Package org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.web

Class Summary
DelegateRuleAction Struts action for handling the initial Delegate Rule screen for selecting the parent rule and responsibility.
DelegateRuleForm Struts ActionForm for DelegateRuleAction.
DocumentConfigurationViewAction This is a description of what this class does - kellerj don't forget to fill this in.
DocumentConfigurationViewAction.ResponsibilityForDisplay Internal delegate class to wrap a responsibility and add an overridden flag.
DocumentConfigurationViewForm This is a description of what this class does - kellerj don't forget to fill this in.
RoutingReportAction A Struts Action for executing routing reports and retrieving the results.
RoutingReportForm Struts ActionForm for the RoutingReportAction.
RuleAction This class handles Actions for the DisbursementVoucher.
RuleForm This class is the action form for the Rule Document.
RuleQuickLinksAction A Struts Action for building and interacting with the Rule Quick Links.
RuleQuickLinksAction.DocumentTypeQuickLinksStructure A bean to hold a DocumentType with its flattened nodes for rendering purposes on the quick links.
RuleQuickLinksForm A Struts ActionForm for the RuleQuickLinksAction.
WebRuleBaseValues A decorator around a RuleBaseValues object which provides some convienance functions for interacting with the bean from the web-tier.
WebRuleResponsibility A decorator around a RuleResponsibilityBo object which provides some convienance functions for interacting with the bean from the web-tier.
WebRuleUtils Some utilities which are utilized by the RuleAction.

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