Class InquiryForm

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.web.form.UifFormBase
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.web.form.InquiryForm
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ViewModel

public class InquiryForm
extends UifFormBase

Form class for InquiryView screens

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.web.form.UifFormBase
actionParameters, addedCollectionItems, ajaxRequest, ajaxReturnType, attachmentFile, clientStateForSyncing, defaultsApplied, dialogExplanation, dialogManager, dialogResponse, focusId, formHistory, formKey, formPostUrl, growlScript, jumpToId, jumpToName, lightboxScript, methodToCall, newCollectionLines, pageId, postedView, readOnlyFieldsList, renderedInLightBox, requestRedirected, returnFormKey, returnLocation, selectedCollectionLines, state, updateComponentId, view, viewId, viewName, viewRequestParameters, viewTypeName
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Object getDataObject()
          Result data object for inquiry that will be display with the view
 String getDataObjectClassName()
          Class name of the data object the inquiry will display
 Inquirable getInquirable()
          Inquirable instance that will be used to perform the inquiry
 boolean isRedirectedInquiry()
          Indicates whether the requested was redirected from the inquiry framework due to an external object request.
 void postBind(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Picks out business object name from the request to get retrieve a lookupable and set properties
 void setDataObject(Object dataObject)
          Setter for the inquiry data object
 void setDataObjectClassName(String dataObjectClassName)
          Setter for the inquiry data object class name
 void setRedirectedInquiry(boolean redirectedInquiry)
          Setter for the redirected request indicator
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.web.form.UifFormBase
generateFormKey, getActionEvent, getActionParamaterValue, getActionParameters, getActionParametersAsProperties, getAddedCollectionItems, getAjaxReturnType, getAttachmentFile, getClientStateForSyncing, getDialogExplanation, getDialogManager, getDialogResponse, getFocusId, getFormHistory, getFormKey, getFormPostUrl, getGrowlScript, getJumpToId, getJumpToName, getLightboxScript, getMethodToCall, getNewCollectionLines, getPageId, getPostedView, getReadOnlyFieldsList, getReturnFormKey, getReturnLocation, getSelectedCollectionLines, getState, getUpdateComponentId, getView, getViewId, getViewName, getViewRequestParameters, getViewService, getViewTypeName, isAddedCollectionItem, isAjaxRequest, isBuildViewRequest, isDefaultsApplied, isRenderedInLightBox, isRequestRedirected, isUpdateComponentRequest, isUpdateDialogRequest, isUpdateNoneRequest, isUpdatePageRequest, isUpdateViewRequest, setActionParameters, setAddedCollectionItems, setAjaxRequest, setAjaxReturnType, setAttachmentFile, setClientStateForSyncing, setDefaultsApplied, setDialogExplanation, setDialogManager, setDialogResponse, setFocusId, setFormHistory, setFormKey, setFormPostUrl, setGrowlScript, setJumpToId, setJumpToName, setLightboxScript, setMethodToCall, setNewCollectionLines, setPageId, setPostedView, setReadOnlyFieldsList, setRenderedInLightBox, setRequestRedirected, setReturnFormKey, setReturnLocation, setSelectedCollectionLines, setState, setUpdateComponentId, setView, setViewId, setViewName, setViewRequestParameters, setViewTypeName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InquiryForm()
Method Detail


public void postBind(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Picks out business object name from the request to get retrieve a lookupable and set properties

Specified by:
postBind in interface ViewModel
postBind in class UifFormBase
request - - request object containing the query parameters
See Also:


public String getDataObjectClassName()
Class name of the data object the inquiry will display

Used to set the data object class for the Inquirable which is then used to perform the inquiry query

String class name


public void setDataObjectClassName(String dataObjectClassName)
Setter for the inquiry data object class name

dataObjectClassName -


public Object getDataObject()
Result data object for inquiry that will be display with the view

Object object instance containing the inquiry data


public void setDataObject(Object dataObject)
Setter for the inquiry data object

dataObject -


public boolean isRedirectedInquiry()
Indicates whether the requested was redirected from the inquiry framework due to an external object request. This prevents the framework from performing another redirect check

boolean true if request was a redirect, false if not


public void setRedirectedInquiry(boolean redirectedInquiry)
Setter for the redirected request indicator

redirectedInquiry -


public Inquirable getInquirable()
Inquirable instance that will be used to perform the inquiry

Inquirable instance

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