Uses of Interface

Packages that use EDLModelComponent

Uses of EDLModelComponent in org.kuali.rice.edl.impl.components

Classes in org.kuali.rice.edl.impl.components that implement EDLModelComponent
 class AnnotationComponent
          EDL pipeline component that exposes annotations from the previous array of taken actions in the EDL to render.
 class AttributeEDLConfigComponent
          Populates workflow rule attributes associated with the current configElement.
 class BrowserHandler
          Handles setting the request browser type in the EDL XML.
 class EstablishUserAction
          Handles establishing what action the user submitted.
 class GlobalAttributeComponent
          Executes validations and generates XML for workflow attributes that are defined on the EDL Definitions.
 class InstructionsEDLComponent
          This class makes xml for the instructions template of widgets.
 class JavascriptEDLComponent
          This class exists solely to propagate the javascript element content into the edl element of the dom destined to be transformed so the transform can include the specified javascript.
 class NetworkIdWorkflowEDLConfigComponent
          Matches network ID param to UserService to validate network Id.
 class NoteConfigComponent
          Adds notes support to EDL
 class PageHandler
          Handles setting the current page in the EDL XML.
 class PerformLookupComponent
 class RefreshFromLookupComponent
 class SelectControlEDLComponent
          Looks at a field definition for a select field and attempts to analyze and resolve any valuesGroups based on document data.
 class SimpleWorkflowEDLConfigComponent
          Matches request params to fields defined in edl configs.
 class UniversityIdWorkflowEDLConfigComponent
          Matches university ID param to UserService to validate universityId.
 class ValidationComponent
          Executes validations that are defined on the EDL Definitions.
 class VersioningPreprocessor
          Versions the data element if necessary by checking 'currentVersion' param on request.
 class WorkflowDocumentActions
          Used as a pre processor and post processor.
 class WorkflowDocumentState
          Generates document state based on the workflow document in session.
 class WorkgroupWorkflowEDLConfigComponent
          Looks up workgroup param to validate workgroup exists and is active.

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