
Class Summary
AttachmentTest AttachmentTest tests Attachment getters, setters and service methods
AttributeReferenceDummyTest This is a description of what this class does - chang don't forget to fill this in.
AttributeReferenceElementsTest This is a description of what this class does - chang don't forget to fill this in.
BusinessObjectAttributeEntryTest This is a description of what this class does - chang don't forget to fill this in.
BusinessObjectRefreshTest Tests how refreshing works for Business Objects
DocumentAttachmentTest tests DocumentAttachment getters and setters
LookupResultsTest This is a description of what this class does - chang don't forget to fill this in.
NoteTypeTest tests NoteType getters and setters
PersistableAttachmentBaseTest tests PersistableAttachmentBase getters and setters
SessionDocumentTest SessionDocumentTest tests SessionDocument getters and setters

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