Uses of Class

Packages that use MenuLegacyITBase

Uses of MenuLegacyITBase in edu.samplu.admin.test

Subclasses of MenuLegacyITBase in edu.samplu.admin.test
 class ConfigNameSpaceBlanketAppLegacyIT
 class ConfigNameSpaceLegacyIT
          tests new and edit Namespace maintenance screens
 class ConfigParameterBlanketLegacyAppIT
          tests that user admin's blanket approve of the Parameter maintenance document results in a final document The component is chosen from a lookup screen
 class ConfigParameterLegacyIT
          tests new and edit Parameter maintenance screens
 class ConfigParameterTypeLegacyIT
          tests new and edit Parameter Type maintenance screens
 class IdentityGroupBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new group maintenance document, results in a final document
 class IdentityGroupLegacyIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Group maintenance screens
 class IdentityPermissionBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Permission maintenance document, results in a final document
 class IdentityPermissionLegacyIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Permission maintenance screens
 class IdentityPersonBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Person maintenance document, results in a final document
 class IdentityPersonLegacyIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Person maintenance screens
 class IdentityResponsibilityBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Responsibility maintenance document, results in a final document
 class IdentityResponsibilityLegacyIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new Responsibility maintenance screen
 class IdentityRoleBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Role maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationCampusBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Campus maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationCampusLegacyIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Campus maintenance screens
 class LocationCountryBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Country maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationCountryLegacyIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit Country maintenance screens
 class LocationCountyBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new County maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationCountyLegacyIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new County maintenance screen
 class LocationPostCodeBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Postal Code maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationPostCodeLegacyIT
          tests creating and cancelling the new Postal Code maintenance screen
 class LocationStateBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new State maintenance document, results in a final document
 class LocationStateLegacyIT
          tests creating and cancelling new and edit State maintenance screens
 class ReferenceCampusTypeBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Campus Type maintenance document, results in a final document
 class WorkFlowDocTypeBlanketAppLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Document Type maintenance document, results in a final document
 class XMLIngesterLegacyIT
          tests uploads of new users

Uses of MenuLegacyITBase in edu.samplu.common

Subclasses of MenuLegacyITBase in edu.samplu.common
 class AdminMenuBlanketAppLegacyITBase
 class AdminMenuLegacyITBase
          Deprecated. Use WebDriverITBase for new tests.
 class KradMenuLegacyITBase
          Deprecated. Use WebDriverITBase for new tests.
 class MainMenuLookupLegacyITBase
          Deprecated. use WebDriverITBase

Uses of MenuLegacyITBase in edu.samplu.krad.travelview

Subclasses of MenuLegacyITBase in edu.samplu.krad.travelview
 class MaintenanceAddDeleteFiscalOfficerLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceAddDeleteNoteLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceAdHocRecipientsLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceButtonsLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceConstraintTextLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceDisclosuresLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceDocumentOverviewLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceExpandCollapseLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceFieldsLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceHeaderLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceLookupAddMultipleLinesLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceNotesAndAttachmentsLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceQuickfinderIconsLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceRouteLogLegacyIT
 class MaintenanceSubsidizedPercentWatermarkLegacyIT

Uses of MenuLegacyITBase in edu.samplu.mainmenu.test

Subclasses of MenuLegacyITBase in edu.samplu.mainmenu.test
 class AgendaLookUpLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin' can display the Agenda lookup screen, search, initiate an Agenda maintenance document via a copy action on the search results and finally cancel the maintenance document
 class ContextLookUpLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin' can display the Context lookup screen, search, initiate an Context maintenance document via an edit action on the search results and finally cancel the maintenance document
 class TermLookUpLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin' can display the Term lookup screen, search, initiate an Term maintenance document via an edit action on the search results and finally cancel the maintenance document
 class TermSpecificationLookUpLegacyIT
          tests that user 'admin' can display the Term Specification lookup screen, search, initiate an Term Specification maintenance document via an edit action on the search results and finally cancel the maintenance document

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