Class SingleAttributeValueReader

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.BaseAttributeValueReader
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.SingleAttributeValueReader
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SingleAttributeValueReader
extends BaseAttributeValueReader

This class allows a single attribute value to be exposed to the validation service, along with some guidance about how that value should be interpreted, provided by the AttributeDefinition that corresponds. It's a special AttributeValueReader since it explicitly doesn't expose any other attribute values, so it should only be used when the underlying business object is not available and we want to limit access to (for example) validation that requires only a single attribute value. This eliminates more complicated validation like 'this field is required when another field is filled in.'

Kuali Rice Team (

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.BaseAttributeValueReader
attributeName, entryName
Constructor Summary
SingleAttributeValueReader(Object value, String entryName, String attributeName, AttributeDefinition definition)
Method Summary
 AttributeValueReader clone()
          overrides Object.clone()
 Constrainable getDefinition(String attributeName)
          provides access to the constrainable attribute definition of a specific attribute name
 List<Constrainable> getDefinitions()
          gets a list of all constrainable dictionary metadata definitions for attributes or fields encapsulated by this object
 Constrainable getEntry()
          gets the dictionary metadata associated with an object (its "entry" in the dictionary)
 String getLabel(String attributeName)
          looks up a label for a specific attribute name
 Object getObject()
          gets the underlying object itself (not the field/attribute value, but the object)
 String getPath()
          gets the path, which is a string representation of specifically which attribute (at some depth) is being accessed
 Class<?> getType(String selectedAttributeName)
          gets the type of the attribute specified - A Java class
<X> X
          looks up the attribute value that is currently being processed
<X> X
getValue(String attributeName)
          looks up any attribute value by name for the object being processed
 boolean isReadable()
          Indicates whether the configured attribute name is readable for the object
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.validation.BaseAttributeValueReader
getAttributeName, getCleanSearchableValues, getEntryName, setAttributeName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SingleAttributeValueReader(Object value,
                                  String entryName,
                                  String attributeName,
                                  AttributeDefinition definition)
Method Detail


public Constrainable getDefinition(String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
provides access to the constrainable attribute definition of a specific attribute name

If the value of the metadata associated with the object field does not implement constrainable, or if no metadata is associated with this object field, then null should be returned.

attributeName - - the name of the attribute/field whose metadata is being requested
dictionary metadata object implementing some constrainable capability


public List<Constrainable> getDefinitions()
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
gets a list of all constrainable dictionary metadata definitions for attributes or fields encapsulated by this object

a list of constrainable definitions


public Constrainable getEntry()
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
gets the dictionary metadata associated with an object (its "entry" in the dictionary)

It can also be constrainable, in which case the object value itself can be validated against one or more constraints. If the specific entry for the dictionary object encapsulated by this reader is not constrainable, or if no entry exists for this dictionary object, or no dictionary object is being encapsulted, then null should be returned.

the constrainable dictionary entry metadata for this object, or null
See Also:


public String getLabel(String attributeName)
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
looks up a label for a specific attribute name

attributeName - - the name of attribute
some descriptive label that can be exposed to the end user for error messages


public Object getObject()
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
gets the underlying object itself (not the field/attribute value, but the object)

the object that is being encapsulated by this reader, or null if no object is being encapsulated


public String getPath()
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
gets the path, which is a string representation of specifically which attribute (at some depth) is being accessed

For example, on a person object there might be the following field path: joe.home.mailingAddress.state

the string representation of the attribute identifier currently being processed


public Class<?> getType(String selectedAttributeName)
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
gets the type of the attribute specified - A Java class

selectedAttributeName - - the name of attribute
the type of the attribute referenced by the passed name, or null if no attribute exists of that name


public boolean isReadable()
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
Indicates whether the configured attribute name is readable for the object

boolean if attribute is readable, false if not


public <X> X getValue()
           throws AttributeValidationException
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
looks up the attribute value that is currently being processed

Type Parameters:
X - - the type of the attribute
the attribute's value if found, null if not


public <X> X getValue(String attributeName)
           throws AttributeValidationException
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
looks up any attribute value by name for the object being processed

Type Parameters:
X - - the type of the attribute
attributeName - - the name of attribute whose value is looked up
- the attribute's value if found, null if not


public AttributeValueReader clone()
Description copied from interface: AttributeValueReader
overrides Object.clone()

Specified by:
clone in interface AttributeValueReader
Specified by:
clone in class BaseAttributeValueReader
a cloned AttributeValueReader

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