Uses of Class

Packages that use UpgradedSeleniumITBase

Uses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.admin.test

Subclasses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.admin.test
 class AgendaEditRuleRefreshIT
          test that repeated ajax refreshes work
 class ConfigNameSpaceBlanketAppIT
          tests that a blanket approval by user admin of a Namespace maintenance document results in a document in state FINAL To Keep the BlanketAppIT tests separate MenuItBase is extended rather than AdminMenuITBase this only requires the implementation of the getMenuLinkLocator() and getCreateNewLinkLocator so there should probably be another abstract class....
 class ConfigNameSpaceIT
          tests new and edit Namespace maintenance screens
 class ConfigParameterBlanketAppIT
          tests that user admin's blanket approve of the Parameter maintenance document results in a final document The component is chosen from a lookup screen
 class ConfigParameterIT
          tests new and edit Parameter maintenance screens
 class ConfigParameterTypeIT
          tests new and edit Parameter Type maintenance screens
 class IdentityGroupBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new group maintenance document, results in a final document
 class IdentityGroupIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Group maintenance screens
 class IdentityPermissionBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Permission maintenance document, results in a final document
 class IdentityPermissionIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Permission maintenance screens
 class IdentityPersonBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Person maintenance document, results in a final document
 class IdentityPersonIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Person maintenance screens
 class IdentityResponsibilityBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Responsibility maintenance document, results in a final document
 class IdentityResponsibilityIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new Responsibility maintenance screen
 class IdentityRoleBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Role maintenance document, results in a final document
 class IdentityRoleIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Role maintenance screens
 class LocationCampusBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Campus maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationCampusIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Campus maintenance screens
 class LocationCountryBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Country maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationCountryIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Country maintenance screens
 class LocationCountyBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new County maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationCountyIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new County maintenance screen
 class LocationPostCodeBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Postal Code maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationPostCodeIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new Postal Code maintenance screen
 class LocationStateBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new State maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationStateIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit State maintenance screens
 class ReferenceCampusTypeBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Campus Type maintenance document, results in a final document
 class ReferenceCampusTypeIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new Campus Type maintenance screen
 class WorkFlowDocTypeBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Document Type maintenance document, results in a final document
 class WorkFlowDocTypeIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Document Type maintenance screens

Uses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.common

Subclasses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.common
 class AdminMenuBlanketAppITBase
 class AdminMenuITBase
          Deprecated. Use WebDriverITBase for new tests.
 class KradMenuITBase
          Deprecated. Use WebDriverITBase for new tests.
 class MainMenuLookupITBase
          Deprecated. use WebDriverITBase
 class MenuITBase
          Deprecated. Use WebDriverITBase for new tests.

Uses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.krad.compview

Subclasses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.krad.compview
 class ContraintsIT
 class DeleteSubCollectionLineIT
          tests that a line in a sub collection can be deleted
 class ParentLineIT
          tests that the parent line variable is available in a sub collection
 class RichMessagesValidationIT
 class UifTooltipIT
          Selenium test that tests that tooltips are rendered on mouse over and focus events and hidden on mouse out and blur events
 class ValidCharsConstraintIT

Uses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.krad.configview

Subclasses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.krad.configview
 class CollectionsIT
          Selenium test that tests collections
 class HelpIT
          Test the help widget

Uses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.krad.travelview

Subclasses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.krad.travelview
 class MaintenanceAddDeleteFiscalOfficerIT
 class MaintenanceAddDeleteNoteIT
 class MaintenanceAdHocRecipientsIT
 class MaintenanceButtonsIT
 class MaintenanceConstraintTextIT
 class MaintenanceDisclosuresIT
 class MaintenanceDocumentOverviewIT
 class MaintenanceExpandCollapseIT
 class MaintenanceFieldsIT
 class MaintenanceHeaderIT
 class MaintenanceLookupAddMultipleLinesIT
 class MaintenanceNotesAndAttachmentsIT
 class MaintenanceQuickfinderIconsIT
 class MaintenanceRouteLogIT
 class MaintenanceSaveIT
 class MaintenanceSubsidizedPercentWatermarkIT

Uses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.krad.validationmessagesview

Subclasses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.krad.validationmessagesview
 class ClientErrorsIT
 class ServerErrorsIT
 class ServerInfoIT
 class ServerWarningsIT

Uses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.mainmenu.test

Subclasses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in edu.samplu.mainmenu.test
 class AgendaLookUpIT
          tests that user 'admin' can display the Agenda lookup screen, search, initiate an Agenda maintenance document via a copy action on the search results and finally cancel the maintenance document
 class AttributeDefinitionLookUpIT
          tests whether the Attribute Definition Look UP is working ok
 class CategoryLookUpIT
          tests whether the Category Look UP is working ok
 class ContextLookUpIT
          tests that user 'admin' can display the Context lookup screen, search, initiate an Context maintenance document via an edit action on the search results and finally cancel the maintenance document
 class CreateNewAgendaIT
          tests whether the "Create New Agenda" is working ok
 class DocSearchToAnotherViewIT
          test that after doc search, navigating to people flow maintenance view does not cause Javascript errors and therefore interfere with JS functionality like validation
 class LoginLogoutIT
          tests that user 'quickstart' can log in and log out
 class TermLookUpIT
          tests that user 'admin' can display the Term lookup screen, search, initiate an Term maintenance document via an edit action on the search results and finally cancel the maintenance document
 class TermSpecificationLookUpIT
          tests that user 'admin' can display the Term Specification lookup screen, search, initiate an Term Specification maintenance document via an edit action on the search results and finally cancel the maintenance document
 class WorkFlowRouteRulesBlanketAppIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Routing Rule maintenance document, results in a final document
 class WorkFlowRouteRulesDelegationIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Routing Rule Delegation maintenance screens
 class WorkFlowRouteRulesIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Routing Rule maintenance screens

Uses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in

Subclasses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in
 class ConfigurationTestViewIT
          test that configuration test view items work as expected
 class UIFComponentValidationRegexPatternIT
          tests that regex validation works as expected on input fields where it is configured
 class UifDataAttributesIT
          Tests that the data attributes are rendered as expected for all controls

Uses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in

Subclasses of UpgradedSeleniumITBase in
 class FiscalOfficerInfoMaintenanceNewIT
          tests that user 'admin', can initiate, save and submit a FiscalOfficerInfo maintenance document resulting in a final document

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