Uses of Interface

Packages that use DictionaryBean
org.kuali.rice.kns.datadictionary Copyright 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
org.kuali.rice.kns.datadictionary.control Copyright 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. Copyright 2005-2013 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.kns.datadictionary

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.kns.datadictionary
 interface KNSDocumentEntry

Classes in org.kuali.rice.kns.datadictionary that implement DictionaryBean
 class FieldDefinition
 class HeaderNavigation
 class InquiryCollectionDefinition
 class InquiryDefinition
 class InquirySectionDefinition
 class InquirySubSectionHeaderDefinition
 class LookupDefinition
 class MaintainableCollectionDefinition
 class MaintainableFieldDefinition
 class MaintainableItemDefinition
 class MaintainableSectionDefinition
 class MaintainableSubSectionHeaderDefinition

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.kns.datadictionary.control

Classes in org.kuali.rice.kns.datadictionary.control that implement DictionaryBean
 class ButtonControlDefinition
 class CheckboxControlDefinition
 class ControlDefinitionBase
 class CurrencyControlDefinition
 class FileControlDefinition
 class HiddenControlDefinition
 class KualiUserControlDefinition
 class LinkControlDefinition
 class LookupHiddenControlDefinition
 class LookupReadonlyControlDefinition
 class MultiselectControlDefinition
 class MultivalueControlDefinitionBase
 class RadioControlDefinition
 class SelectControlDefinition
 class TextareaControlDefinition
 class TextControlDefinition
 class WorkflowWorkgroupControlDefinition

Uses of DictionaryBean in

Classes in that implement DictionaryBean
 class KimAttributeDefinition
          Deprecated. A krad integrated type service base class will be provided in the future. This is only used for the legacy DataDictionaryTypeServiceBase.

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary
 interface DataDictionaryDefinition
          Defines methods common to all DataDictionaryDefinition types.
 interface DataDictionaryEntry
          Defines methods common to all DataDictionaryDefinition types.

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary that implement DictionaryBean
 class AttributeDefinition
          A single attribute definition in the DataDictionary, which contains information relating to the display, validation, and general maintenance of a specific attribute of an entry.
 class AttributeDefinitionBase
          Common class for attribute definitions in the DataDictionary, which contains information relating to the display, validation, and general maintenance of a specific attribute of an entry.
 class AttributeSecurity
          Defines a set of restrictions that are possible on an attribute
 class BusinessObjectEntry
          A single BusinessObject entry in the DataDictionary, which contains information relating to the display, validation, and general maintenance of a BusinessObject and its attributes.
 class CollectionDefinition
          CollectionDefinition defines a single Collection attribute definition in the DataDictionary
 class ComplexAttributeDefinition
          A complex attribute definition in the DataDictictionary.
 class DataDictionaryDefinitionBase
          Common base class for DataDictionaryDefinition types.
 class DataDictionaryEntryBase
          Contains common properties and methods for data dictionary entries
 class DataObjectEntry
          Generic dictionary entry for an object that does not have to implement BusinessObject.
 class DictionaryBeanBase
          Common base for all objects that can be configured in the dictionary
 class DocumentCollectionPath
          This is a description of what this class does - mpham don't forget to fill this in.
 class DocumentEntry
          A single Document entry in the DataDictionary, which contains information relating to the display, validation, and general maintenance of a Document (transactional or maintenance) and its attributes
 class DocumentValuePathGroup
          This is a description of what this class does - mpham don't forget to fill this in.
 class ExternalizableAttributeDefinitionProxy
          A single attribute definition in the DataDictionary, which contains information relating to the display, validation, and general maintenance of a specific attribute of an entry.
 class HelpDefinition
          The help element provides the keys to obtain a help description from the database.
 class InactivationBlockingDefinition
          This is a description of what this class does - wliang don't forget to fill this in.
 class MaintenanceDocumentEntry
          Data dictionary entry class for MaintenanceDocument
 class PrimitiveAttributeDefinition
          The primitiveAttribute element identifies one pair of corresponding fields in the primary business object and the related business object.
 class ReferenceDefinition
          The reference element specifies the name of a reference object that is required to exist in order for the primary business object to be created or modified on a BO.
 class RelationshipDefinition
          A single Relationship definition in the DataDictionary, which contains information concerning which primitive attributes of this class can be used to retrieve an instance of some related Object instance The relationship element defines how primitive attributes of this class can be used to retrieve an instance of some related Object instance DD: See
 class RoutingAttribute
          This is a description of what this class does - mpham don't forget to fill this in.
 class RoutingTypeDefinition
          This is a description of what this class does - mpham don't forget to fill this in.
 class SearchingAttribute
          This is a description of what this class does - mpham don't forget to fill this in.
 class SearchingTypeDefinition
          This is a description of what this class does - mpham don't forget to fill this in.
 class SortDefinition
          The defaultSort element specifies the sequence in which the lookup search results should be displayed
 class SupportAttributeDefinition
          Support attributes define additional attributes that can be used to generate lookup field conversions and lookup parameters.
 class TransactionalDocumentEntry
 class WorkflowAttributeMetadata
          This is a description of what this class does - mpham don't forget to fill this in.
 class WorkflowAttributes
          A container that holds all of the WorkflowAttributeDefinition for a document for both document searches and routing that depends on the values that exist on the document.

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.control

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.control
 interface ControlDefinition

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif
 interface UifDictionaryBean
          Marks any class that can be configured through the UIF dictionary

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif that implement DictionaryBean
 class UifDictionaryBeanBase
          Common base class for dictionary objects that can contain dynamic expressions within the property value

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.demo.uif.components

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.demo.uif.components that implement DictionaryBean
 class ComponentExhibit
          The ComponentExhibit component is used to display demostrations of various components along with their source code and documentation
 class ComponentLibraryView
          View for the ComponentLibrary demo examples of Uif Components

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component
 interface Component
          Component defines basic properties and methods that all rendering element implement

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component that implement DictionaryBean
 class BindingInfo
          Provides binding configuration for an DataBinding component (attribute or collection)
 class ComponentBase
          Base implementation of Component which other component implementations should extend
 class ComponentSecurity
          Component security is used to flag permissions that exist in KIM for various component state (like edit and view)
 class PropertyReplacer
          Configuration for replacing a property value based on a condition

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container
 interface Container
          Type of component that contains a collection of other components.

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container that implement DictionaryBean
 class AccordionGroup
          Accordion group class used to stack groups by there header titles in an accordion layout
 class CollectionGroup
          Group that holds a collection of objects and configuration for presenting the collection in the UI.
 class CollectionGroupSecurity
          Collection Group security is used to flag that permissions exist for the associated CollectionGroup in KIM and should be checked to determine the associated group, line, and field state.
 class ContainerBase
          Base Container implementation which container implementations can extend
 class DialogGroup
          Special type of Group that presents a the content for a modal dialog
 class Group
          Container that holds a list of Field or other Group instances
 class LinkGroup
          Special Group that presents a grouping on links, which can also include nested groupings of links
 class NavigationGroup
          Special Group that renders a navigation section
 class NodePrototype
 class PageGroup
 class ReorderingGroup
          Group implementation that supports reordering of the group items
 class TabGroup
          A group that presents its child Groups as tabs.
 class TreeGroup
          Group component that is backed by a Tree data structure and typically rendered as a tree in the user interface

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.control

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.control
 interface Control
          Represents an interactive element in the UI (typically an HTML control)

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.control that implement DictionaryBean
 class CheckboxControl
          Represents a HTML Checkbox control.
 class CheckboxGroupControl
          Represents a group of HTML checkbox controls.
 class ControlBase
          Base class for all Control implementations
 class FileControl
          Represents a HTML File control, generally rendered as an input control with type 'file'.
 class GroupControl
          Represents a group control, which is a special control to handle the input of a KIM Group by group name
 class HiddenControl
          Represents a HTML Hidden control, generally rendered as an input control of type 'hidden'.
 class MultiValueControlBase
          Base class for controls that accept/display multiple values
 class RadioGroupControl
          Represents a group of HTML Radio controls.
 class SelectControl
          Represents a HTML Select control.
 class SpinnerControl
          Text control that as decorated with a spinner widget (allowing the control value to be modified using the spinner)
 class TextAreaControl
          Represents a HTML TextArea control.
 class TextControl
          Represents a HTML Text control, generally rendered as a input field of type 'text'.
 class UserControl
          Represents a user control, which is a special control to handle the input of a Person

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.element

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.element
 interface ContentElement

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.element that implement DictionaryBean
 class Action
          Field that presents an action that can be taken on the UI such as submitting the form or invoking a script
 class ActionSecurity
          Action field security adds the take action flags to the standard component security
 class ContentElementBase
 class DataTable
          Content element that renders a table using the RichTable widget configured with an Ajax (or Javascript) data source
 class FieldValidationMessages
          ValidationMessages for logic and options specific to groups
 class GroupValidationMessages
          ValidationMessages for logic and options specific to groups
 class Header
          Content element that renders a header element and optionally a Group to present along with the header text
 class Iframe
          Content element that encloses an iframe
 class Image
          Content element that renders a HTML <IMG> tag
 class Label
          Content element that renders a label
 class Link
          Content element that renders a link
 class Message
          Encapsulates a text message to be displayed
 class PageValidationMessages
          ValidationMessages for logic and options specific to pages TODO this class is currently a placeholder for possible future functionality (ex.
 class Space
          Content element that renders a non-breaking space HTML &nbsp; tag
 class ValidationMessages
          Field that displays error, warning, and info messages for the keys that are matched.

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field
 interface Field
          Component that contains one or more user interface elements and can be placed into a Container

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field that implement DictionaryBean
 class ActionField
          Field that encloses an @{link org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.element.Action} element
 class DataField
          Field that renders data from the application, such as the value of a data object property
 class DataFieldSecurity
          Data field security adds attribute security to the standard component security
 class FieldBase
          Base class for Field implementations
 class FieldGroup
          Field that contains a nested Group.
 class FieldSecurity
          Field security adds the edit in line and view in line flags to the standard component security
 class GenericField
          Field whose output is produced by invoking a method or template and has no properties (generic)
 class ImageField
          Field that wraps an image content element.
 class InputField
          Field that encapsulates data input/output captured by an attribute within the application
 class LinkField
          Field that encloses a link element
 class LookupInputField
          Custom InputField for search fields within a lookup view
 class MessageField
          Field wrapper for a Message
 class RemoteFieldsHolder
          A placeholder in the configuration for a Container list of items that will be invoked to retrieve a list of RemotableAttributeField instances which will then be inserted into the containers list at the position of the holder
 class SpaceField
          Field that produces only a space

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout
 interface CollectionLayoutManager
          Layout manager implementations that work with a collection (such as a table layout) should implement this interface for building the collection Component instances
 interface LayoutManager
          Manages the rendering of Component instances within a Container

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout that implement DictionaryBean
 class BoxLayoutManager
          Layout manager that organizes components in a single row (horizontal) or column (vertical)
 class GridLayoutManager
          Layout manager that organizes its components in a table based grid
 class LayoutManagerBase
          Base class for all layout managers
 class ListLayoutManager
          List layout manager is a layout manager for group types to output their items as either ordered or unordered lists
 class StackedLayoutManager
          Layout manager that works with CollectionGroup containers and renders the collection lines in a vertical row
 class TableLayoutManager
          Layout manager that works with CollectionGroup components and renders the collection as a Table

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.modifier

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.modifier
 interface ComponentModifier
          Provides modification functionality for a Component

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.modifier that implement DictionaryBean
 class ComparableInfo
          Provides configuration for comparing an object with another object
 class CompareFieldCreateModifier
          Generates Field instances to produce a comparison view among objects of the same type
 class ComponentConvertModifier
          For a given Component instance converts all component properties of a certain type to instances of another configured Component.
 class ComponentModifierBase
          Base class for ComponentModifier implementations
 class LabelSeparateModifier
          Pulls Label instances out of a contained field so they will be placed separately in the LayoutManager

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util that implement DictionaryBean
 class ColumnCalculationInfo
          ColumnCalculationInfo is used to specify which columns and what types of calculations are performed on those columns of table collection.

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view that implement DictionaryBean
 class DocumentView
          View type for KRAD documents
 class FormView
          Provides configuration for View instances that render an HTML form
 class HistoryEntry
          A simple object that keeps track of various HistoryInformation TODO a variety of these settings are not used in the current implementation of breadcrumbs and history, they may be removed later if they prove unuseful in future changes
 class InquiryView
          Type of View that provides a read-only display of a record of data (object instance)
 class LookupView
          View type for Maintenance documents
 class MaintenanceDocumentView
          View type for Maintenance documents
 class MessageView
          View that presents a message to the user (for example an application error message)
 class TransactionalDocumentView
          View type for Transactional documents
 class View
          Root of the component tree which encompasses a set of related GroupContainer instances tied together with a common page layout and navigation.
 class ViewTheme
          Theme for the current view, currently just a list of stylesheets and js files, but has the potential for expansion in the future

Uses of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget

Subinterfaces of DictionaryBean in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget
 interface Widget
          Components that provide a user interface function (besides the basic form handing) should implement the widget interface

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget that implement DictionaryBean
 class Accordion
          Accordion widget class used to create an accordion based layout
 class BlockUI
          BlockUI element is used within the view element for managing element/page blocking attributes
 class BreadCrumbs
          The breadcrumb widget contains various settings for setting up Breadcrumb/History support on the view
 class DatePicker
          Used for rendering a calendar in the UI that can be used to selected dates for field values
 class Disclosure
          Decorates a group with collapse/expand functionality
 class Growls
          Growls sets up settings for growls global to the current view and its pages
 class Help
          Widget that renders help on a component
 class Inquiry
          Widget for rendering an Inquiry link or DirectInquiry action field
 class LightBox
          Used for rendering a lightbox in the UI to display action links in dialog popups
 class QuickFinder
          Widget for navigating to a lookup from a field (called a quickfinder)
 class Reorderer
          Allows client-side reordering of the group contents
 class RichTable
          Decorates a HTML Table client side with various tools
 class Scrollpane
          Decorates a group with scroll functionality
 class Spinner
          Widget that decorates a control transforming into a spinner
 class Suggest
          Widget that provides dynamic select options to the user as they are entering the value (also known as auto-complete)
 class SyntaxHighlighter
          Widget that renders text syntax highlighted
 class Tabs
          Widget used for configuring tab options, use componentOptions for most options.
 class Tooltip
          Widget that renders a Tooltip on a component
 class Tree
          Widget component for rendering a Tree
 class WidgetBase
          Base class for Widgets

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