Interface PromptBeforeValidation

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public interface PromptBeforeValidation
extends BusinessRule

An interface for a class that provides the ability to prompt the user with a question prior to running a document action. An implementation class of this interface may be specified in the document data dictionary file. By default, unless KualiDocumentActionBase is overridden, the sole method will be invoked upon using the "approve", "blanketApprove", "performRouteReport", and "route" methodToCalls.

Method Summary
 boolean processPrompts(org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm form, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, PromptBeforeValidationEvent event)
          Callback method from Maintenance action that allows checks to be done and response redirected via the PreRulesCheckEvent

Method Detail


boolean processPrompts(org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm form,
                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                       PromptBeforeValidationEvent event)
Callback method from Maintenance action that allows checks to be done and response redirected via the PreRulesCheckEvent

form -
request -
event - stores various information necessary to render the question prompt
boolean indicating whether the validation (and if validation successful, the action) should continue. If false, the values within the event parameter will determine how the struts action handler should proceed

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