Class Action

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBeanBase
          extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
              extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.element.ContentElementBase
                  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.element.Action
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, DictionaryBean, UifDictionaryBean, Component, ScriptEventSupport, ContentElement, org.springframework.core.Ordered

public class Action
extends ContentElementBase

Field that presents an action that can be taken on the UI such as submitting the form or invoking a script

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Ordered
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addActionParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue)
          Convenience method to add a parameter to the action parameters Map
protected  void buildActionData(View view, Object model, Component parent)
          Builds the data attributes that will be read client side to determine how to handle the action and the additional data that should be submitted with the action
 void completeValidation(ValidationTrace tracer)
          Validates different requirements of component compiling a series of reports detailing information on errors found in the component.
 String getActionEvent()
          Name of the event that will be set when the action is invoked
 Image getActionImage()
          Image to use for the action
 String getActionImagePlacement()
 String getActionLabel()
          Label text for the action
 String getActionParameter(String parameterName)
          Get an actionParameter by name
 Map<String,String> getActionParameters()
          Parameters that should be sent when the action is invoked
 String getActionScript()
          Client side javascript to be executed when this actionField is clicked
 ActionSecurity getActionSecurity()
          Action Security object that indicates what authorization (permissions) exist for the action
 Map<String,String> getAdditionalSubmitData()
          Map of additional data that will be posted when the action is invoked
 String getAjaxReturnType()
          Gets the return type for the ajax call
protected  Class<? extends ComponentSecurity> getComponentSecurityClass()
          Returns the security class that is associated with the component (used for initialization and validation)
 List<Component> getComponentsForLifecycle()
          List of components that are contained within the component and should be sent through the lifecycle
 List<String> getDisabledConditionControlNames()
          Control names to add handlers to for disable functionality, cannot be set
 String getDisabledConditionJs()
          Get the disable condition js derived from the springEL, cannot be set.
 String getDisabledReason()
          If the action field is disabled, gives a reason for why which will be displayed as a tooltip on the action field (button)
 List<String> getDisabledWhenChangedPropertyNames()
          Gets the property names of fields that when changed, will disable this component
 List<String> getEnabledWhenChangedPropertyNames()
          Gets the property names of fields that when changed, will enable this component
 String getErrorCallback()
          Gets the script which will be invoked when the action fails due to problems in the ajax call or the return of an incident report
 String getFocusOnIdAfterSubmit()
          The element to place focus on in the new page after the new page is retrieved.
 String getJumpToIdAfterSubmit()
 String getJumpToNameAfterSubmit()
          The name to jump to in the next page, the element with this name will be jumped to automatically when the new page is retrieved after a submit.
 String getLoadingMessageText()
          Gets the loading message used by action's blockUI
 String getMethodToCall()
          Name of the method that should be called when the action is selected
 String getNavigateToPageId()
          For an Action that is part of a NavigationGroup
 String getPreSubmitCall()
          Gets the script which needs to be invoked before the form is submitted
 String getRefreshId()
          Id for the component that should be refreshed after the action completes
 String getRefreshPropertyName()
          Property name for the DataField that should be refreshed after the action completes
 String getSuccessCallback()
          Gets the script which will be invoked on a successful ajax call
 boolean isAjaxSubmit()
          When this property is set to true it will submit the form using Ajax instead of the browser submit.
 boolean isClearDirtyOnAction()
          True to make this action clear the dirty flag before submitting
 boolean isDirtyOnAction()
          When true, this action will mark the form dirty by incrementing the dirty field count, but if this action refreshes the entire view this will be lost (most actions only refresh the page)
 boolean isDisableBlocking()
          Indicates whether blocking for the action should be disabled
 boolean isDisabled()
          Indicates whether the action (input or button) is disabled (doesn't allow interaction)
 boolean isDisplayResponseInLightBox()
          Indicates if the action response should be displayed in a lightbox
 boolean isEvaluateDisabledOnKeyUp()
          Evaluate the disable condition on controls which disable it on each key up event
 boolean isPerformClientSideValidation()
          Indicates whether the form data should be validated on the client side return true if validation should occur, false otherwise
 boolean isPerformDirtyValidation()
 void performApplyModel(View view, Object model, Component parent)
          Sets the disabledExpression, if any, evaluates it and sets the disabled property
 void performFinalize(View view, Object model, Component parent)
          The following finalization is performed: Add methodToCall action parameter if set and setup event code for setting action parameters Invoke method to build the data attributes and submit data for the action Compose the final onclick script for the action Parses the disabled expressions, if any, to equivalent javascript and evaluates the disable/enable when changed property names
 void setActionEvent(String actionEvent)
          Setter for the action event
 void setActionImage(Image actionImage)
          Setter for the action image field
 void setActionImagePlacement(String actionImagePlacement)
          Set to TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT to position image at that location within the button.
 void setActionLabel(String actionLabel)
          Setter for the actions label
 void setActionParameters(Map<String,String> actionParameters)
          Setter for the action parameters
 void setActionScript(String actionScript)
 void setAdditionalSubmitData(Map<String,String> additionalSubmitData)
          Setter for map holding additional data to post
 void setAjaxReturnType(String ajaxReturnType)
          Setter for the type of ajax return
 void setAjaxSubmit(boolean ajaxSubmit)
          Setter for ajaxSubmit
 void setClearDirtyOnAction(boolean clearDirtyOnAction)
          Set clearDirtyOnAction
 void setComponentSecurity(ComponentSecurity componentSecurity)
          Override to assert a ActionSecurity instance is set
 void setDirtyOnAction(boolean dirtyOnAction)
          Set to true, if this action is considered one that changes the form's data (makes the form dirty)
 void setDisableBlocking(boolean disableBlocking)
          Setter for disabling blocking when the action is invoked
 void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
          Setter for the disabled indicator
 void setDisabledReason(String disabledReason)
          Setter for the disabled reason text
 void setDisabledWhenChangedPropertyNames(List<String> disabledWhenChangedPropertyNames)
          Sets the property names of fields that when changed, will disable this component
 void setDisplayResponseInLightBox(boolean displayResponseInLightBox)
          Setter for indicating the response should be rendered in a lightbox
 void setEnabledWhenChangedPropertyNames(List<String> enabledWhenChangedPropertyNames)
          Sets the property names of fields that when changed, will enable this component
 void setErrorCallback(String errorCallback)
          Setter for errorCallback
 void setEvaluateDisabledOnKeyUp(boolean evaluateDisabledOnKeyUp)
          Set evaluateDisableOnKeyUp
 void setFocusOnIdAfterSubmit(String focusOnIdAfterSubmit)
 void setJumpToIdAfterSubmit(String jumpToIdAfterSubmit)
          The id to jump to in the next page, the element with this id will be jumped to automatically when the new page is retrieved after a submit.
 void setJumpToNameAfterSubmit(String jumpToNameAfterSubmit)
 void setLoadingMessageText(String loadingMessageText)
          When this property is set, it is used in place of the loading message text used by the blockUI
 void setMethodToCall(String methodToCall)
          Setter for the actions method to call
 void setNavigateToPageId(String navigateToPageId)
          Setter for the navigate to page id
 void setPerformClientSideValidation(boolean performClientSideValidation)
          Setter for the client side validation flag
 void setPerformDirtyValidation(boolean performDirtyValidation)
 void setPreSubmitCall(String preSubmitCall)
          Setter for preSubmitCall
 void setRefreshId(String refreshId)
          Setter for the component refresh id
 void setRefreshPropertyName(String refreshPropertyName)
          Setter for the property name of the DataField that should be refreshed
 void setSuccessCallback(String successCallback)
          Setter for successCallback
protected  void setupRefreshAction(View view)
          When the action is updating a component sets up the refresh script for the component (found by the given refresh id or refresh property name)
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.element.ContentElementBase
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
addCellCssClass, addDataAttribute, addDataAttributeIfNonEmpty, addStyleClass, appendToStyle, clone, copyProperties, getAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, getAdditionalComponentsToRefreshJs, getAdditionalCssClasses, getAlign, getBaseId, getCellCssClasses, getCellStyle, getCellStyleClassesAsString, getCellWidth, getColSpan, getComponentModifiers, getComponentPrototypes, getComponentSecurity, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getContext, getCssClasses, getDataAttributes, getEventHandlerScript, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getId, getMethodToCallOnRefresh, getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, getOrder, getPostRenderContent, getPreRenderContent, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getRefreshTimer, getRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, getRenderedHtmlOutput, getRequired, getRowSpan, getSimpleDataAttributes, getStyle, getStyleClassesAsString, getTemplate, getTemplateName, getTemplateOptions, getTemplateOptionsJSString, getTitle, getToolTip, getValign, getWidth, isDisableSessionPersistence, isDisclosedByAction, isForceSessionPersistence, isHidden, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isReadOnly, isRefreshedByAction, isRender, isResetDataOnRefresh, isSelfRendered, isSkipInTabOrder, isUseAjaxCallForContent, performInitialization, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, pushToPropertyReplacerContext, setAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, setAdditionalCssClasses, setAlign, setBaseId, setCellCssClasses, setCellStyle, setCellWidth, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setConditionalRefresh, setContext, setCssClasses, setDataAttributes, setDisableSessionPersistence, setDisclosedByAction, setFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, setFinalizeMethodInvoker, setFinalizeMethodToCall, setForceSessionPersistence, setHidden, setId, setMethodToCallOnRefresh, setOnBlurScript, setOnChangeScript, setOnClickScript, setOnCloseScript, setOnDblClickScript, setOnDocumentReadyScript, setOnFocusScript, setOnKeyDownScript, setOnKeyPressScript, setOnKeyUpScript, setOnLoadScript, setOnMouseDownScript, setOnMouseMoveScript, setOnMouseOutScript, setOnMouseOverScript, setOnMouseUpScript, setOnSubmitScript, setOnUnloadScript, setOrder, setPostRenderContent, setPreRenderContent, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshTimer, setRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, setRender, setRenderedHtmlOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRowSpan, setSelfRendered, setSkipInTabOrder, setStyle, setTemplate, setTemplateName, setTemplateOptions, setTemplateOptionsJSString, setTitle, setToolTip, setUseAjaxCallForContent, setValign, setWidth
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBeanBase
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, getRefreshExpressionGraph, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions, setRefreshExpressionGraph
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
getComponentCode, getNamespaceCode, setComponentCode, setNamespaceCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component
addCellCssClass, addDataAttribute, addStyleClass, appendToStyle, clone, getAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, getAdditionalComponentsToRefreshJs, getAdditionalCssClasses, getAlign, getBaseId, getCellCssClasses, getCellStyle, getCellWidth, getColSpan, getComponentModifiers, getComponentPrototypes, getComponentSecurity, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getContext, getCssClasses, getDataAttributes, getEventHandlerScript, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getId, getOrder, getPostRenderContent, getPreRenderContent, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getRefreshTimer, getRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, getRenderedHtmlOutput, getRequired, getRowSpan, getSimpleDataAttributes, getStyle, getTemplate, getTemplateName, getTemplateOptions, getTemplateOptionsJSString, getTitle, getToolTip, getValign, getWidth, isDisableSessionPersistence, isDisclosedByAction, isForceSessionPersistence, isHidden, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isReadOnly, isRefreshedByAction, isRender, isResetDataOnRefresh, isSelfRendered, isUseAjaxCallForContent, performInitialization, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, setAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, setAdditionalCssClasses, setAlign, setBaseId, setCellCssClasses, setCellStyle, setCellWidth, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setConditionalRefresh, setContext, setCssClasses, setDataAttributes, setDisableSessionPersistence, setDisclosedByAction, setForceSessionPersistence, setHidden, setId, setOrder, setPostRenderContent, setPreRenderContent, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshTimer, setRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, setRender, setRenderedHtmlOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRowSpan, setSelfRendered, setStyle, setTemplate, setTemplateName, setTemplateOptions, setTemplateOptionsJSString, setTitle, setToolTip, setUseAjaxCallForContent, setValign, setWidth
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBean
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, getRefreshExpressionGraph, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions, setRefreshExpressionGraph
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBean
getComponentCode, getNamespaceCode
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ScriptEventSupport
getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, setOnBlurScript, setOnChangeScript, setOnClickScript, setOnCloseScript, setOnDblClickScript, setOnDocumentReadyScript, setOnFocusScript, setOnKeyDownScript, setOnKeyPressScript, setOnKeyUpScript, setOnLoadScript, setOnMouseDownScript, setOnMouseMoveScript, setOnMouseOutScript, setOnMouseOverScript, setOnMouseUpScript, setOnSubmitScript, setOnUnloadScript

Constructor Detail


public Action()
Method Detail


public void performApplyModel(View view,
                              Object model,
                              Component parent)
Sets the disabledExpression, if any, evaluates it and sets the disabled property

Specified by:
performApplyModel in interface Component
performApplyModel in class ComponentBase
view - view instance to which the component belongs
model - top level object containing the data (could be the form or a
parent -
See Also:
Component.performApplyModel(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component)


public void performFinalize(View view,
                            Object model,
                            Component parent)
The following finalization is performed:

Specified by:
performFinalize in interface Component
performFinalize in class ComponentBase
view - - view instance that should be finalized for rendering
model - - top level object containing the data
parent - - parent component
See Also:
ComponentBase.performFinalize(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component)


protected void setupRefreshAction(View view)
When the action is updating a component sets up the refresh script for the component (found by the given refresh id or refresh property name)

view - view instance the action belongs to


protected void buildActionData(View view,
                               Object model,
                               Component parent)
Builds the data attributes that will be read client side to determine how to handle the action and the additional data that should be submitted with the action

Note these data attributes will be exposed as a data map client side. The simple attributes (non object value) are also written out as attributes on the action element.

view - view instance the action belongs to
model - model object containing the view data
parent - component the holds the action


public List<Component> getComponentsForLifecycle()
Description copied from interface: Component
List of components that are contained within the component and should be sent through the lifecycle

Used by ViewHelperService for the various lifecycle callbacks

Specified by:
getComponentsForLifecycle in interface Component
getComponentsForLifecycle in class ComponentBase
List child components
See Also:


public String getMethodToCall()
Name of the method that should be called when the action is selected

For a server side call (clientSideCall is false), gives the name of the method in the mapped controller that should be invoked when the action is selected. For client side calls gives the name of the script function that should be invoked when the action is selected

name of method to call


public void setMethodToCall(String methodToCall)
Setter for the actions method to call

methodToCall -


public String getActionLabel()
Label text for the action

The label text is used by the template renderers to give a human readable label for the action. For buttons this generally is the button text, while for an action link it would be the links displayed text

label for action


public void setActionLabel(String actionLabel)
Setter for the actions label

actionLabel -


public Image getActionImage()
Image to use for the action

When the action image component is set (and render is true) the image will be used to present the action as opposed to the default (input submit). For action link templates the image is used for the link instead of the action link text

action image


public void setActionImage(Image actionImage)
Setter for the action image field

actionImage -


public String getNavigateToPageId()
For an Action that is part of a NavigationGroup Support exists in the UifControllerBase for handling navigation between pages

id of page that should be rendered when the action item is selected


public void setNavigateToPageId(String navigateToPageId)
Setter for the navigate to page id

navigateToPageId -


public String getActionEvent()
Name of the event that will be set when the action is invoked

Action events can be looked at by the view or components in order to render differently depending on the action requested.

action event name
See Also:


public void setActionEvent(String actionEvent)
Setter for the action event

actionEvent -


public Map<String,String> getAdditionalSubmitData()
Map of additional data that will be posted when the action is invoked

Each entry in this map will be sent as a request parameter when the action is chosen. Note this in addition to the form data that is sent. For example, suppose the model contained a property named number and a boolean named showActive, we can send values for this properties by adding the following entries to this map: {'number':'a13', 'showActive', 'true'}

The additionalSubmitData map is different from the actionParameters map. All name/value pairs given as actionParameters populated the form map actionParameters. While name/value pair given in additionalSubmitData populate different form (model) properties

additional key/value pairs to submit


public void setAdditionalSubmitData(Map<String,String> additionalSubmitData)
Setter for map holding additional data to post

additionalSubmitData -


public Map<String,String> getActionParameters()
Parameters that should be sent when the action is invoked

Action renderer will decide how the parameters are sent for the action (via script generated hiddens, or script parameters, ...)

Can be set by other components such as the CollectionGroup to provide the context the action is in (such as the collection name and line the action applies to)

action parameters


public void setActionParameters(Map<String,String> actionParameters)
Setter for the action parameters

actionParameters -


public void addActionParameter(String parameterName,
                               String parameterValue)
Convenience method to add a parameter to the action parameters Map

parameterName - name of parameter to add
parameterValue - value of parameter to add


public String getActionParameter(String parameterName)
Get an actionParameter by name


public ActionSecurity getActionSecurity()
Action Security object that indicates what authorization (permissions) exist for the action

ActionSecurity instance


public void setComponentSecurity(ComponentSecurity componentSecurity)
Override to assert a ActionSecurity instance is set

Specified by:
setComponentSecurity in interface Component
setComponentSecurity in class ComponentBase
componentSecurity - instance of ActionSecurity
See Also:


protected Class<? extends ComponentSecurity> getComponentSecurityClass()
Description copied from class: ComponentBase
Returns the security class that is associated with the component (used for initialization and validation)

getComponentSecurityClass in class ComponentBase


public String getJumpToIdAfterSubmit()
the jumpToIdAfterSubmit


public void setJumpToIdAfterSubmit(String jumpToIdAfterSubmit)
The id to jump to in the next page, the element with this id will be jumped to automatically when the new page is retrieved after a submit. Using "TOP" or "BOTTOM" will jump to the top or the bottom of the resulting page. Passing in nothing for both jumpToIdAfterSubmit and jumpToNameAfterSubmit will result in this Action being jumped to by default if it is present on the new page. WARNING: jumpToIdAfterSubmit always takes precedence over jumpToNameAfterSubmit, if set.

jumpToIdAfterSubmit - the jumpToIdAfterSubmit to set


public String getJumpToNameAfterSubmit()
The name to jump to in the next page, the element with this name will be jumped to automatically when the new page is retrieved after a submit. Passing in nothing for both jumpToIdAfterSubmit and jumpToNameAfterSubmit will result in this Action being jumped to by default if it is present on the new page. WARNING: jumpToIdAfterSubmit always takes precedence over jumpToNameAfterSubmit, if set.

the jumpToNameAfterSubmit


public void setJumpToNameAfterSubmit(String jumpToNameAfterSubmit)
jumpToNameAfterSubmit - the jumpToNameAfterSubmit to set


public String getFocusOnIdAfterSubmit()
The element to place focus on in the new page after the new page is retrieved.

The following are allowed:

  • A valid element id
  • "FIRST" will focus on the first visible input element on the form
  • "SELF" will result in this Action being focused (action bean defaults to "SELF")
  • "LINE_FIRST" will result in the first input of the collection line to be focused (if available)
  • "NEXT_INPUT" will result in the next available input that exists after this Action to be focused (only if this action still exists on the page)

the focusOnAfterSubmit


public void setFocusOnIdAfterSubmit(String focusOnIdAfterSubmit)
focusOnIdAfterSubmit - the focusOnAfterSubmit to set


public boolean isPerformClientSideValidation()
Indicates whether the form data should be validated on the client side return true if validation should occur, false otherwise


public void setPerformClientSideValidation(boolean performClientSideValidation)
Setter for the client side validation flag

performClientSideValidation -


public String getActionScript()
Client side javascript to be executed when this actionField is clicked

This overrides the default action for this Action so the method called must explicitly submit, navigate, etc. through js, if necessary. In addition, this js occurs AFTER onClickScripts set on this field, it will be the last script executed by the click event. Sidenote: This js is always called after hidden actionParameters and methodToCall methods are written by the js to the html form.

the actionScript


public void setActionScript(String actionScript)
actionScript - the actionScript to set


public void setPerformDirtyValidation(boolean performDirtyValidation)
performDirtyValidation - the blockValidateDirty to set


public boolean isPerformDirtyValidation()
the blockValidateDirty


public boolean isClearDirtyOnAction()
True to make this action clear the dirty flag before submitting

This will clear both the dirtyForm flag on the form and the count of fields considered dirty on the client-side. This will only be performed if this action is a request based action.

true if the dirty


public void setClearDirtyOnAction(boolean clearDirtyOnAction)
Set clearDirtyOnAction

clearDirtyOnAction -


public boolean isDirtyOnAction()
When true, this action will mark the form dirty by incrementing the dirty field count, but if this action refreshes the entire view this will be lost (most actions only refresh the page)

This will increase count of fields considered dirty on the client-side by 1. This will only be performed if this action is a request based action.

true if this action is considered dirty, false otherwise


public void setDirtyOnAction(boolean dirtyOnAction)
Set to true, if this action is considered one that changes the form's data (makes the form dirty)

dirtyOnAction -


public boolean isDisabled()
Indicates whether the action (input or button) is disabled (doesn't allow interaction)

true if the action field is disabled, false if not


public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
Setter for the disabled indicator

disabled -


public String getDisabledReason()
If the action field is disabled, gives a reason for why which will be displayed as a tooltip on the action field (button)

disabled reason text
See Also:


public void setDisabledReason(String disabledReason)
Setter for the disabled reason text

disabledReason -


public String getActionImagePlacement()


public void setActionImagePlacement(String actionImagePlacement)
Set to TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT to position image at that location within the button. For the subclass ActionLinkField only LEFT and RIGHT are allowed. When set to blank/null/IMAGE_ONLY, the image itself will be the Action, if no value is set the default is ALWAYS LEFT, you must explicitly set blank/null/IMAGE_ONLY to use ONLY the image as the Action.


public String getPreSubmitCall()
Gets the script which needs to be invoked before the form is submitted

The preSubmitCall can carry out custom logic for the action before the submit occurs. The value should be given as one or more lines of script and should return a boolean. If false is returned from the call, the submit is not carried out. Furthermore, the preSubmitCall can refer to the request object through the variable 'kradRequest' or 'this'. This gives full access over the request for doing such things as adding additional data

Examples 'return doFunction(kradRequest);', 'var valid=true;return valid;'

The preSubmit call will be invoked both for ajax and non-ajax submits

script text that will be invoked before form submission


public void setPreSubmitCall(String preSubmitCall)
Setter for preSubmitCall

preSubmitCall -


public boolean isAjaxSubmit()
When this property is set to true it will submit the form using Ajax instead of the browser submit. Will default to updating the page contents



public void setAjaxSubmit(boolean ajaxSubmit)
Setter for ajaxSubmit

ajaxSubmit -


public String getAjaxReturnType()
Gets the return type for the ajax call

The ajax return type indicates how the response content will be handled in the client. Typical examples include updating a component, the page, or doing a redirect.

return type
See Also:


public void setAjaxReturnType(String ajaxReturnType)
Setter for the type of ajax return

ajaxReturnType -


public boolean isDisplayResponseInLightBox()
Indicates if the action response should be displayed in a lightbox

true if response should be rendered in a lightbox, false if not


public void setDisplayResponseInLightBox(boolean displayResponseInLightBox)
Setter for indicating the response should be rendered in a lightbox

displayResponseInLightBox -


public String getSuccessCallback()
Gets the script which will be invoked on a successful ajax call

The successCallback can carry out custom logic after a successful ajax submission has been made. The value can contain one or more script statements. In addition, the response contents can be accessed through the variable 'responseContents'

Examples 'handleSuccessfulUpdate(responseContents);'

The successCallback may only be specified when isAjaxSubmit() is true

script to be executed when the action is successful


public void setSuccessCallback(String successCallback)
Setter for successCallback

successCallback -


public String getErrorCallback()
Gets the script which will be invoked when the action fails due to problems in the ajax call or the return of an incident report

The errorCallback can carry out custom logic after a failed ajax submission. The value can contain one or more script statements. In addition, the response contents can be accessed through the variable 'responseContents'

Examples 'handleFailedUpdate(responseContents);'

The errorCallback may only be specified when isAjaxSubmit() is true

script to be executed when the action is successful


public void setErrorCallback(String errorCallback)
Setter for errorCallback

errorCallback -


public String getRefreshId()
Id for the component that should be refreshed after the action completes

Either refresh id or refresh property name can be set to configure the component that should be refreshed after the action completes. If both are blank, the page will be refreshed

valid component id


public void setRefreshId(String refreshId)
Setter for the component refresh id

refreshId -


public String getRefreshPropertyName()
Property name for the DataField that should be refreshed after the action completes

Either refresh id or refresh property name can be set to configure the component that should be refreshed after the action completes. If both are blank, the page will be refreshed

Property name will be adjusted to use the default binding path unless it contains the form prefix

valid property name with an associated DataField
See Also:


public void setRefreshPropertyName(String refreshPropertyName)
Setter for the property name of the DataField that should be refreshed

refreshPropertyName -


public String getLoadingMessageText()
Gets the loading message used by action's blockUI


public void setLoadingMessageText(String loadingMessageText)
When this property is set, it is used in place of the loading message text used by the blockUI

loadingMessageText -


public boolean isDisableBlocking()
Indicates whether blocking for the action should be disabled

By default when an action is invoked part of the page or the entire window is blocked until the action completes. If this property is set to true the blocking will not be displayed.

Currently if an action returns a file download, this property should be set to true. If not, the blocking will never get unblocked (because the page does not get notification a file was downloaded)

true if blocking should be disabled, false if not


public void setDisableBlocking(boolean disableBlocking)
Setter for disabling blocking when the action is invoked

disableBlocking -


public void completeValidation(ValidationTrace tracer)
Description copied from interface: Component
Validates different requirements of component compiling a series of reports detailing information on errors found in the component. Used by the RiceDictionaryValidator.

Specified by:
completeValidation in interface Component
completeValidation in class ComponentBase
tracer - Record of component's location
See Also:


public boolean isEvaluateDisabledOnKeyUp()
Evaluate the disable condition on controls which disable it on each key up event

true if evaluate on key up, false otherwise


public void setEvaluateDisabledOnKeyUp(boolean evaluateDisabledOnKeyUp)
Set evaluateDisableOnKeyUp

evaluateDisabledOnKeyUp -


public String getDisabledConditionJs()
Get the disable condition js derived from the springEL, cannot be set.

the disableConditionJs javascript to be evaluated


public List<String> getDisabledConditionControlNames()
Control names to add handlers to for disable functionality, cannot be set

control names to add handlers to for disable


public List<String> getDisabledWhenChangedPropertyNames()
Gets the property names of fields that when changed, will disable this component

the property names to monitor for change to disable this component


public void setDisabledWhenChangedPropertyNames(List<String> disabledWhenChangedPropertyNames)
Sets the property names of fields that when changed, will disable this component

disabledWhenChangedPropertyNames -


public List<String> getEnabledWhenChangedPropertyNames()
Gets the property names of fields that when changed, will enable this component

the property names to monitor for change to enable this component


public void setEnabledWhenChangedPropertyNames(List<String> enabledWhenChangedPropertyNames)
Sets the property names of fields that when changed, will enable this component

enabledWhenChangedPropertyNames -

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