Class WorkflowAttributeDefinition.Builder

  extended by org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document.attribute.WorkflowAttributeDefinition.Builder
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ModelBuilder
Enclosing class:

public static final class WorkflowAttributeDefinition.Builder
extends Object
implements Serializable, ModelBuilder

A builder which can be used to construct instances of WorkflowAttributeDefinition.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
 void addParameter(String parameter)
          Adds a parameter to the list of parameters maintained by this builder.
 void addPropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
          Adds the given property definition to the list of property definitions maintained by this builder.
 void addPropertyDefinition(String name, String value)
          Add a property definition constructed from the given name and value to the list of property definitions on this builder.
 WorkflowAttributeDefinition build()
          Returns an instance of the object being built by this builder based on the current state of the builder.
static WorkflowAttributeDefinition.Builder create(String attributeName)
          Constructs a builder which is initialized with the given attribute name.
static WorkflowAttributeDefinition.Builder create(WorkflowAttributeDefinition definition)
          Creates a new builder copying the properties from the given definition into it.
 String getAttributeName()
          Returns the attribute name that is set on this builder.
 List<String> getParameters()
          Returns a list of string parameters that have been set on this builder.
 PropertyDefinition getPropertyDefinition(String name)
          Returns the property definition on this build which has the given name if it exists.
 List<PropertyDefinition> getPropertyDefinitions()
          Returns a list of PropertyDefinition objects that have been set on this builder.
 void removeParameter(String parameter)
          Removes a parameter with the given value from the list of parameters maintained by this builder.
 void setAttributeName(String attributeName)
          Sets the attribute name on this builder to the given value.
 void setParameters(List<String> parameters)
          Sets the list of parameters on this builder.
 void setPropertyDefinitions(List<PropertyDefinition> propertyDefinitions)
          Sets the list of property definitions maintained by this build to the given list.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static WorkflowAttributeDefinition.Builder create(WorkflowAttributeDefinition definition)
Creates a new builder copying the properties from the given definition into it.

definition - the definition from which to copy properties
a builder initialized with the properties copied from the given definition


public static WorkflowAttributeDefinition.Builder create(String attributeName)
Constructs a builder which is initialized with the given attribute name.

attributeName - the attribute name to use when initializing this builder, cannot be a null or empty value
an instance of a builder initialized with the given attribute name
IllegalArgumentException - if attributeName is a null or blank value


public WorkflowAttributeDefinition build()
Description copied from interface: ModelBuilder
Returns an instance of the object being built by this builder based on the current state of the builder. It should be possible to invoke this method more than once on the same builder. It should never return null;

Specified by:
build in interface ModelBuilder
an instance of the object being built by this builder, should never return null


public String getAttributeName()
Returns the attribute name that is set on this builder.

the attribute name this is set on this builder


public List<String> getParameters()
Returns a list of string parameters that have been set on this builder.

a list of string parameters that have been set on this builder


public List<PropertyDefinition> getPropertyDefinitions()
Returns a list of PropertyDefinition objects that have been set on this builder.

a list of property definitions that have been set on this builder


public void setAttributeName(String attributeName)
Sets the attribute name on this builder to the given value. Must not be a null or blank value.

attributeName - the value of the attributeName to set
IllegalArgumentException - if attributeName is a null or blank value


public void addParameter(String parameter)
Adds a parameter to the list of parameters maintained by this builder.

parameter - the parameter value to add


public void removeParameter(String parameter)
Removes a parameter with the given value from the list of parameters maintained by this builder.

parameter - the parameter value to remove


public void setParameters(List<String> parameters)
Sets the list of parameters on this builder.

parameters - the list of parameters to set


public void addPropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
Adds the given property definition to the list of property definitions maintained by this builder.

propertyDefinition - the property definition to set, should not be null
IllegalArgumentException - if the given property definition is null


public void setPropertyDefinitions(List<PropertyDefinition> propertyDefinitions)
Sets the list of property definitions maintained by this build to the given list.

propertyDefinitions - the list of property definitions to set


public void addPropertyDefinition(String name,
                                  String value)
Add a property definition constructed from the given name and value to the list of property definitions on this builder.

name - name of the property definition to add, must not be a null or blank value
value - value of the property definition to add
IllegalArgumentException - if the given name is a null or blank value


public PropertyDefinition getPropertyDefinition(String name)
Returns the property definition on this build which has the given name if it exists. This method will return a null value if a definition with the given name cannot be found.

name - the name of the property definition to retrieve
the property definition with the given name, or null if no such property definition is found
IllegalArgumentException - if the given name is a null or blank value

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