Package org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field

Interface Summary
Field Component that contains one or more user interface elements and can be placed into a Container

Class Summary
ActionField Field that presents an action that can be taken on the UI such as submitting the form or invoking a script
ActionFieldSecurity Action field security adds the take action flags to the standard component security
AjaxActionField Action field that performs an Ajax request and will result in updating of the page or a component
AttributeQuery Holds configuration for executing a dynamic query on an InputField to pull data for updating the UI
AttributeQueryResult Object that is returned for Ajax attribute queries and exposed as JSON
BlankField Field that produces only a space
DataField Field that renders data from the application, such as the value of a data object property
DataFieldSecurity Data field security adds attribute security to the standard component security
ErrorsField Field that displays error, warning, and info messages for the keys that are matched.
FieldBase Base class for Field implementations
FieldGroup Field that contains a nested Group.
FieldSecurity Field security adds the edit in line and view in line flags to the standard component security
GenericField Field whose output is produced by invoking a method or template and has no properties (generic)
HeaderField Field that contains a header element and optionally a Group to present along with the header text
IframeField Field that encloses an iframe element
ImageField Field that encloses an image element
InputField Field that encapsulates data input/output captured by an attribute within the application
LabelField Contains a label for another Field instance
LinkField Field that encloses a link element
LookupInputField Custom InputField for search fields within a lookup view
MessageField Encapsulates a text message to be displayed
RemoteFieldsHolder A placeholder in the configuration for a Container list of items that will be invoked to retrieve a list of RemotableAttributeField instances which will then be inserted into the containers list at the position of the holder

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