Uses of Interface

Packages that use Constraint Copyright 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 

Uses of Constraint in

Classes in that implement Constraint
 class KimAttributeDefinition
          Deprecated. A krad integrated type service base class will be provided in the future. This is only used for the legacy DataDictionaryTypeServiceBase.

Uses of Constraint in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary that implement Constraint
 class AttributeDefinition
          A single attribute definition in the DataDictionary, which contains information relating to the display, validation, and general maintenance of a specific attribute of an entry.
 class AttributeDefinitionBase
          Common class for attribute definitions in the DataDictionary, which contains information relating to the display, validation, and general maintenance of a specific attribute of an entry.
 class CollectionDefinition
          CollectionDefinition defines a single Collection attribute definition in the DataDictionary
 class ComplexAttributeDefinition
          A complex attribute definition in the DataDictictionary.
 class ExternalizableAttributeDefinitionProxy
          A single attribute definition in the DataDictionary, which contains information relating to the display, validation, and general maintenance of a specific attribute of an entry.

Uses of Constraint in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.capability

Subinterfaces of Constraint in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.capability
 interface CollectionSizeConstrainable
          Validation capability to constrain a value of type collection to a specific minimum and maximum number of elements.
 interface DataTypeConstrainable
          Validation capability to constrain a value to be of a specific data type.
 interface ExistenceConstrainable
          Validation capability to constrain a value to be required or not required to be non-empty.
 interface LengthConstrainable
          This interface defines methods that must be implemented by classes that want to be processed as
 interface RangeConstrainable
          Validation capability to constrain a value to be within some numeric or date range.

Uses of Constraint in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint

Subinterfaces of Constraint in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint
 interface CollectionSizeConstraint
          A collection size constraint is one that implements a maximum and minimum number of elements for a collection.
 interface DataTypeConstraint
          A data type constraint is one that enforces a specific data type for an object.
 interface ExistenceConstraint
          An existence constraint is a constraint that requires (or does not require) that some non-empty value exist for this constrained object or field.
 interface LengthConstraint
          Constraint that restricts the length of a string to some predefined maximum and/or minimum
 interface RangeConstraint
          A range constraint that restricts a value to a specified range

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint that implement Constraint
 class AllowCharacterConstraint
          Parent abstract class that allows additional characters to be allowed in child constraint character sets, see AlphaNumericPatternConstraint, among others for example.
 class AlphaNumericPatternConstraint
          A ValidCharactersConstraint based on AlphaNumericValidationPattern.
 class AlphaPatternConstraint
          Pattern for matching alpha characters
 class AnyCharacterPatternConstraint
          Pattern for matching any printable character
 class BaseConstraint
          A class that implements the required accessor for label keys.
 class CaseConstraint
          CaseConstraint is imposed only when a certain condition is met
 class CharsetPatternConstraint
          Pattern for matching any character in the given list (String)
 class ConfigurationBasedRegexPatternConstraint
          ConfigurationBasedRegexPatternConstraint uses a patternTypeKey to get the regex used for validation by key from the KualiConfigurationService
 class DatePatternConstraint
          DatePatternConstraint constrains a field to only allow dates which are part of the formats defined in the system.
 class FixedPointPatternConstraint
          TODO delyea don't forget to fill this in.
 class FloatingPointPatternConstraint
          Validation pattern for matching floating point numbers, optionally matching negative numbers
 class IntegerPatternConstraint
          TODO Administrator don't forget to fill this in.
 class LookupConstraint
          This class is a direct copy of one that was in Kuali Student.
 class MustOccurConstraint
          Must occur constraints are constraints that indicate some range of acceptable valid results.
 class NumericPatternConstraint
          Pattern for matching numeric characters, difference between NumericPatternConstraint and IntegerPatternConstraint is that a numeric pattern constraint is for matching numeric characters and can be mixed with other characters by setting allow flags on, while integer is for only positive/negative numbers
 class PrerequisiteConstraint
          Prerequisite constraints require that some other attribute be non-empty in order for the constraint to be valid.
 class SimpleConstraint
          A simple constraint stores 'basic' constraints for a field.
 class UTF8AnyCharacterPatternConstraint
          Pattern for matching any printable character
 class ValidCharactersConstraint
          This is a constraint that limits attribute values to some subset of valid characters or to match a particular regular expression.
 class ValidCharactersPatternConstraint
          This abstract class extends from ValidCharactersConstraint.
 class ValidDataPatternConstraint
 class WhenConstraint
          WhenConstraint is a child of a CaseConstraint

Fields in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint declared as Constraint
protected  Constraint WhenConstraint.constraint

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint that return Constraint
 Constraint WhenConstraint.getConstraint()
          The constraint to apply to the field when the WhenConstraint value/values match

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint with parameters of type Constraint
 void WhenConstraint.setConstraint(Constraint constraint)
          setter for constraint

Uses of Constraint in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.provider

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.provider that return types with arguments of type Constraint
 List<Constraint> ConstraintProvider.getConstraints(T definition, Class<? extends Constraint> constraintType)
          gets the constraints provided
 List<Constraint> BaseConstraintProvider.getConstraints(T definition, Class<? extends Constraint> constraintType)

Method parameters in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.provider with type arguments of type Constraint
 List<Constraint> ConstraintProvider.getConstraints(T definition, Class<? extends Constraint> constraintType)
          gets the constraints provided
 List<Constraint> BaseConstraintProvider.getConstraints(T definition, Class<? extends Constraint> constraintType)

Uses of Constraint in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.resolver

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.constraint.resolver with type parameters of type Constraint
<C extends Constraint>
MustOccurConstraintsResolver.resolve(T definition)
<C extends Constraint>
CaseConstraintResolver.resolve(T definition)
<C extends Constraint>
ConstraintResolver.resolve(T definition)
          gets the list of constraints from the provided definition
<C extends Constraint>
ValidCharactersConstraintResolver.resolve(T definition)
<C extends Constraint>
SimpleConstraintResolver.resolve(T definition)
          Return SimpleConstraint if SimpleConstrainable, otherwise return an empty list.
<C extends Constraint>
PrerequisiteConstraintsResolver.resolve(T definition)
<C extends Constraint>
DefinitionConstraintResolver.resolve(T definition)

Uses of Constraint in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.processor

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.processor with type parameters of type Constraint
 class BasePrerequisiteConstraintProcessor<C extends Constraint>
 interface CollectionConstraintProcessor<T extends Collection<?>,C extends Constraint>
          CollectionConstraintProcessor is a marker interface for 'collection constraint processors'
 interface ConstraintProcessor<T,C extends Constraint>
          ConstraintProcessor must be implemented by constraint processors, which validate individual constraints in the data dictionary
 class MandatoryElementConstraintProcessor<C extends Constraint>
          This abstract class can be extended by constraint processor classes that must be processed on every validation.
 class OptionalElementConstraintProcessor<C extends Constraint>

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.processor that return types with arguments of type Constraint
 Class<? extends Constraint> CollectionSizeConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()
 Class<? extends Constraint> RangeConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()
 Class<? extends Constraint> ExistenceConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()
 Class<? extends Constraint> LengthConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()
 Class<? extends Constraint> CaseConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()
 Class<? extends Constraint> DataTypeConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()
 Class<? extends Constraint> ConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()
          gets the java class type of the constraint that this contraint processor handles
 Class<? extends Constraint> ValidCharactersConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()
 Class<? extends Constraint> SimpleConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()
 Class<? extends Constraint> MustOccurConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()
 Class<? extends Constraint> PrerequisiteConstraintProcessor.getConstraintType()

Uses of Constraint in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.result

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.result that return types with arguments of type Constraint
 List<Constraint> ProcessorResult.getConstraints()

Constructors in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.result with parameters of type Constraint
ProcessorResult(ConstraintValidationResult constraintValidationResult, Constrainable definition, AttributeValueReader attributeValueReader, Constraint... constraints)
          creates a processor result from the parameters provided
ProcessorResult(List<ConstraintValidationResult> constraintValidationResults, Constrainable definition, AttributeValueReader attributeValueReader, Constraint... constraints)
          creates a processor result from the parameters provided

Constructor parameters in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.result with type arguments of type Constraint
ProcessorResult(ConstraintValidationResult constraintValidationResult, Constrainable definition, AttributeValueReader attributeValueReader, List<Constraint> constraints)
          creates a processor result from the parameters provided

Uses of Constraint in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util with type parameters of type Constraint
<T extends Constraint>
ConstraintStateUtils.getApplicableConstraint(T constraint, String validationState, StateMapping stateMapping)
          Gets the constraint that applies for the validationState passed in with the appropriate StateMapping (which should include validationState as one of its states).

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util with parameters of type Constraint
static boolean ConstraintStateUtils.constraintAppliesForState(String applicableState, Constraint constraint, StateMapping stateMapping)
          Determines if the constraint passed in applies for the applicableState, based on the stateMapping

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