Class AgendaLookUpIT

  extended by edu.samplu.common.UpgradedSeleniumITBase
      extended by edu.samplu.common.MenuITBase
          extended by edu.samplu.common.MainMenuLookupITBase
              extended by edu.samplu.mainmenu.test.AgendaLookUpIT

public class AgendaLookUpIT
extends MainMenuLookupITBase

tests that user 'admin' can display the Agenda lookup screen, search, initiate an Agenda maintenance document via a copy action on the search results and finally cancel the maintenance document

Kuali Rice Team (

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class edu.samplu.common.UpgradedSeleniumITBase
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getLinkLocator()
          Override to return main menu click selector (e.g.
 void lookupAssertions()
          Override to execute assertions once a looked-up item's edit action is clicked.
Methods inherited from class edu.samplu.common.MainMenuLookupITBase
getCreateNewLinkLocator, getMenuLinkLocator, testLookUp
Methods inherited from class edu.samplu.common.MenuITBase
getTestUrl, gotoCreateNew, gotoMenuLinkLocator, gotoMenuLinkLocator
Methods inherited from class edu.samplu.common.UpgradedSeleniumITBase
assertDocFinal, assertElementPresent, assertTextPresent, assertTextPresent, blanketApproveTest, check, checkErrorMessageItem, checkForIncidentReport, checkForIncidentReport, chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation, close, colapseExpand, expandColapse, fireEvent, focus, focusAndType, getAllWindowTitles, getAttribute, getBaseUrlString, getConfirmation, getCssCount, getEval, getLocation, getSelectedLabel, getSelectOptions, getText, getTitle, getUserName, getValue, isElementPresent, isTextPresent, isVisible, keyDown, keyPress, keyUp, mouseOut, mouseOver, open, removeAllSelections, select, selectFrame, selectWindow, setSpeed, setUp, tearDown, uncheck, waitAndClick, waitAndClick, waitAndType, waitAndType, waitForDocId, waitForElementPresent, waitForElementPresent, waitForElementVisible, waitForPageToLoad, waitForPageToLoad, waitForPageToLoad50000, waitForTitleToEqualKualiPortalIndex, waitForTitleToEqualKualiPortalIndex, waitIsVisible, waitNotVisible, windowFocus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AgendaLookUpIT()
Method Detail


public String getLinkLocator()
Description copied from class: MenuITBase
Override to return main menu click selector (e.g. "link=Agenda lookup")

Specified by:
getLinkLocator in class MenuITBase
selenium locator to click on


public void lookupAssertions()
Description copied from class: MainMenuLookupITBase
Override to execute assertions once a looked-up item's edit action is clicked.

Specified by:
lookupAssertions in class MainMenuLookupITBase

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