Package edu.samplu.admin.test

Class Summary
AgendaEditRuleRefreshIT test that repeated ajax refreshes work
ConfigNameSpaceBlanketAppIT tests that a blanket approval by user admin of a Namespace maintenance document results in a document in state FINAL
ConfigNameSpaceIT tests new and edit Namespace maintenance screens
ConfigParameterBlanketAppIT tests that user admin's blanket approve of the Parameter maintenance document results in a final document The component is chosen from a lookup screen
ConfigParameterIT tests new and edit Parameter maintenance screens
ConfigParameterTypeIT tests new and edit Parameter Type maintenance screens
DocumentSearchURLParametersIT Tests docsearch url parameters
IdentityGroupBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new group maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityGroupIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Group maintenance screens
IdentityPermissionBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Permission maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityPermissionIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Permission maintenance screens
IdentityPersonBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Person maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityPersonIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Person maintenance screens
IdentityResponsibilityBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Responsibility maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityResponsibilityIT tests creating and cancelling the new Responsibility maintenance screen
IdentityRoleBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Role maintenance document, results in a final document
IdentityRoleIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Role maintenance screens
LocationCampusBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Campus maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationCampusIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Campus maintenance screens
LocationCountryBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Country maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationCountryIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Country maintenance screens
LocationCountyBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new County maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationCountyIT tests creating and cancelling the new County maintenance screen
LocationPostCodeBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Postal Code maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationPostCodeIT tests creating and cancelling the new Postal Code maintenance screen
LocationStateBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new State maintenance document, results in a final document
LocationStateIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit State maintenance screens
ReferenceCampusTypeBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Campus Type maintenance document, results in a final document
ReferenceCampusTypeIT tests creating and cancelling the new Campus Type maintenance screen
WorkFlowDocTypeBlanketAppIT tests that user 'admin', on blanket approving a new Document Type maintenance document, results in a final document
WorkFlowDocTypeIT tests creating and cancelling new and edit Document Type maintenance screens

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