Class RuleRepositoryServiceImpl

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository.RuleRepositoryServiceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class RuleRepositoryServiceImpl
extends Object
implements RuleRepositoryService

Field Summary
protected  BusinessObjectService businessObjectService
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 AgendaTreeDefinition getAgendaTree(String agendaId)
          Retrieves the agenda tree for the given agendaId.
 List<AgendaTreeDefinition> getAgendaTrees(List<String> agendaIds)
          Retrieves all of the agendas trees for the given list of agendaIds.
protected  BusinessObjectService getBusinessObjectService()
protected  CriteriaLookupService getCriteriaLookupService()
 RuleDefinition getRule(String ruleId)
          Retrieves the rule for the given ruleId.
 List<RuleDefinition> getRules(List<String> ruleIds)
          Retrieves all of the rules for the given list of ruleIds.
 ContextDefinition selectContext(ContextSelectionCriteria contextSelectionCriteria)
          This overridden method ...
 void setBusinessObjectService(BusinessObjectService businessObjectService)
          Sets the businessObjectService property.
 void setCriteriaLookupService(CriteriaLookupService criteriaLookupService)
          Sets the criteriaLookupService attribute value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected BusinessObjectService businessObjectService
Constructor Detail


public RuleRepositoryServiceImpl()
Method Detail


public ContextDefinition selectContext(ContextSelectionCriteria contextSelectionCriteria)
This overridden method ...

Specified by:
selectContext in interface RuleRepositoryService
See Also:


public AgendaTreeDefinition getAgendaTree(String agendaId)
Description copied from interface: RuleRepositoryService
Retrieves the agenda tree for the given agendaId. The agenda tree includes the entire agenda definition in the appropriate order and with the defined agenda branching.

Specified by:
getAgendaTree in interface RuleRepositoryService
agendaId - the id of the agenda for which to retrieve the agenda tree
the agenda tree, or null if no agenda could be located for the given agendaId


public List<AgendaTreeDefinition> getAgendaTrees(List<String> agendaIds)
Description copied from interface: RuleRepositoryService
Retrieves all of the agendas trees for the given list of agendaIds. The agenda tree includes the entire agenda definition in the appropriate order and with the defined agenda branching.

The list which is returned from this operation may not be the same size as the list which is passed to this method. If an agenda doesn't exist for a given agenda id then no result for that id will be returned in the list. As a result of this, the returned list can be empty, but it will never be null.

Specified by:
getAgendaTrees in interface RuleRepositoryService
agendaIds - the list of agenda ids for which to retrieve the agenda trees
the list of agenda trees for the given ids, this list will only contain agenda trees for the ids that were resolved successfully, it will never return null but could return an empty list if no agenda trees could be loaded for the given set of ids


public RuleDefinition getRule(String ruleId)
Description copied from interface: RuleRepositoryService
Retrieves the rule for the given ruleId. The rule includes the propositions which define the condition that is to be evaluated on the rule. It also defines a collection of actions which will be invoked if the rule succeeds.

Specified by:
getRule in interface RuleRepositoryService
ruleId - the id of the rule to retrieve
the rule definition, or null if no rule could be located for the given ruleId


public List<RuleDefinition> getRules(List<String> ruleIds)
Description copied from interface: RuleRepositoryService
Retrieves all of the rules for the given list of ruleIds. The rule includes the propositions which define the condition that is to be evaluated on the rule. It also defines a collection of actions which will be invoked if the rule succeeds.

The list which is returned from this operation may not be the same size as the list which is passed to this method. If a rule doesn't exist for a given rule id then no result for that id will be returned in the list. As a result of this, the returned list can be empty, but it will never be null.

Specified by:
getRules in interface RuleRepositoryService
ruleIds - the list of rule ids for which to retrieve the rules
the list of rules for the given ids, this list will only contain rules for the ids that were resolved successfully, it will never return null but could return an empty list if no rules could be loaded for the given set of ids


public void setBusinessObjectService(BusinessObjectService businessObjectService)
Sets the businessObjectService property.

businessObjectService - The businessObjectService to set.


protected BusinessObjectService getBusinessObjectService()


public void setCriteriaLookupService(CriteriaLookupService criteriaLookupService)
Sets the criteriaLookupService attribute value.

criteriaLookupService - The criteriaLookupService to set.


protected CriteriaLookupService getCriteriaLookupService()

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