Class LazyEndpoint

  extended by org.kuali.rice.ksb.impl.bus.LazyEndpoint
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LazyEndpoint
extends Object
implements Endpoint

Constructor Summary
LazyEndpoint(ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration)
Method Summary
 Object getService()
          Returns a reference to the service that can be invoked through this endpoint.
 ServiceConfiguration getServiceConfiguration()
          Returns the service configuration information for this endpoint.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LazyEndpoint(ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration)
Method Detail


public ServiceConfiguration getServiceConfiguration()
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
Returns the service configuration information for this endpoint.

Specified by:
getServiceConfiguration in interface Endpoint
the service configuration for this endpoint, should never return null


public Object getService()
Description copied from interface: Endpoint
Returns a reference to the service that can be invoked through this endpoint. This could potentially be a proxy to the service (in the case that the endpoint is pointing to a remote service) so calling code should cast this object to the appropriate service interface before using.

It is the client's responsibility to ensure that they are casting the service to the correct interface(s) based on their knowledge of what interface the service should implement.

Specified by:
getService in interface Endpoint
a reference to the service object which can be used to invoke operations against the endpoint, should never return null

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