Package org.kuali.rice.krad.rules.rule.event

Interface Summary
KualiDocumentEvent Parent interface of all document-related events, which are used to drive the business rules evaluation process.
SaveEvent This class is used to define Events that are allowed to be used as Custom Save events

Class Summary
AddAdHocRoutePersonEvent This class represents the add AdHocRoutePerson event that is part of an eDoc in Kuali.
AddAdHocRouteWorkgroupEvent This class represents the add AdHocRouteWorkgroup event that is part of an eDoc in Kuali.
AddNoteEvent This class represents the add note event that is part of an eDoc in Kuali.
ApproveDocumentEvent This class represents the approve event that is part of an eDoc in Kuali.
BlanketApproveDocumentEvent This class represents the blanketApprove event that is part of an eDoc in Kuali.
CompleteDocumentEvent Complete document event
DocumentAuditEvent Event class for document audit
KualiDocumentEventBase Abstract superclass for document-related events.
RouteDocumentEvent This class represents the route event that is part of an eDoc in Kuali.
SaveDocumentEvent This class represents the save event that is part of an eDoc in Kuali.
SaveOnlyDocumentEvent This class represents the save event that is part of an eDoc in Kuali.
SendAdHocRequestsEvent This is a description of what this class does - wliang don't forget to fill this in.

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