
Class Summary
ApprovePolicyValuesFinder A values finder for returning KEW approve policy codes.
DelegationTypeValuesFinder A values finder for returning KEW rule delegation type codes.
RoleNameValuesFinder A values finder for generating a list of Role names that can be selected for a given RuleTemplate.
RuleAttribute Model bean defining a rule attribute.
RuleAttributeTypeValuesFinder A Key Values finder which produces a list of all Rule Attributes in the KEW database.
RuleBaseValuesInquirableImpl Inquirable implementation for KEW routing rules.
RuleBaseValuesLookupableHelperServiceImpl This is a description of what this class does - jjhanso don't forget to fill this in.
RuleBaseValuesLookupableImpl An implementation of KualiLookupableImpl for RuleBaseValues so that we can override the create url.
RuleDelegationInquirableImpl Inquirable implementation for KEW rule delegations.
RuleDelegationLookupableHelperServiceImpl This is a description of what this class does - jjhanso don't forget to fill this in.
RuleDelegationLookupableImpl An implementation of KualiLookupableImpl for RuleBaseValues so that we can override the create url.
RuleTemplateAttributeBo A model bean which services as the link between a RuleTemplateBo and a RuleAttribute.
RuleTemplateBo A model bean which represents a template upon which a rule is created.

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