Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.coreservice.framework.component |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.coreservice.framework.component | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.coreservice.framework.namespace |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.coreservice.framework.namespace | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.coreservice.framework.parameter |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.coreservice.framework.parameter | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.coreservice.impl.parameter |
Classes in org.kuali.rice.coreservice.impl.parameter that implement ExternalizableBusinessObject | |
class |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.coreservice.impl.service |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.coreservice.impl.service with type parameters of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | ||
CoreServiceRemoteModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObject(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
CoreServiceRemoteModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsList(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kew.docsearch | |
interface |
Defines an externalizable business object interface for workflow documents. |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kew.doctype.bo |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kew.doctype.bo | |
interface |
This is a description of what this class does - Garey don't forget to fill this in. |
Classes in org.kuali.rice.kew.doctype.bo that implement ExternalizableBusinessObject | |
class |
Model bean mapped to ojb representing a document type. |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.service |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.service with type parameters of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | ||
KewRemoteModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObject(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
This overridden method calls the DocumentTypeService instead of the underlying KNS service. |
KewRemoteModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsList(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kew.routeheader |
Classes in org.kuali.rice.kew.routeheader that implement ExternalizableBusinessObject | |
class |
A document within KEW. |
class |
An extension of DocumentRouteHeaderValue which is mapped to OJB to help
with optimization of the loading of a user's Action List. |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kew.service.impl |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.kew.service.impl with type parameters of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | ||
KEWModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObject(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
This overridden method calls the DocumentTypeService instead of the underlying KNS service. |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.api.identity |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.api.identity | |
interface |
Person object for use by the KNS and KNS-based applications. |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.group |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.group | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.address |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.address | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.affiliation |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.affiliation | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.citizenship |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.citizenship | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.email |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.email | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.employment |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.employment | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.external |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.external | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.name |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.name | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.phone |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.identity.phone | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.role |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.framework.role | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.impl.identity |
Classes in org.kuali.rice.kim.impl.identity that implement ExternalizableBusinessObject | |
class |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.impl.services |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.kim.impl.services with type parameters of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | ||
KimRemoteModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObject(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
KimRemoteModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsList(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kim.service.impl |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.kim.service.impl with type parameters of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | ||
KimModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObject(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
This overridden method ... |
KimModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsList(Class<T> externalizableBusinessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
This overridden method ... |
KimModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsListForLookup(Class<T> externalizableBusinessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues,
boolean unbounded)
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.kns.lookup that return types with arguments of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | |
protected Class<? extends ExternalizableBusinessObject> |
KualiLookupableHelperServiceImpl.getExternalizableBusinessObjectClass(Class boClass,
String propertyName)
Given an property on the main BO class, return the defined type of the ExternalizableBusinessObject. |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.krad.lookup |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.lookup that return types with arguments of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | |
static Class<? extends ExternalizableBusinessObject> |
LookupUtils.getExternalizableBusinessObjectClass(Class<?> boClass,
String propertyName)
Given an property on the main BO class, return the defined type of the ExternalizableBusinessObject. |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.krad.service |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.service with type parameters of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | ||
ModuleService.createNewObjectFromExternalizableClass(Class<T> boClass)
ModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObject(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
This method gets the externalizable business object, given its type and a map of primary keys and values |
ModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectImplementation(Class<E> externalizableBusinessObjectInterface)
For a given ExternalizableBusinessObject interface, return the implementation class provided by this module. |
ModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsList(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
This method gets the list of externalizable business objects, given its type and a map of primary keys and values. |
ModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsListForLookup(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues,
boolean unbounded)
This method gets the list of externalizable business objects for lookup, given its type and a map of primary keys and values. |
ModuleService.retrieveExternalizableBusinessObjectIfNecessary(BusinessObject businessObject,
T currentInstanceExternalizableBO,
String externalizableRelationshipName)
This method retrieves the externalizable business object, if it is not already populated with the matching primary key values. |
ModuleService.retrieveExternalizableBusinessObjectsList(BusinessObject businessObject,
String externalizableRelationshipName,
Class<T> externalizableClazz)
This method retrieves a list of externalizable business objects given a business object, name of the relationship between the business object and the externalizable business object, and the externalizable business object class. |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl with type parameters of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | ||
RemoteModuleServiceBase.createNewObjectFromExternalizableClass(Class<T> boClass)
ModuleServiceBase.getExternalizableBusinessObject(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
RemoteModuleServiceBase.getExternalizableBusinessObjectImplementation(Class<E> externalizableBusinessObjectInterface)
ModuleServiceBase.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsList(Class<T> externalizableBusinessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
RemoteModuleServiceBase.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsListForLookup(Class<T> externalizableBusinessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues,
boolean unbounded)
RemoteModuleServiceBase.retrieveExternalizableBusinessObjectIfNecessary(BusinessObject businessObject,
T currentInstanceExternalizableBO,
String externalizableRelationshipName)
This method assumes that the property type for externalizable relationship in the business object is an interface and gets the concrete implementation for it |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl that return types with arguments of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | |
List<? extends ExternalizableBusinessObject> |
RemoteModuleServiceBase.retrieveExternalizableBusinessObjectsList(BusinessObject businessObject,
String externalizableRelationshipName,
Class externalizableClazz)
This method assumes that the externalizableClazz is an interface and gets the concrete implementation for it |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.framework.campus |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.framework.campus | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.framework.country |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.framework.country | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.framework.county |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.framework.county | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.framework.postalcode |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.framework.postalcode | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.framework.state |
Subinterfaces of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.framework.state | |
interface |
TODO: Likely should remove all methods from this interface after KULRICE-7170 is fixed |
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.impl.service |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.location.impl.service with type parameters of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | ||
LocationRemoteModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObject(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
LocationRemoteModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsList(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
LocationRemoteModuleService.queryForEbos(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
QueryByCriteria query)
Uses of ExternalizableBusinessObject in org.kuali.rice.location.service.impl |
Methods in org.kuali.rice.location.service.impl with type parameters of type ExternalizableBusinessObject | ||
LocationModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObject(Class<T> businessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
LocationModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsList(Class<T> externalizableBusinessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues)
This overridden method ... |
LocationModuleService.getExternalizableBusinessObjectsListForLookup(Class<T> externalizableBusinessObjectClass,
Map<String,Object> fieldValues,
boolean unbounded)