Class ControlBase

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBeanBase
          extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
              extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.element.ContentElementBase
                  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.control.ControlBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, DictionaryBean, UifDictionaryBean, Component, ScriptEventSupport, Control, ContentElement, org.springframework.core.Ordered
Direct Known Subclasses:
CheckboxControl, FileControl, HiddenControl, MultiValueControlBase, TextAreaControl, TextControl

public abstract class ControlBase
extends ContentElementBase
implements Control

Base class for all Control implementations

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Control, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Ordered
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void completeValidation(ValidationTrace tracer)
          Validates different requirements of component compiling a series of reports detailing information on errors found in the component.
 String getComplexDataAttributesJs()
          Returns js that will add data to this component by the element which matches its id.
 String getComponentTypeName()
          The name for the component type
 List<String> getDisabledConditionControlNames()
          Control names to add handlers to for disable functionality, cannot be set
 String getDisabledConditionJs()
          Get the disable condition js derived from the springEL, cannot be set.
 String getDisabledReason()
          If the control is disabled, gives a reason for why which will be displayed as a tooltip on the control
 List<String> getDisabledWhenChangedPropertyNames()
          Gets the property names of fields that when changed, will disable this component
 List<String> getEnabledWhenChangedPropertyNames()
          Gets the property names of fields that when changed, will enable this component
 int getTabIndex()
          Unique index of the control within the tab order
 boolean isDisabled()
          Indicates whether the control is disabled (doesn't allow input)
 boolean isEvaluateDisabledOnKeyUp()
          Evaluate the disable condition on controls which disable it on each key up event
 void performApplyModel(View view, Object model, Component parent)
          Sets the disabledExpression, if any, evaluates it and sets the disabled property
 void performFinalize(View view, Object model, Component parent)
          Parses the disabled expressions, if any, to equivalent javascript and evaluates the disable/enable when changed property names.
 void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
          Setter for the disabled indicator
 void setDisabledReason(String disabledReason)
          Setter for the disabled reason text
 void setDisabledWhenChangedPropertyNames(List<String> disabledWhenChangedPropertyNames)
          Sets the property names of fields that when changed, will disable this component
 void setEnabledWhenChangedPropertyNames(List<String> enabledWhenChangedPropertyNames)
          Sets the property names of fields that when changed, will enable this component
 void setEvaluateDisabledOnKeyUp(boolean evaluateDisabledOnKeyUp)
          Set evaluateDisableOnKeyUp
 void setTabIndex(int tabIndex)
          Setter for the controls tab order index
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
addCellCssClass, addDataAttribute, addDataAttributeIfNonEmpty, addStyleClass, appendToStyle, getAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, getAdditionalComponentsToRefreshJs, getAlign, getAllDataAttributesJs, getBaseId, getCellCssClasses, getCellStyle, getCellStyleClassesAsString, getCellWidth, getColSpan, getComponentModifiers, getComponentPrototypes, getComponentSecurity, getComponentSecurityClass, getComponentsForLifecycle, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getContext, getCssClasses, getDataAttributes, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getId, getMethodToCallOnRefresh, getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, getOrder, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getRefreshTimer, getRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, getRenderedHtmlOutput, getRequired, getRowSpan, getSimpleDataAttributes, getStyle, getStyleClassesAsString, getTemplate, getTemplateName, getTemplateOptions, getTemplateOptionsJSString, getTitle, getToolTip, getValign, getWidth, isDisableSessionPersistence, isDisclosedByAction, isForceSessionPersistence, isHidden, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isReadOnly, isRefreshedByAction, isRender, isResetDataOnRefresh, isSelfRendered, isSkipInTabOrder, performInitialization, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, pushToPropertyReplacerContext, setAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, setAlign, setBaseId, setCellCssClasses, setCellStyle, setCellWidth, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setComponentSecurity, setConditionalRefresh, setContext, setCssClasses, setDataAttributes, setDisableSessionPersistence, setDisclosedByAction, setFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, setFinalizeMethodInvoker, setFinalizeMethodToCall, setForceSessionPersistence, setHidden, setId, setMethodToCallOnRefresh, setOnBlurScript, setOnChangeScript, setOnClickScript, setOnCloseScript, setOnDblClickScript, setOnDocumentReadyScript, setOnFocusScript, setOnKeyDownScript, setOnKeyPressScript, setOnKeyUpScript, setOnLoadScript, setOnMouseDownScript, setOnMouseMoveScript, setOnMouseOutScript, setOnMouseOverScript, setOnMouseUpScript, setOnSubmitScript, setOnUnloadScript, setOrder, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshTimer, setRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, setRender, setRenderedHtmlOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRowSpan, setSelfRendered, setSkipInTabOrder, setStyle, setTemplate, setTemplateName, setTemplateOptions, setTemplateOptionsJSString, setTitle, setToolTip, setValign, setWidth
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBeanBase
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, getRefreshExpressionGraph, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions, setRefreshExpressionGraph
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
getComponentCode, getNamespaceCode, setComponentCode, setNamespaceCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component
addCellCssClass, addDataAttribute, addStyleClass, appendToStyle, getAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, getAdditionalComponentsToRefreshJs, getAlign, getAllDataAttributesJs, getBaseId, getCellCssClasses, getCellStyle, getCellWidth, getColSpan, getComponentModifiers, getComponentPrototypes, getComponentSecurity, getComponentsForLifecycle, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getContext, getCssClasses, getDataAttributes, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getId, getOrder, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getRefreshTimer, getRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, getRenderedHtmlOutput, getRequired, getRowSpan, getSimpleDataAttributes, getStyle, getTemplate, getTemplateOptions, getTemplateOptionsJSString, getTitle, getToolTip, getValign, getWidth, isDisableSessionPersistence, isDisclosedByAction, isForceSessionPersistence, isHidden, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isReadOnly, isRefreshedByAction, isRender, isResetDataOnRefresh, isSelfRendered, performInitialization, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, setAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, setAlign, setBaseId, setCellCssClasses, setCellStyle, setCellWidth, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setComponentSecurity, setConditionalRefresh, setContext, setCssClasses, setDataAttributes, setDisableSessionPersistence, setDisclosedByAction, setForceSessionPersistence, setHidden, setId, setOrder, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshTimer, setRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, setRender, setRenderedHtmlOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRowSpan, setSelfRendered, setStyle, setTemplate, setTemplateOptions, setTemplateOptionsJSString, setTitle, setToolTip, setValign, setWidth
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBean
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, getRefreshExpressionGraph, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions, setRefreshExpressionGraph
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBean
getComponentCode, getNamespaceCode
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ScriptEventSupport
getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, setOnBlurScript, setOnLoadScript

Constructor Detail


public ControlBase()
Method Detail


public void performApplyModel(View view,
                              Object model,
                              Component parent)
Sets the disabledExpression, if any, evaluates it and sets the disabled property

Specified by:
performApplyModel in interface Component
performApplyModel in class ComponentBase
view - - view instance to which the component belongs
model - - Top level object containing the data (could be the form or a
parent -
See Also:
Component.performApplyModel(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component)


public void performFinalize(View view,
                            Object model,
                            Component parent)
Parses the disabled expressions, if any, to equivalent javascript and evaluates the disable/enable when changed property names.

Specified by:
performFinalize in interface Component
performFinalize in class ComponentBase
view - - view instance that should be finalized for rendering
model - - top level object containing the data
parent - - parent component
See Also:
Component.performFinalize(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component)


public final String getComponentTypeName()
Description copied from interface: Component
The name for the component type

This is used within the rendering layer to pass the component instance into the template. The component instance is exported under the name given by this method.

Specified by:
getComponentTypeName in interface Component
getComponentTypeName in class ContentElementBase
String type name
See Also:


public int getTabIndex()
Description copied from interface: Control
Unique index of the control within the tab order

Tab index provides a way to set the order users will tab through the controls. The control with index 1 will receive focus when the page is rendered. Tabing from the field will then take the user to the control with index 2, then index 3, and so on.

Specified by:
getTabIndex in interface Control
int the tab index for the control
See Also:


public void setTabIndex(int tabIndex)
Description copied from interface: Control
Setter for the controls tab order index

Specified by:
setTabIndex in interface Control
See Also:


public boolean isDisabled()
Description copied from interface: Control
Indicates whether the control is disabled (doesn't allow input)

Specified by:
isDisabled in interface Control
boolean true if the control is disabled, false if not
See Also:


public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
Description copied from interface: Control
Setter for the disabled indicator

Specified by:
setDisabled in interface Control
See Also:


public String getDisabledReason()
Description copied from interface: Control
If the control is disabled, gives a reason for why which will be displayed as a tooltip on the control

Specified by:
getDisabledReason in interface Control
String disabled reason text
See Also:


public void setDisabledReason(String disabledReason)
Description copied from interface: Control
Setter for the disabled reason text

Specified by:
setDisabledReason in interface Control
See Also:


public String getComplexDataAttributesJs()
Returns js that will add data to this component by the element which matches its id.

This will return script for all the data elements since this component is implemented as a spring form:input tag that does not allow for the insertion of simple attributes. Therefore, the complex attributes script should include all the attributes since is it is inserted each time krad:template is used to display a control

Specified by:
getComplexDataAttributesJs in interface Component
getComplexDataAttributesJs in class ComponentBase
jQuery data script for all data attributes


public void completeValidation(ValidationTrace tracer)
Description copied from interface: Component
Validates different requirements of component compiling a series of reports detailing information on errors found in the component. Used by the RiceDictionaryValidator.

Specified by:
completeValidation in interface Component
completeValidation in class ComponentBase
tracer - Record of component's location
See Also:


public boolean isEvaluateDisabledOnKeyUp()
Evaluate the disable condition on controls which disable it on each key up event

true if evaluate on key up, false otherwise


public void setEvaluateDisabledOnKeyUp(boolean evaluateDisabledOnKeyUp)
Set evaluateDisableOnKeyUp

evaluateDisabledOnKeyUp -


public String getDisabledConditionJs()
Get the disable condition js derived from the springEL, cannot be set.

the disableConditionJs javascript to be evaluated


public List<String> getDisabledConditionControlNames()
Control names to add handlers to for disable functionality, cannot be set

control names to add handlers to for disable


public List<String> getDisabledWhenChangedPropertyNames()
Gets the property names of fields that when changed, will disable this component

the property names to monitor for change to disable this component


public void setDisabledWhenChangedPropertyNames(List<String> disabledWhenChangedPropertyNames)
Sets the property names of fields that when changed, will disable this component

disabledWhenChangedPropertyNames -


public List<String> getEnabledWhenChangedPropertyNames()
Gets the property names of fields that when changed, will enable this component

the property names to monitor for change to enable this component


public void setEnabledWhenChangedPropertyNames(List<String> enabledWhenChangedPropertyNames)
Sets the property names of fields that when changed, will enable this component

enabledWhenChangedPropertyNames -

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