Uses of Interface

Packages that use Container

Uses of Container in edu.sampleu.demo.kitchensink

Methods in edu.sampleu.demo.kitchensink with parameters of type Container
 List<RemotableAttributeField> UIfComponentsViewHelperServiceImpl.retrieveRemoteFields(View view, Object model, Container container)

Uses of Container in org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.peopleflow

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kew.impl.peopleflow with parameters of type Container
 List<RemotableAttributeField> PeopleFlowMaintainableImpl.retrieveTypeAttributes(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Invokes the KewTypeRepositoryService to retrieve the remotable field definitions for the attributes associated with the selected type
 List<RemotableAttributeField> PeopleFlowInquirableImpl.retrieveTypeAttributes(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Invokes the KewTypeRepositoryService to retrieve the remotable field definitions for the attributes associated with the selected type

Uses of Container in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container that implement Container
 class CollectionGroup
          Group that holds a collection of objects and configuration for presenting the collection in the UI.
 class ContainerBase
          Base Container implementation which container implementations can extend
 class DialogGroup
          Special type of Group that presents a the content for a modal dialog
 class Group
          Container that holds a list of Field or other Group instances
 class LinkGroup
          Special Group that presents a grouping on links, which can also include nested groupings of links
 class NavigationGroup
          Special Group that renders a navigation section
 class PageGroup
 class ReorderingGroup
          Group implementation that supports reordering of the group items
 class TabGroup
          A group that presents its child Groups as tabs.
 class TreeGroup
          Group component that is backed by a Tree data structure and typically rendered as a tree in the user interface

Uses of Container in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field with parameters of type Container
 List<InputField> RemoteFieldsHolder.fetchAndTranslateRemoteFields(View view, Object model, Container parent)
          Invokes the configured fetching method to retrieve a list of remotable fields, then invoked the ComponentFactory to translate the fields, and finally sets up the binding for the attribute fields

Uses of Container in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout that return types with arguments of type Container
 Class<? extends Container> GridLayoutManager.getSupportedContainer()
 Class<? extends Container> TableLayoutManager.getSupportedContainer()
 Class<? extends Container> LayoutManager.getSupportedContainer()
          Determines what Container classes are supported by the LayoutManager
 Class<? extends Container> LayoutManagerBase.getSupportedContainer()
          Default Impl
 Class<? extends Container> StackedLayoutManager.getSupportedContainer()

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.layout with parameters of type Container
 void LayoutManager.performApplyModel(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Called after the initialize phase to perform conditional logic based on the model data
 void LayoutManagerBase.performApplyModel(View view, Object model, Container container)
 void StackedLayoutManager.performApplyModel(View view, Object model, Container container)
          The following actions are performed: If wrapper group is specified, places the stacked groups into the wrapper
 void GridLayoutManager.performFinalize(View view, Object model, Container container)
          The following finalization is performed: If suppressLineWrapping is true, sets the number of columns to the container's items list size
 void TableLayoutManager.performFinalize(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Sets up the final column count for rendering based on whether the sequence and action fields have been generated
 void BoxLayoutManager.performFinalize(View view, Object model, Container container)
 void LayoutManager.performFinalize(View view, Object model, Container container)
          The last phase before the view is rendered.
 void LayoutManagerBase.performFinalize(View view, Object model, Container container)
 void TableLayoutManager.performInitialization(View view, Object model, Container container)
          The following actions are performed: Sets sequence field prototype if auto sequence is true Initializes the prototypes
 void BoxLayoutManager.performInitialization(View view, Object model, Container container)
          The following initialization is performed: Set the itemSpanStyle
 void LayoutManager.performInitialization(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Should be called to initialize the layout manager
 void LayoutManagerBase.performInitialization(View view, Object model, Container container)
 void StackedLayoutManager.performInitialization(View view, Object model, Container container)
          The following actions are performed: Initializes the prototypes

Uses of Container in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.impl

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.service.impl with parameters of type Container
protected  void ViewHelperServiceImpl.addCustomContainerComponents(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Hook for creating new components with code and adding them to a container
protected  void ViewHelperServiceImpl.processAnyRemoteFieldsHolder(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Iterates through the containers configured items checking for RemotableFieldsHolder, if found the holder is invoked to retrieved the remotable fields and translate to attribute fields.

Uses of Container in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util with parameters of type Container
static void ViewCleaner.cleanContainer(Container container)
          General purpose method to clean any container, removes all nested components except the items list
static List<InputField> ComponentUtils.getAllInputFieldsWithinContainer(Container container)
          Gets all the input fields contained in this container, but also in every sub-container that is a child of this container.

Uses of Container in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view

Classes in org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view that implement Container
 class DocumentView
          View type for KRAD documents
 class FormView
          Provides configuration for View instances that render an HTML form
 class InquiryView
          Type of View that provides a read-only display of a record of data (object instance)
 class LookupView
          View type for Maintenance documents
 class MaintenanceView
          View type for Maintenance documents
 class View
          Root of the component tree which encompasses a set of related GroupContainer instances tied together with a common page layout and navigation.

Uses of Container in org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.repository with parameters of type Container
 List<RemotableAttributeField> AgendaInquiryHelperServiceImpl.retrieveAgendaCustomAttributes(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Returns the Agenda's RemotableAttributeFields
 List<RemotableAttributeField> AgendaInquiryHelperServiceImpl.retrieveRuleActionCustomAttributes(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Returns the Rule Action RemotableAttributeFields.
 List<RemotableAttributeField> AgendaInquiryHelperServiceImpl.retrieveRuleCustomAttributes(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Returns the Rule RemotableAttributeFields.
 List<RemotableAttributeField> AgendaInquiryHelperServiceImpl.retrieveTermParameters(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Retrieve a list of RemotableAttributeFields for the parameters (if any) required by the resolver for the selected term in the proposition that is under edit.

Uses of Container in org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui

Methods in org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui with parameters of type Container
 List<RemotableAttributeField> AgendaEditorMaintainable.retrieveAgendaCustomAttributes(View view, Object model, Container container)
 List<RemotableAttributeField> TermMaintainable.retrieveCustomAttributes(View view, Object model, Container container)
 List<RemotableAttributeField> AgendaEditorMaintainable.retrieveRuleActionCustomAttributes(View view, Object model, Container container)
 List<RemotableAttributeField> AgendaEditorMaintainable.retrieveRuleCustomAttributes(View view, Object model, Container container)
          This only supports a single action within a rule.
 List<RemotableAttributeField> AgendaEditorMaintainable.retrieveTermParameters(View view, Object model, Container container)
          Retrieve a list of RemotableAttributeFields for the parameters (if any) required by the resolver for the selected term in the proposition that is under edit.

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