByPrincipalName( "wwren" );
93  //		assertNotNull( "person object must not be null", p );
94  //		assertTrue( "person must be a member of PA_MAINTENANCE_USERS", personService.hasRole( p,, "PA_AP_MAINTENANCE_USERS" ) );
95  //		assertTrue( "person must be NOT a member of PA_MAINTENANCE_USERS", !personService.hasRole( p,, "PA_MAINTENANCE_USERS" ) );
96  //	}
97  //
98  //	@Test
99  //	public void testGetPersonRoles() {
100 //		Person p = personService.getPerson( "KULUSER" );
101 //		assertNotNull( "person object must not be null", p );
102 //		List<KimRole> roles = personService.getPersonRoles( p, null );
103 //		assertNotNull( "role list must not be null", roles );
104 //		System.out.println( roles );
105 //		assertTrue( "role list must have non-zero length", roles.size() > 0 );
106 //		KimRole r = KimImplServiceLocator.getAuthorizationService().getRoleByNamespaceCodeAndName(, "SY_FUNCTIONAL_SUPER_USERS" );
107 //		assertTrue( "one of the roles must be SY_FUNCTIONAL_SUPER_USERS", roles.contains( r ) );
108 //	}
109 //
110 //	@Test
111 //	public void testHasRole() {
112 //		Person p = personService.getPerson( "KULUSER" );
113 //		assertTrue( "person must have role SY_FUNCTIONAL_SUPER_USERS", personService.hasRole( p,, "SY_FUNCTIONAL_SUPER_USERS" ) );
114 //	}
116 	@Test
117 	public void testGetPerson() {
118 		Person p = personService.getPerson( "KULUSER" );
119 		assertNotNull( "person object must not be null", p );
120 		assertEquals( "class must match implementation class defined on service", personService.getPersonImplementationClass(), p.getClass() );
121 		assertEquals( "person name does not match", "KULUSER", p.getFirstNameUnmasked() );
122 		assertEquals( "principal name does not match", "kuluser", p.getPrincipalName() );
123 		assertEquals( "KULUSER should have no address record", "", p.getAddressLine1Unmasked() );
124 		assertEquals( "KULUSER should have no campus code", "", p.getCampusCode() );
125 		assertEquals( "KULUSER should have no email address", "", p.getEmailAddressUnmasked() );
126 		assertNotNull( "entity ID should be set", p.getEntityId() );
127 		assertNotNull( "principal ID should be set", p.getPrincipalId() );
129 		// check an employee id
130 		Person p1Person = personService.getPerson( "p1" );
131 		assertNotNull( "person object must not be null", p );
132 		assertEquals("employee ID does not match", "p1emplId", p1Person.getEmployeeId());
133 	}
135 	@Test
136 	public void testGetPersonInactive() {
137 		Person p = personService.getPerson( "inactiveuserid" );
138 		assertNotNull( "person object must not be null", p );
139         assertEquals("principal ID does not match", "inactiveusernm", p.getPrincipalName());
141 	}
143 	@Test
144 	public void testGetPersonByPrincipalName() {
145 		Person p = personService.getPersonByPrincipalName( "kuluser" );
146 		assertNotNull( "person object must not be null", p );
147 		assertEquals( "person name does not match", "KULUSER", p.getFirstName() );
148 		assertEquals( "principal id does not match", "KULUSER", p.getPrincipalId() );
149 	}
151 	@Test
152 	public void testGetPersonByPrincipalNameInactive() {
153 		Person p = personService.getPersonByPrincipalName( "inactiveusernm" );
154         assertEquals("principal ID does not match", "inactiveuserid", p.getPrincipalId());
155     }
157     @Test
158     public void testGetPersonByEmployeeIdNoInfo() {
159         Person p = personService.getPersonByEmployeeId( "" );
160         assertNull( "person object will be null", p );
161     }
163     @Test
164     public void testGetPersonByEmployeeIdNotFound() {
165         Person p = personService.getPersonByEmployeeId( "NotFound" );
166         assertNull( "person object will be null", p );
167     }
169     @Test
170     public void testGetPersonByEmployeeIdActive() {
171         Person p = personService.getPersonByEmployeeId( "0000001138" );
172         assertNotNull( "person object must not be null", p );
173         assertEquals( "person name does not match", "activeUserFirst", p.getFirstName() );
174         assertEquals( "principal id does not match", "activeuserid", p.getPrincipalId() );
175     }
177     @Test
178     public void testGetPersonByEmployeeIdInactiveUser() {
179         Person p = personService.getPersonByEmployeeId( "0000001139" );
180         assertNotNull( "person object must not be null", p );
181         assertEquals( "person name does not match", "InactiveUserFirst", p.getFirstName() );
182         assertEquals( "principal id does not match", "inactiveuserid", p.getPrincipalId() );
183     }
185     @Test
186     public void testGetPersonByEmployeeIdInactiveEmp() {
187         Person p = personService.getPersonByEmployeeId( "0000001140" );
188         assertNotNull( "person object must not be null", p );
189         assertEquals( "person name does not match", "InactiveEmplFirst", p.getFirstName() );
190         assertEquals( "principal id does not match", "inactiveempid", p.getPrincipalId() );
191     }
193 	@Test
194 	public void testConvertPersonPropertiesToEntityProperties() {
195 		HashMap<String,String> criteria = new HashMap<String,String>();
196 		criteria.put( "firstName", "System User" );
197 		Map<String,String> entityCriteria = personService.convertPersonPropertiesToEntityProperties( criteria );
198 		assertEquals( "number of criteria is not correct", 5, entityCriteria.size() );
199 		assertNotNull( "criteria must filter for active entity types", entityCriteria.get( "" ) );
200 		assertNotNull( "criteria must filter on entity type code", entityCriteria.get( "entityTypeContactInfos.entityTypeCode" ) );
201 		assertNotNull( "criteria must filter for first name", entityCriteria.get( "names.firstName" ) );
202 		assertNotNull( "criteria must filter for active names", entityCriteria.get( "" ) );
203 		assertNotNull( "criteria must filter for the default name", entityCriteria.get( "names.defaultValue" ) );
204 	}
206 	/**
207 	 * Test method for {@link}.
208 	 */
209     @Test
210     public void testFindPeople() {
211         HashMap<String,String> criteria = new HashMap<String,String>();
212         criteria.put( "firstName", "KULUSER" );
213         List<Person> people = personService.findPeople( criteria );
214         assertNotNull( "result must not be null", people );
215         assertEquals( "wrong number of people returned", 1, people.size() );
216         Person p = people.get( 0 );
217         assertEquals( "name must match criteria", "KULUSER", p.getFirstName() );
218         assertEquals( "principal name must be kuluser", "kuluser", p.getPrincipalName() );
219     }
221     @Test
222     public void testFindPeopleInactive() {
223         HashMap<String,String> criteria = new HashMap<String,String>();
224         criteria.put( "", "N" );
225         List<Person> people = personService.findPeople( criteria );
226         assertNotNull( "result must not be null", people );
227         assertEquals( "wrong number of people returned", 1, people.size() );
228     }
230     @Test
231     public void testFindPeopleBothInactiveAndActive() {
232         HashMap<String,String> criteria = new HashMap<String,String>();
233         criteria.put( "firstName", "InactiveUserFirst" );
234         List<Person> people = personService.findPeople( criteria );
235         assertNotNull( "result must not be null", people );
236         assertEquals( "wrong number of people returned", 1, people.size() );
237     }    
239     @Test
240     public void testFindPeopleByWildcard() {
241         HashMap<String,String> criteria = new HashMap<String,String>();
242         criteria.put( "principalName", "!quick*" );
243         List<Person> people = personService.findPeople( criteria );
244         assertNotNull( "result must not be null", people );
245         assertEquals( "wrong number of people returned", 53, people.size() );
246         for (Person p: people) {
247             if (p.getPrincipalName().startsWith("quick")) {
248                 fail("Invalid wildcard search results");
249             }
250         }
251     }
253 	@Test
254 	public void testResolvePrincipalNamesToPrincipalIds() throws Exception {
256 		KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getDataDictionaryService().getDataDictionary().addConfigFileLocation("KR-KIM", "classpath:org/kuali/rice/kim/bo/datadictionary/test/SampleBO.xml" );
257 		KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getDataDictionaryService().getDataDictionary().parseDataDictionaryConfigurationFiles( false );
259 		Map<String,String> criteria = new HashMap<String,String>();
260 		criteria.put( "anAttribute", "aValue" );
261 		criteria.put( "anotherAttribute", "anotherValue" );
262 		criteria.put( "personAttribute.principalName", "kuluser" );
263 		System.out.println( "Before: " + criteria );
264 		Map<String,String> newCritiera = personService.resolvePrincipalNamesToPrincipalIds( new SampleBO(), criteria );
265 		assertNotNull( "returned map must not be null", newCritiera );
266 		System.out.println( "After:  " + newCritiera );
267 		assertTrue( "new criteria must have a personPrincipalId entry", newCritiera.containsKey( "personPrincipalId" ) );
268 		assertEquals( "resulting principal ID is not that expected", "KULUSER", newCritiera.get( "personPrincipalId" ) );
269 		assertFalse( "new criteria must not contain the original PrincipalName entry", newCritiera.containsKey( "personAttribute.principalName" ) );
271 		// check when already has value in result field
272 		criteria.put( "personPrincipalId", "NOT KULUSER" );
273 		System.out.println( "Before: " + criteria );
274 		newCritiera = personService.resolvePrincipalNamesToPrincipalIds( new SampleBO(), criteria );
275 		assertNotNull( "returned map must not be null", newCritiera );
276 		System.out.println( "After:  " + newCritiera );
277 		assertTrue( "new criteria must have a personPrincipalId entry", newCritiera.containsKey( "personPrincipalId" ) );
278 		assertEquals( "resulting principal ID should have been changed", "KULUSER", newCritiera.get( "personPrincipalId" ) );
279 	}
281 	@Test
282 	public void testResolvePrincipalNamesToPrincipalIds_Nested() throws Exception {
284         KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getDataDictionaryService().getDataDictionary().addConfigFileLocation( "", "classpath:org/kuali/rice/kim/bo/datadictionary/test/SampleBO.xml" );
285         KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getDataDictionaryService().getDataDictionary().parseDataDictionaryConfigurationFiles( false );
287 		Map<String,String> criteria = new HashMap<String,String>();
288 		criteria.put( "add.childBos.childsPersonAttribute.principalName", "kuluser" );
289 		System.out.println( "Before: " + criteria );
290 		Map<String,String> newCritiera = personService.resolvePrincipalNamesToPrincipalIds( new SampleBO(), criteria );
291 		assertNotNull( "returned map must not be null", newCritiera );
292 		System.out.println( "After:  " + newCritiera );
293 		// TODO: property is being appended in the wrong place - fix
294 		assertTrue( "new criteria must have a childsPersonPrincipalId entry", newCritiera.containsKey( "add.childBos.childsPersonPrincipalId" ) );
295 		assertFalse( "new criteria must not contain the original PrincipalName entry", newCritiera.containsKey( "add.childBos.childsPersonAttribute.principalName" ) );
296 	}
298 	@Test
299 	public void testUpdateWhenNecessary() {
300 		SampleBO bo = new SampleBO();
301 		bo.setPersonPrincipalId( "KULUSER" );
302 		Person p = bo.getPersonAttribute();
303 		assertNotNull( "person object must not be null", p );
304 		assertEquals( "principal IDs do not match", bo.getPersonPrincipalId(), p.getPrincipalId() );
305 		assertSame( "second retrieval must return same object since ID not changed", p, bo.getPersonAttribute() );
306 	}
308 	@Test
309 	public void testLookupWithPersonJoin() throws Exception {
311 		// merge the OJB file in containing the OJB metadata
312         InputStream is = new DefaultResourceLoader().getResource("classpath:org/kuali/rice/kim/test/OJB-repository-kimunittests.xml").getInputStream();
313         MetadataManager mm = MetadataManager.getInstance();
314         DescriptorRepository dr = mm.readDescriptorRepository(is);
315         mm.mergeDescriptorRepository(dr);
317 		KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getDataDictionaryService().getDataDictionary().addConfigFileLocation("KR-KIM", "classpath:org/kuali/rice/kim/bo/datadictionary/test/BOContainingPerson.xml" );
318 		KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getDataDictionaryService().getDataDictionary().parseDataDictionaryConfigurationFiles( false );
319 		BusinessObjectService bos = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService();
320 		bos.delete( new ArrayList(bos.findAll( BOContainingPerson.class )) );
321 		BOContainingPerson bo = new BOContainingPerson();
322 		bo.setBoPrimaryKey( "ONE" );
323 		bo.setPrincipalId( "p1" );
324 bo );
325 		bo = new BOContainingPerson();
326 		bo.setBoPrimaryKey( "TWO" );
327 		bo.setPrincipalId( "p2" );
328 bo );
330 		Lookupable l = KNSServiceLocator.getKualiLookupable();
331 		l.setBusinessObjectClass( BOContainingPerson.class );
332 		Map<String,String> criteria = new HashMap<String,String>();
333 		criteria.put( "person.principalName", "principal1" );
334 		List<BOContainingPerson> results = (List)l.getSearchResultsUnbounded( (Map)criteria );
335 		System.out.println( results );
336 		assertNotNull( "results may not be null", results );
337 		assertEquals( "number of results is incorrect", 1, results.size() );
338 		bo =  results.iterator().next();
339 		assertEquals( "principalId does not match", "p1", bo.getPrincipalId() );
340 	}
342 //	@Test
343 //	public void testConfirmOnlyPKUsed() {
344 //		HashMap<String,String> criteria = new HashMap<String,String>();
345 //		criteria.put( "lastName", "HUNTLEY" );
346 //		criteria.put( "firstName", "KEISHA" );
347 //		Collection<Person> people = (Collection<Person>)KRADServiceLocatorInternal.getLookupService().findCollectionBySearchUnbounded(Person.class, criteria);
348 //		personService.findPeople( criteria );
349 //		assertNotNull( "result must not be null", people );
350 //		assertEquals( "wrong number of people returned", 1, people.size() );
351 //		Person p = people.iterator().next();
352 //		assertEquals( "principal name does not match", "khuntley", p.getPrincipalName() );
353 //
354 //		criteria.put( "principalName", "kuluser" );
355 //		people = people = (Collection<Person>)KRADServiceLocatorInternal.getLookupService().findCollectionBySearchUnbounded(Person.class, criteria);
356 //		assertNotNull( "result must not be null", people );
357 //		assertEquals( "wrong number of people returned", 1, people.size() );
358 //		p = people.iterator().next();
359 //		assertEquals( "principal name must be kuluser", "kuluser", p.getPrincipalName() );
360 //	}
362 	public static class SampleBO implements BusinessObject {
363 		private String anAttribute;
364 		private String anotherAttribute;
365 		private String personPrincipalId;
366 		private Person personAttribute;
367 		private List<SampleChildBOWithPerson> childBos = new AutoPopulatingList(SampleChildBOWithPerson.class);
368 		public String getAnAttribute() {
369 			return this.anAttribute;
370 		}
371 		public void setAnAttribute(String anAttribute) {
372 			this.anAttribute = anAttribute;
373 		}
374 		public String getAnotherAttribute() {
375 			return this.anotherAttribute;
376 		}
377 		public void setAnotherAttribute(String anotherAttribute) {
378 			this.anotherAttribute = anotherAttribute;
379 		}
380 		public String getPersonPrincipalId() {
381 			return this.personPrincipalId;
382 		}
383 		public void setPersonPrincipalId(String personPrincipalId) {
384 			this.personPrincipalId = personPrincipalId;
385 		}
386 		public Person getPersonAttribute() {
387 			personAttribute = KimApiServiceLocator.getPersonService().updatePersonIfNecessary( personPrincipalId, personAttribute );
388 			return personAttribute;
389 		}
390 		public void setPersonAttribute(Person personAttribute) {
391 			this.personAttribute = personAttribute;
392 		}
393 		public void refresh() {}
394 		public List<SampleChildBOWithPerson> getChildBos() {
395 			return this.childBos;
396 		}
397 		public void setChildBos(List<SampleChildBOWithPerson> childBos) {
398 			this.childBos = childBos;
399 		}
400 	}
402 	public static class SampleChildBOWithPerson implements BusinessObject {
404 		private String childsAttribute;
405 		private String childsPersonPrincipalId;
406 		private Person childsPersonAttribute;
410 		public String getChildsAttribute() {
411 			return this.childsAttribute;
412 		}
413 		public void setChildsAttribute(String childsAttribute) {
414 			this.childsAttribute = childsAttribute;
415 		}
416 		public String getChildsPersonPrincipalId() {
417 			return this.childsPersonPrincipalId;
418 		}
419 		public void setChildsPersonPrincipalId(String childsPersonPrincipalId) {
420 			this.childsPersonPrincipalId = childsPersonPrincipalId;
421 		}
422 		public Person getChildsPersonAttribute() {
423 			childsPersonAttribute = KimApiServiceLocator.getPersonService().updatePersonIfNecessary( childsPersonPrincipalId, childsPersonAttribute );
424 			return childsPersonAttribute;
425 		}
426 		public void setChildsPersonAttribute(Person childsPersonAttribute) {
427 			this.childsPersonAttribute = childsPersonAttribute;
428 		}
429 		public void refresh() {}
430 	}
431 }