Uses of Class

Packages that use Plugin

Uses of Plugin in org.kuali.rice.kew.plugin

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kew.plugin that return Plugin
 Plugin PluginEnvironment.getPlugin()
          Gets the Plugin represented by this environment.
 Plugin BasePluginRegistry.getPlugin(QName pluginName)
 Plugin BasePluginLoader.load()
          Loads and creates the Plugin.
 Plugin PluginLoader.load()
          Loads the plugin, this method should NOT invoke any of the Lifecycle methods of the plugin before returning it to the calling code.
 Plugin ZipFilePluginLoader.load()
protected  Plugin BasePluginLoader.loadWithinContextClassLoader(PluginClassLoader classLoader)
          Executes loading of the plugin within the current context classloader set to the Plugin's classloader.

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kew.plugin with parameters of type Plugin
static String PluginUtils.getLogPrefix(Plugin plugin)
static void PluginUtils.installPluginListeners(Plugin plugin)
protected  void BasePluginLoader.installPluginListeners(Plugin plugin)
static void PluginUtils.installResourceLoader(Plugin plugin)
protected  void BasePluginLoader.installResourceLoader(Plugin plugin)
 void PluginListener.pluginDestroyed(Plugin plugin)
 void PluginListener.pluginInitialized(Plugin plugin)

Constructors in org.kuali.rice.kew.plugin with parameters of type Plugin
PluginEnvironment(Plugin plugin, PluginLoader loader, PluginRegistry registry)
          Constructs a PluginEnvironment representing the given loaded Plugin.

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