Package org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.ui

Class Summary
AgendaEditor synthetic (not directly persisted) BO for the KRMS agenda editor
AgendaEditorController Controller for the Test UI Page
AgendaEditorController.AgendaItemChildAccessor This class abstracts getting and setting a child of an AgendaItemBo, making some recursive operations require less boiler plate.
AgendaEditorMaintainable Maintainable for the AgendaEditor
AgendaInquiryController.AgendaItemChildAccessor This class abstracts getting and setting a child of an AgendaItemBo, making some recursive operations require less boiler plate.
AgendaTreeLogicNode data class for logic Nodes (e.g.
AgendaTreeNode abstract data class for the agenda tree Nodes
AgendaTreeRuleNode data class for agenda tree Nodes containing agenda items
CategoryValuesFinder Helper class that returns all category types that are valid for the given context.
CompoundOpCodeNode abstract data class for the rule tree Nodes
CompoundPropositionEditNode abstract data class for the rule tree Nodes
ContextMaintainable Maintainable for the ContextBo
KrmsMaintenanceConstants Constants used by KRMS Maintainables and friends
RuleTreeNode abstract data class for the rule tree Nodes
SimplePropositionEditNode abstract data class for the rule tree Nodes
SimplePropositionNode abstract data class for the rule tree Nodes
TermMaintainable Maintainable for the AgendaEditor
TermSpecificationMaintainable Maintainable for the AgendaEditor
ValidTermsValuesFinder ValuesFinder used to populate the list of available Terms when creating/editing a proposition in a KRMS Rule.

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