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1   /**
2    * Copyright 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.web;
18  import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
19  import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
20  import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
21  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
22  import org.kuali.rice.core.api.exception.RiceRuntimeException;
23  import org.kuali.rice.core.api.uif.RemotableAttributeError;
24  import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.KewApiConstants;
25  import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.action.ActionRequestPolicy;
26  import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.rule.RuleTemplateAttributeContract;
27  import;
28  import org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.GroupRuleResponsibility;
29  import org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.PersonRuleResponsibility;
30  import org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.RoleRuleResponsibility;
31  import org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.RuleBaseValues;
32  import org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.RuleDelegationBo;
33  import org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.RuleExtensionBo;
34  import org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.RuleExtensionValue;
35  import org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.RuleResponsibilityBo;
36  import org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.WorkflowRuleAttributeRows;
37  import;
38  import;
39  import org.kuali.rice.kew.rule.service.RuleServiceInternal;
40  import org.kuali.rice.kew.service.KEWServiceLocator;
41  import;
42  import;
43  import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.Field;
44  import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.Row;
45  import org.kuali.rice.kns.web.ui.Section;
47  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
48  import java.util.ArrayList;
49  import java.util.Collections;
50  import java.util.HashMap;
51  import java.util.Iterator;
52  import java.util.List;
53  import java.util.Map;
55  /**
56   * Some utilities which are utilized by the {@link RuleAction}.
57   *
58   * @author Kuali Rice Team (
59   */
60  public final class WebRuleUtils {
62  	public static final String RULE_TEMPLATE_ID_PARAM = "ruleCreationValues.ruleTemplateId";
63  	public static final String RULE_TEMPLATE_NAME_PARAM = "ruleCreationValues.ruleTemplateName";
64  	public static final String DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME_PARAM = "ruleCreationValues.docTypeName";
65  	public static final String RESPONSIBILITY_ID_PARAM = "ruleCreationValues.responsibilityId";
67  	private static final String ID_SEPARATOR = "~";
68  	private static final String RULE_ATTRIBUTES_SECTION_ID = "RuleAttributes";
69  	private static final String RULE_ATTRIBUTES_SECTION_TITLE = "Rule Attributes";
70  	private static final String ROLES_MAINTENANCE_SECTION_ID = "RolesMaintenance";
72  	private WebRuleUtils() {
73  		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("do not call");
74  	}
76  	/**
77  	 * Copies the existing rule onto the current document.  This is used within the web-based rule GUI to make a
78  	 * copy of a rule on the existing document.  Essentially, this method makes a copy of the rule and all
79  	 * delegates but preserves the document ID of the original rule.
80  	 */
81      public static WebRuleBaseValues copyRuleOntoExistingDocument(WebRuleBaseValues rule) throws Exception {
82          WebRuleBaseValues ruleCopy = new WebRuleBaseValues();
83          PropertyUtils.copyProperties(ruleCopy, rule);
84          ruleCopy.setPreviousRuleId(null);
85          ruleCopy.setCurrentInd(null);
86          ruleCopy.setVersionNbr(null);
88          List responsibilities = new ArrayList();
89          for (Iterator iter = ruleCopy.getRuleResponsibilities().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
90              WebRuleResponsibility responsibility = (WebRuleResponsibility);
91              WebRuleResponsibility responsibilityCopy = new WebRuleResponsibility();
92              PropertyUtils.copyProperties(responsibilityCopy, responsibility);
94              responsibilityCopy.setResponsibilityId(null);
95              responsibilityCopy.setId(null);
97              List delegations = new ArrayList();
98              for (Iterator iterator = responsibilityCopy.getDelegationRules().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
99                  RuleDelegationBo delegation = (RuleDelegationBo);
100                 RuleDelegationBo delegationCopy = new RuleDelegationBo();
101                 PropertyUtils.copyProperties(delegationCopy, delegation);
103                 delegationCopy.setDelegateRuleId(null);
104                 delegationCopy.setVersionNumber(null);
105                 delegationCopy.setRuleDelegationId(null);
106                 delegationCopy.setResponsibilityId(null);
108                 WebRuleBaseValues delegationRule = ((WebRuleBaseValues) delegation.getDelegationRule());
109                 WebRuleBaseValues ruleDelegateCopy = new WebRuleBaseValues();
110                 PropertyUtils.copyProperties(ruleDelegateCopy, delegationRule);
112                 ruleDelegateCopy.setPreviousRuleId(null);
113                 ruleDelegateCopy.setCurrentInd(null);
114                 ruleDelegateCopy.setVersionNbr(null);
116                 List delegateResps = new ArrayList();
117                 for (Iterator iterator1 = ruleDelegateCopy.getRuleResponsibilities().iterator(); iterator1.hasNext();) {
118                     WebRuleResponsibility delegateResp = (WebRuleResponsibility);
119                     WebRuleResponsibility delegateRespCopy = new WebRuleResponsibility();
120                     PropertyUtils.copyProperties(delegateRespCopy, delegateResp);
122                     delegateRespCopy.setResponsibilityId(null);
123                     delegateRespCopy.setId(null);
124                     delegateResps.add(delegateRespCopy);
125                 }
126                 ruleDelegateCopy.setRuleResponsibilities(delegateResps);
127                 delegationCopy.setDelegationRule(ruleDelegateCopy);
128                 delegations.add(delegationCopy);
129             }
130             //responsibilityCopy.setDelegationRules(delegations);
131             responsibilities.add(responsibilityCopy);
132         }
133         ruleCopy.setRuleResponsibilities(responsibilities);
134         return ruleCopy;
135     }
137     /**
138      * Makes a copy of the rule and clears the document id on the rule and any of its delegates.
139      * This method is used for making a copy of a rule for a new document.  It essentially calls
140      * the copyRuleOntoExistingDocument method and then clears out the document IDs.
141      * 
142      * @param webRuleBaseValues
143      */
144     public static WebRuleBaseValues copyToNewRule(WebRuleBaseValues webRuleBaseValues) throws Exception {
145     	WebRuleBaseValues newRule = copyRuleOntoExistingDocument(webRuleBaseValues);
146     	// clear out all document IDs on the rule and it's delegates
147     	newRule.setDocumentId(null);
148     	for (Iterator iterator = newRule.getRuleResponsibilities().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
149 			RuleResponsibilityBo responsibility = (RuleResponsibilityBo);
150 			for (Iterator iterator2 = responsibility.getDelegationRules().iterator(); iterator2.hasNext(); ) {
151 				RuleDelegationBo delegation = (RuleDelegationBo);
152 				delegation.getDelegationRule().setDocumentId(null);
153 			}
154 		}
155     	return newRule;
156     }
158     public static void validateRuleTemplateAndDocumentType(RuleBaseValues oldRule, RuleBaseValues newRule, Map<String, String[]> parameters) {
159 		String[] ruleTemplateIds = parameters.get(RULE_TEMPLATE_ID_PARAM);
160 		String[] ruleTemplateNames = parameters.get(RULE_TEMPLATE_NAME_PARAM);
161 		String[] documentTypeNames = parameters.get(DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME_PARAM);
162 		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(ruleTemplateIds) && ArrayUtils.isEmpty(ruleTemplateNames)) {
163 			throw new RiceRuntimeException("Rule document must be initiated with a valid rule template id or rule template name.");
164 		}
165 		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(documentTypeNames)) {
166 			throw new RiceRuntimeException("Rule document must be initiated with a valid document type name.");
167 		}
168 		RuleTemplateBo ruleTemplate = null;
169 		if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(ruleTemplateIds)) {
170 			String ruleTemplateId = ruleTemplateIds[0];
171 			ruleTemplate = KEWServiceLocator.getRuleTemplateService().findByRuleTemplateId(ruleTemplateId);
172 			if (ruleTemplate == null) {
173 				throw new RiceRuntimeException("Failed to load rule template with id '" + ruleTemplateId + "'");
174 			}
175 		}
176 		if (ruleTemplate == null) {
177 			String ruleTemplateName = ruleTemplateNames[0];
178 			ruleTemplate = KEWServiceLocator.getRuleTemplateService().findByRuleTemplateName(ruleTemplateName);
179 			if (ruleTemplate == null) {
180 				throw new RiceRuntimeException("Failed to load rule template with name '" + ruleTemplateName + "'");
181 			}
182 		}
183 		String documentTypeName = documentTypeNames[0];
184 		DocumentType documentType = KEWServiceLocator.getDocumentTypeService().findByName(documentTypeName);
185 		if (documentType == null) {
186 			throw new RiceRuntimeException("Failed to locate document type with name '" + documentTypeName + "'");
187 		}
189 		// it appears that there is always an old maintainable, even in the case of a new document creation,
190 		// if we don't initialize both the old and new versions we get errors during meshSections
191 		initializeRuleAfterNew(oldRule, ruleTemplate, documentTypeName);
192 		initializeRuleAfterNew(newRule, ruleTemplate, documentTypeName);
193 	}
195 	private static void initializeRuleAfterNew(RuleBaseValues rule, RuleTemplateBo ruleTemplate, String documentTypeName) {
196 		rule.setRuleTemplate(ruleTemplate);
197 		rule.setRuleTemplateId(ruleTemplate.getId());
198 		rule.setDocTypeName(documentTypeName);
199 	}
201 	public static void validateRuleAndResponsibility(RuleDelegationBo oldRuleDelegation, RuleDelegationBo newRuleDelegation, Map<String, String[]> parameters) {
202 		String[] responsibilityIds = parameters.get(RESPONSIBILITY_ID_PARAM);
203 		if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(responsibilityIds)) {
204 			throw new RiceRuntimeException("Delegation rule document must be initiated with a valid responsibility ID to delegate from.");
205 		}
206 		if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(responsibilityIds)) {
207 			String responsibilityId = responsibilityIds[0];
208 			RuleResponsibilityBo ruleResponsibility = KEWServiceLocator.getRuleService().findRuleResponsibility(responsibilityId);
209 			if (ruleResponsibility == null) {
210 				throw new RiceRuntimeException("Failed to locate a rule responsibility for responsibility ID " + responsibilityId);
211 			}
212 			oldRuleDelegation.setResponsibilityId(responsibilityId);
213 			newRuleDelegation.setResponsibilityId(responsibilityId);
214 		}
216 	}
218 	public static void establishDefaultRuleValues(RuleBaseValues rule) {
219 		rule.setActive(true);
221         RuleBaseValues defaultRule = ((RuleServiceInternal) KEWServiceLocator.getService(KEWServiceLocator.RULE_SERVICE)).findDefaultRuleByRuleTemplateId(
222         		rule.getRuleTemplate().getDelegationTemplateId());
223         if (defaultRule != null) {
224             defaultRule.setActivationDate(null);
225             defaultRule.setCurrentInd(null);
226             defaultRule.setDeactivationDate(null);
227             defaultRule.setDocTypeName(null);
228             defaultRule.setVersionNumber(null);
229             defaultRule.setId(null);
230             defaultRule.setTemplateRuleInd(Boolean.FALSE);
231             defaultRule.setVersionNbr(null);
232             try {
233 				PropertyUtils.copyProperties(rule, defaultRule);
234 			} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
235 				throw new RuntimeException(e);
236 			} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
237 				throw new RuntimeException(e);
238 			} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
239 				throw new RuntimeException(e);
240 			}
241         }
242 	}
245 	public static List<Section> customizeSections(RuleBaseValues rule, List<Section> sections, boolean delegateRule) {
247 		List<Section> finalSections = new ArrayList<Section>();
248 		for (Section section : sections) {
249 			// unfortunately, in the case of an inquiry the sectionId will always be null so we have to check section title
250 			if (section.getSectionTitle().equals(RULE_ATTRIBUTES_SECTION_TITLE) || 
251 					RULE_ATTRIBUTES_SECTION_ID.equals(section.getSectionId())) {
252 				List<Row> ruleTemplateRows = getRuleTemplateRows(rule, delegateRule);
253 				if (!ruleTemplateRows.isEmpty()) {
254 					section.setRows(ruleTemplateRows);
255 					finalSections.add(section);
256 				}
257 			} else if (ROLES_MAINTENANCE_SECTION_ID.equals(section.getSectionId())) {
258 				if (hasRoles(rule)) {
259 					finalSections.add(section);
260 				}
261 			} else {
262 				finalSections.add(section);
263 			}
264 		}
266 		return finalSections;
267     }
269     public static List<Row> getRuleTemplateRows(RuleBaseValues rule, boolean delegateRule) {
270    		List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>();
271    		RuleTemplateBo ruleTemplate = rule.getRuleTemplate();
272    		Map<String, String> fieldNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
273    		// refetch rule template from service because after persistence in KNS, it comes back without any rule template attributes
274    		if (ruleTemplate != null) {
275    			ruleTemplate = KEWServiceLocator.getRuleTemplateService().findByRuleTemplateId(ruleTemplate.getId());
276    			if (ruleTemplate != null) {
277    				List<RuleTemplateAttributeBo> ruleTemplateAttributes = ruleTemplate.getActiveRuleTemplateAttributes();
278    				Collections.sort(ruleTemplateAttributes);
279    				for (RuleTemplateAttributeBo ruleTemplateAttribute : ruleTemplateAttributes) {
280    					if (!ruleTemplateAttribute.isWorkflowAttribute()) {
281    						continue;
282    					}
283                     Map<String, String> parameters = getFieldMapForRuleTemplateAttribute(rule, ruleTemplateAttribute);
284                     WorkflowRuleAttributeRows workflowRuleAttributeRows =
285                             KEWServiceLocator.getWorkflowRuleAttributeMediator().getRuleRows(parameters, ruleTemplateAttribute);
286                     List<Row> attributeRows = transformAndPopulateAttributeRows(workflowRuleAttributeRows.getRows(),
287                             ruleTemplateAttribute, rule, fieldNameMap, delegateRule);
288                     rows.addAll(attributeRows);
289    				}
290    			}
291    			transformFieldConversions(rows, fieldNameMap);
292    		}
293    		return rows;
294    	}
296 	public static void transformFieldConversions(List<Row> rows, Map<String, String> fieldNameMap) {
297 		for (Row row : rows) {
298 			Map<String, String> transformedFieldConversions = new HashMap<String, String>();
299 			for (Field field : row.getFields()) {
300 				Map<String, String> fieldConversions = field.getFieldConversionMap();
301 				for (String lookupFieldName : fieldConversions.keySet()) {
302 					String localFieldName = fieldConversions.get(lookupFieldName);
303 					if (fieldNameMap.containsKey(localFieldName)) {
304 						// set the transformed value
305 						transformedFieldConversions.put(lookupFieldName, fieldNameMap.get(localFieldName));
306 					} else {
307 						// set the original value (not sure if this case will happen, but just in case)
308 						transformedFieldConversions.put(lookupFieldName, fieldConversions.get(lookupFieldName));
309 					}
310 				}
311 				field.setFieldConversions(transformedFieldConversions);
312 			}
313 		}
314 	}
316 	private static boolean hasRoles(RuleBaseValues rule) {
317 		RuleTemplateBo ruleTemplate = rule.getRuleTemplate();
318 		return !ruleTemplate.getRoles().isEmpty();
319 	}
321 	/**
322 	 * Processes the Fields on the various attributes Rows to assign an appropriate field name to them so that the
323 	 * field name rendered in the maintenance HTML will properly assign the value to RuleBaseValues.fieldValues.
324 	 */
326 	public static List<Row> transformAndPopulateAttributeRows(List<Row> attributeRows, RuleTemplateAttributeBo ruleTemplateAttribute, RuleBaseValues rule, Map<String, String> fieldNameMap, boolean delegateRule) {
328 		for (Row row : attributeRows) {
329 			for (Field field : row.getFields()) {
330 				String fieldName = field.getPropertyName();
331 				if (!StringUtils.isBlank(fieldName)) {
332 					String valueKey = ruleTemplateAttribute.getId() + ID_SEPARATOR + fieldName;
334 					String propertyName;
336 					if (delegateRule) {
337                         propertyName = "delegationRule.fieldValues(" + valueKey + ")";
338                     } else {
339 						propertyName = "fieldValues(" + valueKey + ")";
340 					}
342 					fieldNameMap.put(fieldName, propertyName);
343 					field.setPropertyName(propertyName);
344 					field.setPropertyValue(rule.getFieldValues().get(valueKey));
345 				}
346 			}
347 		}
348 		return attributeRows;
349 	}
351 	/**
352 	 * Since editing of a Rule should actually result in a rule with a new ID and new
353 	 * entries in the rule and rule responsibility tables, we need to clear out
354 	 * the primary keys of the rule and related objects.
355 	 */
356 	public static void clearKeysForSave(RuleBaseValues rule) {
357 		rule.setId(null);
358 		rule.setActivationDate(null);
359 		rule.setDeactivationDate(null);
360 		rule.setCurrentInd(false);
361 		rule.setVersionNbr(null);
362 		rule.setObjectId(null);
363 		rule.setVersionNumber(0L);
364 	}
366 	public static void clearKeysForSave(RuleDelegationBo ruleDelegation) {
367 		ruleDelegation.setRuleDelegationId(null);
368 		ruleDelegation.setObjectId(null);
369 		ruleDelegation.setVersionNumber(0L);
370 		clearKeysForSave(ruleDelegation.getDelegationRule());
371 	}
373     public static void translateResponsibilitiesForSave(RuleBaseValues rule) {
374 		rule.getRuleResponsibilities().clear();
375 		for (PersonRuleResponsibility responsibility : rule.getPersonResponsibilities()) {
376 			RuleResponsibilityBo ruleResponsibility = new RuleResponsibilityBo();
377 			ruleResponsibility.setActionRequestedCd(responsibility.getActionRequestedCd());
378 			ruleResponsibility.setPriority(responsibility.getPriority());
379 			ruleResponsibility.setResponsibilityId(responsibility.getResponsibilityId());
380 			if (ruleResponsibility.getResponsibilityId() == null) {
381 				ruleResponsibility.setResponsibilityId(KEWServiceLocator.getResponsibilityIdService().getNewResponsibilityId());
382 			}
383 			String principalId = KEWServiceLocator.getIdentityHelperService().getIdForPrincipalName(responsibility.getPrincipalName());
384 			ruleResponsibility.setRuleResponsibilityName(principalId);
385 			ruleResponsibility.setRuleResponsibilityType(KewApiConstants.RULE_RESPONSIBILITY_WORKFLOW_ID);
386 			// default the approve policy to First Approve
387 			ruleResponsibility.setApprovePolicy(ActionRequestPolicy.FIRST.getCode());
388 			rule.getRuleResponsibilities().add(ruleResponsibility);
389 		}
390 		for (GroupRuleResponsibility responsibility : rule.getGroupResponsibilities()) {
391 			RuleResponsibilityBo ruleResponsibility = new RuleResponsibilityBo();
392 			ruleResponsibility.setActionRequestedCd(responsibility.getActionRequestedCd());
393 			ruleResponsibility.setPriority(responsibility.getPriority());
394 			ruleResponsibility.setResponsibilityId(responsibility.getResponsibilityId());
395 			if (ruleResponsibility.getResponsibilityId() == null) {
396 				ruleResponsibility.setResponsibilityId(KEWServiceLocator.getResponsibilityIdService().getNewResponsibilityId());
397 			}
398 			Group group = KEWServiceLocator.getIdentityHelperService().getGroupByName(responsibility.getNamespaceCode(), responsibility.getName());
399 			ruleResponsibility.setRuleResponsibilityName(group.getId());
400 			ruleResponsibility.setRuleResponsibilityType(KewApiConstants.RULE_RESPONSIBILITY_GROUP_ID);
401 			ruleResponsibility.setApprovePolicy(ActionRequestPolicy.FIRST.getCode());
402 			rule.getRuleResponsibilities().add(ruleResponsibility);
403 		}
404 		for (RoleRuleResponsibility responsibility : rule.getRoleResponsibilities()) {
405 			RuleResponsibilityBo ruleResponsibility = new RuleResponsibilityBo();
406 			ruleResponsibility.setActionRequestedCd(responsibility.getActionRequestedCd());
407 			ruleResponsibility.setPriority(responsibility.getPriority());
408 			ruleResponsibility.setResponsibilityId(responsibility.getResponsibilityId());
409 			if (ruleResponsibility.getResponsibilityId() == null) {
410 				ruleResponsibility.setResponsibilityId(KEWServiceLocator.getResponsibilityIdService().getNewResponsibilityId());
411 			}
412 			ruleResponsibility.setRuleResponsibilityName(responsibility.getRoleName());
413 			ruleResponsibility.setRuleResponsibilityType(KewApiConstants.RULE_RESPONSIBILITY_ROLE_ID);
414 			ruleResponsibility.setApprovePolicy(responsibility.getApprovePolicy());
415 			rule.getRuleResponsibilities().add(ruleResponsibility);
416 		}
417 	}
419     public static void translateFieldValuesForSave(RuleBaseValues rule) {
420     	RuleTemplateBo ruleTemplate = KEWServiceLocator.getRuleTemplateService().findByRuleTemplateId(rule.getRuleTemplateId());
422 		/** Populate rule extension values * */
423 		List extensions = new ArrayList();
424 		for (Iterator iterator = ruleTemplate.getActiveRuleTemplateAttributes().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
425 			RuleTemplateAttributeBo ruleTemplateAttribute = (RuleTemplateAttributeBo);
426 			if (!ruleTemplateAttribute.isWorkflowAttribute()) {
427 				continue;
428 			}
429 			Map<String, String> parameterMap = getFieldMapForRuleTemplateAttribute(rule, ruleTemplateAttribute);
430             WorkflowRuleAttributeRows workflowRuleAttributeRows =
431                     KEWServiceLocator.getWorkflowRuleAttributeMediator().getRuleRows(parameterMap, ruleTemplateAttribute);
434 			// validate rule data populates the rule extension values for us
435 			List<RemotableAttributeError> attValidationErrors = workflowRuleAttributeRows.getValidationErrors();
437 			// because validation should be handled by business rules now, if we encounter a validation error at this point in
438 			// time, let's throw an exception
439 			if (attValidationErrors != null && !attValidationErrors.isEmpty()) {
440 				throw new RiceRuntimeException("Encountered attribute validation errors when attempting to save the Rule!");
441 			}
443 			Map<String, String> ruleExtensionValuesMap = workflowRuleAttributeRows.getRuleExtensionValues();
444 			if (ruleExtensionValuesMap != null && !ruleExtensionValuesMap.isEmpty()) {
445 				RuleExtensionBo ruleExtension = new RuleExtensionBo();
446 				ruleExtension.setRuleTemplateAttributeId(ruleTemplateAttribute.getId());
447                 List<RuleExtensionValue> ruleExtensionValues = new ArrayList<RuleExtensionValue>();
448                 for (String key : ruleExtensionValuesMap.keySet()) {
449                     RuleExtensionValue ruleExtensionValue = new RuleExtensionValue();
450                     ruleExtensionValue.setExtension(ruleExtension);
451                     ruleExtensionValue.setKey(key);
452                     ruleExtensionValue.setValue(ruleExtensionValuesMap.get(key));
453 				    ruleExtensionValues.add(ruleExtensionValue);
454                 }
455                 ruleExtension.setExtensionValues(ruleExtensionValues);
456 				extensions.add(ruleExtension);
457 			}
459 		}
460 		rule.setRuleExtensions(extensions);
462 		for (Iterator iterator = rule.getRuleExtensions().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
463 			RuleExtensionBo ruleExtension = (RuleExtensionBo);
464 			ruleExtension.setRuleBaseValues(rule);
466 			for (Iterator iterator2 = ruleTemplate.getActiveRuleTemplateAttributes().iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
467 				RuleTemplateAttributeBo ruleTemplateAttribute = (RuleTemplateAttributeBo);
468 				if (StringUtils.equals(ruleTemplateAttribute.getId(), ruleExtension.getRuleTemplateAttributeId())) {
469 					ruleExtension.setRuleTemplateAttribute(ruleTemplateAttribute);
470 					break;
471 				}
472 			}
474 			for (Iterator iterator2 = ruleExtension.getExtensionValues().iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
475 				RuleExtensionValue ruleExtensionValue = (RuleExtensionValue);
476 				ruleExtensionValue.setExtension(ruleExtension);
477 			}
478 		}
479     }
481     /**
482      * Based on original logic implemented in Rule system.  Essentially constructs a Map of field values related
483      * to the given RuleTemplateAttribute.
484      */
485     public static Map<String, String> getFieldMapForRuleTemplateAttribute(RuleBaseValues rule, RuleTemplateAttributeContract ruleTemplateAttribute) {
486     	Map<String, String> fieldMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
487     	for (String fieldKey : rule.getFieldValues().keySet()) {
488     		String ruleTemplateAttributeId = fieldKey.substring(0, fieldKey.indexOf(ID_SEPARATOR));
489     		String fieldName = fieldKey.substring(fieldKey.indexOf(ID_SEPARATOR) + 1);
490     		if (ruleTemplateAttribute.getId().equals(ruleTemplateAttributeId)) {
491     			fieldMap.put(fieldName, rule.getFieldValues().get(fieldKey));
492     		}
493     	}
494     	return fieldMap;
495     }
497     public static void processRuleForDelegationSave(RuleDelegationBo ruleDelegation) {
498     	RuleBaseValues rule = ruleDelegation.getDelegationRule();
499     	rule.setDelegateRule(true);
500     	// certain items on a delegated rule responsibility are inherited from parent responsibility, set them to null
501     	for (RuleResponsibilityBo responsibility : rule.getRuleResponsibilities()) {
502     		responsibility.setActionRequestedCd(null);
503     		responsibility.setPriority(null);
504     	}
505     }
507     public static void populateForCopyOrEdit(RuleBaseValues oldRule, RuleBaseValues newRule) {
508 		populateRuleMaintenanceFields(oldRule);
509 		populateRuleMaintenanceFields(newRule);
510 		// in the case of copy, our fields which are marked read only are cleared, this includes the rule template
511 		// name and the document type name but we don't want these cleared
512 		if (newRule.getRuleTemplate().getName() == null) {
513 			newRule.getRuleTemplate().setName(oldRule.getRuleTemplate().getName());
514 		}
515 		if (newRule.getDocTypeName() == null) {
516 			newRule.setDocTypeName(oldRule.getDocTypeName());
517 		}
518 	}
520     /**
521 	 * This method populates fields on RuleBaseValues which are used only for
522 	 * maintenance purposes.  In otherwords, it populates the non-persistent fields
523 	 * on the RuleBaseValues which the maintenance document needs to function
524 	 * (such as the extension field values and responsibilities).
525 	 */
526 	public static void populateRuleMaintenanceFields(RuleBaseValues rule) {
527 		translateResponsibilitiesForLoad(rule);
528 		translateRuleExtensionsForLoad(rule);
529 	}
531 	public static void translateResponsibilitiesForLoad(RuleBaseValues rule) {
532 		for (RuleResponsibilityBo responsibility : rule.getRuleResponsibilities()) {
533 			if (responsibility.getRuleResponsibilityType().equals(KewApiConstants.RULE_RESPONSIBILITY_WORKFLOW_ID)) {
534 				PersonRuleResponsibility personResponsibility = new PersonRuleResponsibility();
535 				copyResponsibility(responsibility, personResponsibility);
536 				Principal principal = KEWServiceLocator.getIdentityHelperService().getPrincipal(personResponsibility.getRuleResponsibilityName());
537 				personResponsibility.setPrincipalName(principal.getPrincipalName());
538 				rule.getPersonResponsibilities().add(personResponsibility);
539 			} else if (responsibility.getRuleResponsibilityType().equals(KewApiConstants.RULE_RESPONSIBILITY_GROUP_ID)) {
540 				GroupRuleResponsibility groupResponsibility = new GroupRuleResponsibility();
541 				copyResponsibility(responsibility, groupResponsibility);
542 				Group group = KEWServiceLocator.getIdentityHelperService().getGroup(groupResponsibility.getRuleResponsibilityName());
543 				groupResponsibility.setNamespaceCode(group.getNamespaceCode());
544 				groupResponsibility.setName(group.getName());
545 				rule.getGroupResponsibilities().add(groupResponsibility);
546 			} else if (responsibility.getRuleResponsibilityType().equals(KewApiConstants.RULE_RESPONSIBILITY_ROLE_ID)) {
547 				RoleRuleResponsibility roleResponsibility = new RoleRuleResponsibility();
548 				copyResponsibility(responsibility, roleResponsibility);
549 				rule.getRoleResponsibilities().add(roleResponsibility);
550 			} else {
551 				throw new RiceRuntimeException("Original responsibility with id '" + responsibility.getId() + "' contained a bad type code of '" + responsibility.getRuleResponsibilityType());
552 			}
553 		}
554 		// since we've loaded the responsibilities, let's clear the originals so they don't get serialized to the maint doc XML
555 		rule.getRuleResponsibilities().clear();
556 	}
558 	public static void copyResponsibility(RuleResponsibilityBo source, RuleResponsibilityBo target) {
559 		try {
560 			BeanUtils.copyProperties(target, source);
561 		} catch (Exception e) {
562 			throw new RiceRuntimeException("Failed to copy properties from source to target responsibility", e);
563 		}
564 	}
566 	public static void translateRuleExtensionsForLoad(RuleBaseValues rule) {
567 		for (RuleExtensionBo ruleExtension : rule.getRuleExtensions()) {
568 			String ruleTemplateAttributeId = ruleExtension.getRuleTemplateAttributeId();
569 			for (RuleExtensionValue ruleExtensionValue : ruleExtension.getExtensionValues()) {
570 				String fieldMapKey = ruleTemplateAttributeId + ID_SEPARATOR + ruleExtensionValue.getKey();
571 				rule.getFieldValues().put(fieldMapKey, ruleExtensionValue.getValue());
572 			}
573 		}
574 		// since we've loaded the extensions, let's clear the originals so that they don't get serialized to the maint doc XML
575 		rule.getRuleExtensions().clear();
576 	}
578 	public static void processRuleForCopy(String documentNumber, RuleBaseValues oldRule, RuleBaseValues newRule) {
579 		WebRuleUtils.populateForCopyOrEdit(oldRule, newRule);
580 		clearKeysForCopy(newRule);
581 		newRule.setDocumentId(documentNumber);
582 	}
584 	public static void clearKeysForCopy(RuleBaseValues rule) {    	
585     	rule.setId(null);
586     	rule.setPreviousRuleId(null);
587     	rule.setPreviousVersion(null);
588     	rule.setName(null);
589     	for (PersonRuleResponsibility responsibility : rule.getPersonResponsibilities()) {
590     		clearResponsibilityKeys(responsibility);
591     	}
592     	for (GroupRuleResponsibility responsibility : rule.getGroupResponsibilities()) {
593     		clearResponsibilityKeys(responsibility);
594     	}
595     	for (RoleRuleResponsibility responsibility : rule.getRoleResponsibilities()) {
596     		clearResponsibilityKeys(responsibility);
597     	}
598     }
600     private static void clearResponsibilityKeys(RuleResponsibilityBo responsibility) {
601 		responsibility.setResponsibilityId(null);
602 		responsibility.setId(null);
603 		responsibility.setRuleBaseValuesId(null);
604     }
606 }