Package org.kuali.rice.ken.util

Interface Summary
ResourceResolver Interface for Entity and LSResource Resolver implementations that should resolve ids to resources

Class Summary
ClassLoaderEntityResolver Internal notification EntityResolver which resolves system ids with the "resource:" prefix to ClassLoader resources
ClassLoaderLSResourceResolver Resource resolver for SchemaFactory.
ClassLoaderResourceResolver Utility base class for Entity and LSResource Resolvers that should resolve arguments to resources in the ClassLoader.
CompoundEntityResolver EntityResolver implementation that delegates in sequence to a list of EntityResolvers, returning the first match.
CompoundLSResourceResolver LSResourceResolver implementation that delegates in sequence to a list of LSResourceResolvers, returning the first match.
CompoundNamespaceContext XPath NamespaceContext implementation that delegates in sequence to a list of NamespaceContexts, returning the first match.
ConfiguredNamespaceContext XPath NamespaceContext that is configured with a predefined prefix->NS map.
ContentTransformer This class handles XSLT transformations.
ContentTypeEntityResolver Entity resolver that resolves content type XSD resources to XSDs define in the respective content type's NotificationContentType record
ContentTypeLSResourceResolver Resource resolver for SchemaFactory.
ContentTypeResourceResolver Utility base class for Entity and LSResource Resolvers that should resolve arguments to XSDs defined for NotificationContentTypes
DocumentNamespaceContext XPath NamespaceContext implementation that delegates all lookups to a DOM Document, which supplies all prefix/NS mappings defined in the doc.
NotificationConstants This class houses all constants for the NotificationSystem.
NotificationConstants.BO_PROPERTY_NAMES This class houses constants that represent the property names for the business objects.
NotificationConstants.CONTENT_TYPES Different content types for the Notification System.
NotificationConstants.DELIVERY_TYPES Different delivery types for the Notification System.
NotificationConstants.KEW_CONSTANTS This inner class is used to hold constants needed for KEW integration.
NotificationConstants.LOCKED_FLAG Flags for record locking
NotificationConstants.MESSAGE_DELIVERY_STATUS Different delivery status flags for the notification system.
NotificationConstants.MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TYPES Different message delivery types for the notification system.
NotificationConstants.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER_CONSTANTS Constants for request processing (web layer).
NotificationConstants.NOTIFICATION_DETAIL_VIEWS This class holds constants for different detail views of a notification.
NotificationConstants.NOTIFICATION_PRODUCERS This inner class is used to hold constants around needed for the default system producer which all channels must be exposed to for the generic message sending form to work with.
NotificationConstants.PROCESSING_FLAGS Different processing flags for the notification system.
NotificationConstants.RECIPIENT_TYPES Different recipient types for the notification system.
NotificationConstants.RESPONSE_MESSAGES Different response messages for sending notifications.
NotificationConstants.RESPONSE_STATUSES Different response statuses for sending notifications.
NotificationConstants.XML_MESSAGE_CONSTANTS This inner class holds contants that are used for parsing and resolving of content inside of the XML message format that represents a notification request.
NotificationPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer subclass that overrides any statically defined properties and properties locations, with configuration settings from a properties file specified in a System property.
PerformanceLog Wrapper for the Log4J performance log
PerformanceLog.PerformanceStopWatch This class
SimpleErrorHandler A simple SAX ErrorHandler implementation that logs to a global logger for this class, or the one provided.
TracingTransactionInterceptor Interceptor implementation that simply logs the JTA transaction status
TransactionedCallable A Callable that performs work within a transaction and returns the TransactionCallback's result
Util A general Utility class for the Notification system.
XslSourceResolver This class is responsible for resolving Xsl from files and Strings.

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