Class ColumnCalculationInfo

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBeanBase
          extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.ColumnCalculationInfo
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, DictionaryBean, UifDictionaryBean

public class ColumnCalculationInfo
extends UifDictionaryBeanBase
implements Serializable

ColumnCalculationInfo is used to specify which columns and what types of calculations are performed on those columns of table collection. This functionality can only be used when the dataTables plugin is being used (richTable.render="true" for TableLayoutManager)

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getCalculationFunctionExtraData()
          This specifies extra data to be sent to the calculation function.
 String getCalculationFunctionName()
          Gets the js calculationFunctionName.
 Integer getColumnNumber()
          Gets the column number.
 MessageField getGroupTotalFieldPrototype()
          Gets the groupTotalFieldPrototype.
 MessageField getPageTotalField()
          Gets the pageTotalField.
 String getPropertyName()
          Get the propertyName of the field to do calculations.
 MessageField getTotalField()
          Gets the totalField.
 boolean isCalculateOnKeyUp()
          If true, the column is calculated when the user enters a character on each key up.
 boolean isRecalculateTotalClientside()
          When set to false, calculations will not be fired for the totalField client-side.
 boolean isShowGroupTotal()
          Gets showGroupTotal.
 boolean isShowPageTotal()
          Gets showTotal.
 boolean isShowTotal()
          Gets showTotal.
 void setCalculateOnKeyUp(boolean calculateOnKeyUp)
          Sets calculateOnKeyUp which controls the type of handler used
 void setCalculationFunctionExtraData(String calculationFunctionExtraData)
          Sets the calculationFunctionExtraData which specifies additional data to pass into the calculationFunction.
 void setCalculationFunctionName(String calculationFunctionName)
          Sets the calculationFunctionName to call when doing column calculations
 void setColumnNumber(Integer columnNumber)
          Sets the column number.
 void setGroupTotalFieldPrototype(MessageField groupTotalFieldPrototype)
          Sets the groupTotalFieldPrototype.
 void setPageTotalField(MessageField pageTotalField)
          Sets the pageTotalField.
 void setPropertyName(String propertyName)
          Set the propertyName of the field to do calculations on
 void setRecalculateTotalClientside(boolean recalculateTotalClientside)
          Set the recalculateTotalClientside flag
 void setShowGroupTotal(boolean showGroupTotal)
          Sets showGroupTotal.
 void setShowPageTotal(boolean showPageTotal)
          Sets showPageTotal.
 void setShowTotal(boolean showTotal)
          Sets showTotal.
 void setTotalField(MessageField totalField)
          Sets the totalField.
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBeanBase
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, getRefreshExpressionGraph, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions, setRefreshExpressionGraph
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
getComponentCode, getNamespaceCode, setComponentCode, setNamespaceCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBean
getComponentCode, getNamespaceCode

Constructor Detail


public ColumnCalculationInfo()
Method Detail


public Integer getColumnNumber()
Gets the column number. This should not be set through configuration as it is overridden by the propertyName's caclculated column number. Do not set through xml configuration

columnNumber to perform calculations on


public void setColumnNumber(Integer columnNumber)
Sets the column number. Do not set through xml configuration

columnNumber -


public boolean isShowTotal()
Gets showTotal. showTotal shows/calculates the total field when true, otherwise it is not rendered.

true if showing the total, false otherwise.


public void setShowTotal(boolean showTotal)
Sets showTotal. showTotal shows/calculates the total field when true, otherwise it is not rendered.

showTotal -


public boolean isShowPageTotal()
Gets showTotal. showTotal shows/calculates the total field when true, otherwise it is not rendered.

true if showing the page total, false otherwise.


public void setShowPageTotal(boolean showPageTotal)
Sets showPageTotal. showPageTotal shows/calculates the total field for the page when true (and only when the table actually has pages), otherwise it is not rendered.

showPageTotal -


public boolean isShowGroupTotal()
Gets showGroupTotal. showGroupTotal shows/calculates the total field for each grouping when true (and only when the table actually has grouping turned on), otherwise it is not rendered.

true if showing the group total, false otherwise.


public void setShowGroupTotal(boolean showGroupTotal)
Sets showGroupTotal. showGroupTotal shows/calculates the total field for each grouping when true (and only when the table actually has grouping turned on), otherwise it is not rendered.

showGroupTotal -


public String getCalculationFunctionName()
Gets the js calculationFunctionName. This is the name of the js function to use in column calculations.

This must be ONLY the function by name (no parenthesis or params)
The actual js function declaration MUST take in an array of values as its first parameter. The values passed in will be all the relavant values for the calculation. Optionally, the function can also take a second parameter which can be specified by calculationFunctionExtraData. This parameter can take any valid javascript value (integer, string, JSON object, etc). In either case, the values parameter MUST be the first parameter.

calculatinoFunctionName to call for column calculations in js


public void setCalculationFunctionName(String calculationFunctionName)
Sets the calculationFunctionName to call when doing column calculations

calculationFunctionName -


public MessageField getTotalField()
Gets the totalField. This field is the field which holds the total for the column and specifies its label. This SHOULD NOT BE SET except by the base bean (in MOST cases).

the totalField


public void setTotalField(MessageField totalField)
Sets the totalField. This SHOULD NOT BE SET except by the base bean (in MOST cases). Setting this property without the appropriate settings WILL break functionality.

totalField -


public MessageField getPageTotalField()
Gets the pageTotalField. This field is the field which holds the pageTotal for the column and specifies its label. This SHOULD NOT BE SET except by the base bean (in MOST cases).

the pageTotalField


public void setPageTotalField(MessageField pageTotalField)
Sets the pageTotalField. This SHOULD NOT BE SET except by the base bean (in MOST cases). Setting this property without the appropriate settings WILL break functionality.

pageTotalField -


public MessageField getGroupTotalFieldPrototype()
Gets the groupTotalFieldPrototype. This field is copied and holds the groupTotal for the column and specifies its label. This SHOULD NOT BE SET except by the base bean (in MOST cases).

the groupTotalFieldPrototype


public void setGroupTotalFieldPrototype(MessageField groupTotalFieldPrototype)
Sets the groupTotalFieldPrototype. This SHOULD NOT BE SET except by the base bean (in MOST cases). Setting this property without the appropriate settings WILL break functionality.

groupTotalFieldPrototype -


public boolean isCalculateOnKeyUp()
If true, the column is calculated when the user enters a character on each key up. There is a small delay built in to prevent calculations from being fired for each key stroke.

true if calculated the column on key up, false if calculating on change (default)


public void setCalculateOnKeyUp(boolean calculateOnKeyUp)
Sets calculateOnKeyUp which controls the type of handler used

calculateOnKeyUp -


public boolean isRecalculateTotalClientside()
When set to false, calculations will not be fired for the totalField client-side. This ONLY effects the totalField. If page and group totals are still shown, they will (and can only) be calculated client-side.

To use this particular feature: set this to false, and use springEL in the totalField's message.messageText to get a pre-calculated total from a field on the form. This will be refreshed when the table is refreshed, but will not be updated by client-side interactions - used for complex or special calculation mechanisms that may require server only information.

true if calculating the totalField client-side, false otherwise


public void setRecalculateTotalClientside(boolean recalculateTotalClientside)
Set the recalculateTotalClientside flag

recalculateTotalClientside -


public String getCalculationFunctionExtraData()
This specifies extra data to be sent to the calculation function. This can be any valid javascript value (number, string, JSON - for passing multiple settings, etc).
The function specified by calculationFunctionName MUST take a second parameter when using this option.

the extra data to pass into the function specified by name in calculationFunctionName


public void setCalculationFunctionExtraData(String calculationFunctionExtraData)
Sets the calculationFunctionExtraData which specifies additional data to pass into the calculationFunction.

calculationFunctionExtraData -


public String getPropertyName()
Get the propertyName of the field to do calculations. This field MUST exist as one of the fields of the collection. This property must be set or an exception will be thrown.

propertyName of the field(the column) to do calculations on


public void setPropertyName(String propertyName)
Set the propertyName of the field to do calculations on

propertyName -

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