Class ConstraintStateUtils

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.ConstraintStateUtils

public class ConstraintStateUtils
extends Object

Various utility methods for determining when to use constraints during states

Kuali Rice Team (

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean constraintAppliesForState(String applicableState, Constraint constraint, StateMapping stateMapping)
          Determines if the constraint passed in applies for the applicableState, based on the stateMapping
<T extends Constraint>
getApplicableConstraint(T constraint, String validationState, StateMapping stateMapping)
          Gets the constraint that applies for the validationState passed in with the appropriate StateMapping (which should include validationState as one of its states).
static String getClientViewValidationState(Object model, View view)
          Gets the client validation state.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConstraintStateUtils()
Method Detail


public static boolean constraintAppliesForState(String applicableState,
                                                Constraint constraint,
                                                StateMapping stateMapping)
Determines if the constraint passed in applies for the applicableState, based on the stateMapping

Note: this method will automatically return TRUE if the stateMapping is null, the Constraint is not a BaseConstraint, if there are no states defined on the Constraint, or if the state it applies to cannot be found in the stateMapping, because in all these cases the Constraint is considered stateless and will apply to any state

applicableState - the state to check to see if the constraint applies
constraint - the Constraint to check
stateMapping - the StateMapping object containing state information
true if the Constraint applies to the applicableState, false otherwise


public static <T extends Constraint> T getApplicableConstraint(T constraint,
                                                               String validationState,
                                                               StateMapping stateMapping)
Gets the constraint that applies for the validationState passed in with the appropriate StateMapping (which should include validationState as one of its states).

This method will essentially return the constraint passed in, in most cases, if the constraint applies. In cases where there are constraintStateOverrides set for the constraint, those will be evaluated to get the appropriate replacement. If the constraint does not apply for the validationState (as well as none of the replacements), this method will return null. If stateMapping passed in is null, the constraint is not a BaseConstraint, or validationState is blank, the original constraint will be returned (assumed stateless).

Type Parameters:
T - constraint type
constraint - the original constraint
validationState - the validation state
stateMapping - the state information for the model being evaluated
the applicable constraint, null if this constraint does not apply to the validationState
RuntimeException - if the type of constraint passed in cannot be cast to the replacement constraint


public static String getClientViewValidationState(Object model,
                                                  View view)
Gets the client validation state. If there are customClientSideValidationStates configured for the view's stateMapping, these are used, otherwise client side validation state is assumed to be the next state (or current state if there is no next state). Returns null if there is no state for client side validation (ie stateless).

model -
view -
the state to validate against for client side view validation

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