Class CollectionGroup

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ConfigurableBase
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
          extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.ContainerBase
              extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.Group
                  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.CollectionGroup
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Component, Configurable, DataBinding, ScriptEventSupport, Container, org.springframework.core.Ordered

public class CollectionGroup
extends Group
implements DataBinding

Group that holds a collection of objects and configuration for presenting the collection in the UI. Supports functionality such as add line, line actions, and nested collections.

Note the standard header/footer can be used to give a header to the collection as a whole, or to provide actions that apply to the entire collection

For binding purposes the binding path of each row field is indexed. The name property inherited from ComponentBase is used as the collection name. The collectionObjectClass property is used to lookup attributes from the data dictionary.

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Ordered
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 List<ActionField> getActionFields()
          Action fields that should be rendered for each collection line.
 CollectionFilter getActiveCollectionFilter()
          Collection filter instance for filtering the collection data when the showInactive flag is set to false
 List<ActionField> getAddLineActionFields()
          Action fields that should be rendered for the add line.
 BindingInfo getAddLineBindingInfo()
          BindingInfo instance for the add line property used to determine the full binding path.
 List<? extends Component> getAddLineFields()
          List of Component instances that should be rendered for the collection add line (if enabled).
 String getAddLineLabel()
          Convenience getter for the add line label field text.
 LabelField getAddLineLabelField()
          LabelField instance for the add line label
 String getAddLinePropertyName()
          Name of the property that contains an instance for the add line.
 BindingInfo getBindingInfo()
          Determines the binding path for the collection.
 CollectionGroupBuilder getCollectionGroupBuilder()
          CollectionGroupBuilder instance that will build the components dynamically for the collection instance
 CollectionGroupSecurity getCollectionGroupSecurity()
          Collection Security object that indicates what authorization (permissions) exist for the collection
 QuickFinder getCollectionLookup()
          Instance of the QuickFinder widget that configures a multi-value lookup for the collection
 Class<?> getCollectionObjectClass()
          Object class the collection maintains.
 List<Component> getComponentPrototypes()
          List of components that are maintained by the component as prototypes for creating other component instances
protected  Class<? extends ComponentSecurity> getComponentSecurityClass()
          Returns the security class that is associated with the component (used for initialization and validation)
 List<Component> getComponentsForLifecycle()
          List of components that are contained within the component and should be sent through the lifecycle
 List<CollectionFilter> getFilters()
          List of CollectionFilter instances that should be invoked to filter the collection before displaying
 String getPropertyName()
          Name of the property (relative to the parent object) the component binds to
 String getSelectPropertyName()
          When isRenderSelectField() is true, gives the name of the property the select field should bind to
 List<CollectionGroup> getSubCollections()
          List of CollectionGroup instances that are sub-collections of the collection represented by this collection group
 String getSubCollectionSuffix()
          Suffix for IDs that identifies the collection line the sub-collection belongs to
 void initializeNewCollectionLine(View view, Object model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, boolean clearExistingLine)
          New collection lines are handled in the framework by maintaining a map on the form.
 boolean isRenderAddLine()
          Indicates whether an add line should be rendered for the collection
 boolean isRenderLineActions()
          Indicates whether the action column for the collection should be rendered
 boolean isRenderSelectField()
          Indicates whether lines of the collection group should be selected by rendering a field for each line that will allow selection
 boolean isShowHideInactiveButton()
 boolean isShowInactive()
          Indicates whether inactive collections lines should be displayed
 void performApplyModel(View view, Object model, Component parent)
          Calls the configured CollectionGroupBuilder to build the necessary components based on the collection data
 void performInitialization(View view, Object model)
          The following actions are performed: Set fieldBindModelPath to the collection model path (since the fields have to belong to the same model as the collection) Set defaults for binding Default add line field list to groups items list Sets default active collection filter if not set Sets the dictionary entry (if blank) on each of the items to the collection class
protected  void pushCollectionGroupToReference()
          Sets a reference in the context map for all nested components to the collection group instance, and sets name as parameter for an action fields in the group
 void setActionFields(List<ActionField> actionFields)
          Setter for the line action fields list
 void setActiveCollectionFilter(CollectionFilter activeCollectionFilter)
          Setter for the collection filter to use for filter inactive records from the collection
 void setAddLineActionFields(List<ActionField> addLineActionFields)
          Setter for the add line action fields
 void setAddLineBindingInfo(BindingInfo addLineBindingInfo)
          Setter for the add line binding info
 void setAddLineFields(List<? extends Component> addLineFields)
          Setter for the add line field list
 void setAddLineLabel(String addLineLabel)
          Setter for the add line label text
 void setAddLineLabelField(LabelField addLineLabelField)
          Setter for the LabelField instance for the add line label
 void setAddLinePropertyName(String addLinePropertyName)
          Setter for the add line property name
 void setBindingInfo(BindingInfo bindingInfo)
          Setter for the binding info instance
 void setCollectionGroupBuilder(CollectionGroupBuilder collectionGroupBuilder)
          Setter for the collection group building instance
 void setCollectionLookup(QuickFinder collectionLookup)
          Setter for the collection lookup quickfinder instance
 void setCollectionObjectClass(Class<?> collectionObjectClass)
          Setter for the collection object class
 void setComponentSecurity(ComponentSecurity componentSecurity)
          Override to assert a CollectionGroupSecurity instance is set
 void setFilters(List<CollectionFilter> filters)
          Setter for the List of collection filters for which the collection will be filtered against
 void setPropertyName(String propertyName)
          Setter for the collections property name
 void setRenderAddLine(boolean renderAddLine)
          Setter for the render add line indicator
 void setRenderLineActions(boolean renderLineActions)
          Setter for the render line actions indicator
 void setRenderSelectField(boolean renderSelectField)
          Setter for the render selected field indicator
 void setSelectPropertyName(String selectPropertyName)
          Setter for the property name that will bind to the select field
 void setShowHideInactiveButton(boolean showHideInactiveButton)
 void setShowInactive(boolean showInactive)
          Setter for the show inactive indicator
 void setSubCollections(List<CollectionGroup> subCollections)
          Setter for the sub collection list
 void setSubCollectionSuffix(String subCollectionSuffix)
          Setter for the sub-collection suffix (used by framework, should not be set in configuration)
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.Group
getComponentTypeName, getDisclosure, getFieldBindByNamePrefix, getFieldBindingObjectPath, getItems, getSupportedComponents, setDisclosure, setFieldBindByNamePrefix, setFieldBindingObjectPath, setItems
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.ContainerBase
getAdditionalMessageKeys, getAllInputFields, getErrorsField, getFooter, getHeader, getHelp, getInputFields, getInstructionalMessageField, getInstructionalText, getItemOrderingSequence, getLayoutManager, isFieldContainer, performFinalize, setAdditionalMessageKeys, setErrorsField, setFieldContainer, setFooter, setHeader, setHelp, setInstructionalMessageField, setInstructionalText, setItemOrderingSequence, setLayoutManager, setRenderFooter, setRenderHeader
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
addStyleClass, appendToStyle, getAlign, getColSpan, getComponentModifiers, getComponentOptions, getComponentOptionsJSString, getComponentSecurity, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getContext, getEventCode, getFactoryId, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getId, getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, getOrder, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getRefreshDiscloseMethodToCall, getRefreshWhenChanged, getRefreshWhenChangedControlNames, getRenderOutput, getRequired, getRowSpan, getStyle, getStyleClasses, getStyleClassesAsString, getSupportsOnBlur, getSupportsOnChange, getSupportsOnClick, getSupportsOnClose, getSupportsOnDblClick, getSupportsOnDocumentReady, getSupportsOnFocus, getSupportsOnKeyDown, getSupportsOnKeyPress, getSupportsOnKeyUp, getSupportsOnLoad, getSupportsOnMouseDown, getSupportsOnMouseMove, getSupportsOnMouseOut, getSupportsOnMouseOver, getSupportsOnMouseUp, getSupportsOnSubmit, getSupportsOnUnload, getTemplate, getTitle, getValign, getWidth, isHidden, isPersistInSession, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isReadOnly, isRefresh, isRefreshedByAction, isRender, isResetDataOnRefresh, isSelfRendered, isSkipInTabOrder, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, pushToPropertyReplacerContext, setAlign, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setComponentOptions, setComponentOptionsJSString, setConditionalRefresh, setContext, setFactoryId, setFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, setFinalizeMethodInvoker, setFinalizeMethodToCall, setHidden, setId, setOnBlurScript, setOnChangeScript, setOnClickScript, setOnCloseScript, setOnDblClickScript, setOnDocumentReadyScript, setOnFocusScript, setOnKeyDownScript, setOnKeyPressScript, setOnKeyUpScript, setOnLoadScript, setOnMouseDownScript, setOnMouseMoveScript, setOnMouseOutScript, setOnMouseOverScript, setOnMouseUpScript, setOnSubmitScript, setOnUnloadScript, setOrder, setPersistInSession, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefresh, setRefreshDiscloseMethodToCall, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshWhenChanged, setRender, setRenderOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRowSpan, setSelfRendered, setSkipInTabOrder, setStyle, setStyleClasses, setTemplate, setTitle, setValign, setWidth
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ConfigurableBase
getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setPropertyExpressions
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component
addStyleClass, appendToStyle, getColSpan, getComponentModifiers, getComponentOptions, getComponentOptionsJSString, getComponentSecurity, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getContext, getFactoryId, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getId, getOrder, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getRefreshWhenChanged, getRefreshWhenChangedControlNames, getRenderOutput, getRequired, getRowSpan, getStyle, getStyleClasses, getTemplate, getTitle, isHidden, isPersistInSession, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isReadOnly, isRefresh, isRefreshedByAction, isRender, isResetDataOnRefresh, isSelfRendered, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setComponentOptions, setComponentOptionsJSString, setConditionalRefresh, setContext, setFactoryId, setHidden, setId, setOrder, setPersistInSession, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefresh, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshWhenChanged, setRender, setRenderOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRowSpan, setSelfRendered, setStyle, setStyleClasses, setTemplate, setTitle
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Configurable
getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setPropertyExpressions
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ScriptEventSupport
getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, getSupportsOnBlur, getSupportsOnChange, getSupportsOnClick, getSupportsOnClose, getSupportsOnDblClick, getSupportsOnDocumentReady, getSupportsOnFocus, getSupportsOnKeyDown, getSupportsOnKeyPress, getSupportsOnKeyUp, getSupportsOnLoad, getSupportsOnMouseDown, getSupportsOnMouseMove, getSupportsOnMouseOut, getSupportsOnMouseOver, getSupportsOnMouseUp, getSupportsOnSubmit, getSupportsOnUnload, setOnBlurScript, setOnDocumentReadyScript, setOnLoadScript

Constructor Detail


public CollectionGroup()
Method Detail


public void performInitialization(View view,
                                  Object model)
The following actions are performed:

Specified by:
performInitialization in interface Component
performInitialization in class Group
view - - view instance in which the component belongs
model - - object instance containing the view data
See Also:
ComponentBase.performInitialization(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object)


public void performApplyModel(View view,
                              Object model,
                              Component parent)
Calls the configured CollectionGroupBuilder to build the necessary components based on the collection data

Specified by:
performApplyModel in interface Component
performApplyModel in class ContainerBase
view - - view instance to which the component belongs
model - - Top level object containing the data (could be the form or a top level business object, dto)
See Also:
ContainerBase.performApplyModel(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component)


protected void pushCollectionGroupToReference()
Sets a reference in the context map for all nested components to the collection group instance, and sets name as parameter for an action fields in the group


public void initializeNewCollectionLine(View view,
                                        Object model,
                                        CollectionGroup collectionGroup,
                                        boolean clearExistingLine)
New collection lines are handled in the framework by maintaining a map on the form. The map contains as a key the collection name, and as value an instance of the collection type. An entry is created here for the collection represented by the CollectionGroup if an instance is not available (clearExistingLine will force a new instance). The given model must be a subclass of UifFormBase in order to find the Map.

model - - Model instance that contains the new collection lines Map
clearExistingLine - - boolean that indicates whether the line should be set to a new instance if it already exists


public List<Component> getComponentsForLifecycle()
Description copied from interface: Component
List of components that are contained within the component and should be sent through the lifecycle

Used by ViewHelperService for the various lifecycle callbacks

Specified by:
getComponentsForLifecycle in interface Component
getComponentsForLifecycle in class Group
List child components
See Also:


public List<Component> getComponentPrototypes()
Description copied from interface: Component
List of components that are maintained by the component as prototypes for creating other component instances

Prototypes are held for configuring how a component should be created during the lifecycle. An example of this are the fields in a collection group that are created for each collection record. They only participate in the initialize phase.

Specified by:
getComponentPrototypes in interface Component
getComponentPrototypes in class ContainerBase
List child component prototypes
See Also:


public Class<?> getCollectionObjectClass()
Object class the collection maintains. Used to get dictionary information in addition to creating new instances for the collection when necessary

Class collection object class


public void setCollectionObjectClass(Class<?> collectionObjectClass)
Setter for the collection object class

collectionObjectClass -


public String getPropertyName()
Description copied from interface: DataBinding
Name of the property (relative to the parent object) the component binds to

Specified by:
getPropertyName in interface DataBinding
String property name
See Also:


public void setPropertyName(String propertyName)
Setter for the collections property name

propertyName -


public BindingInfo getBindingInfo()
Determines the binding path for the collection. Used to get the collection value from the model in addition to setting the binding path for the collection attributes

Specified by:
getBindingInfo in interface DataBinding
See Also:


public void setBindingInfo(BindingInfo bindingInfo)
Setter for the binding info instance

Specified by:
setBindingInfo in interface DataBinding
bindingInfo -


public List<ActionField> getActionFields()
Action fields that should be rendered for each collection line. Example line action is the delete action

List line action fields


public void setActionFields(List<ActionField> actionFields)
Setter for the line action fields list

actionFields -


public boolean isRenderLineActions()
Indicates whether the action column for the collection should be rendered

boolean true if the actions should be rendered, false if not
See Also:


public void setRenderLineActions(boolean renderLineActions)
Setter for the render line actions indicator

renderLineActions -


public boolean isRenderAddLine()
Indicates whether an add line should be rendered for the collection

boolean true if add line should be rendered, false if it should not be


public void setRenderAddLine(boolean renderAddLine)
Setter for the render add line indicator

renderAddLine -


public String getAddLineLabel()
Convenience getter for the add line label field text. The text is used to label the add line when rendered and its placement depends on the LayoutManager.

For the TableLayoutManager the label appears in the sequence column to the left of the add line fields. For the StackedLayoutManager the label is placed into the group header for the line.

String add line label


public void setAddLineLabel(String addLineLabel)
Setter for the add line label text

addLineLabel -


public LabelField getAddLineLabelField()
LabelField instance for the add line label

LabelField add line label field
See Also:


public void setAddLineLabelField(LabelField addLineLabelField)
Setter for the LabelField instance for the add line label

addLineLabelField -
See Also:


public String getAddLinePropertyName()
Name of the property that contains an instance for the add line. If set this is used with the binding info to create the path to the add line. Can be left blank in which case the framework will manage the add line instance in a generic map.

String add line property name


public void setAddLinePropertyName(String addLinePropertyName)
Setter for the add line property name

addLinePropertyName -


public BindingInfo getAddLineBindingInfo()
BindingInfo instance for the add line property used to determine the full binding path. If add line name given getAddLineLabel() then it is set as the binding name on the binding info. Add line label and binding info are not required, in which case the framework will manage the new add line instances through a generic map (model must extend UifFormBase)

BindingInfo add line binding info


public void setAddLineBindingInfo(BindingInfo addLineBindingInfo)
Setter for the add line binding info

addLineBindingInfo -


public List<? extends Component> getAddLineFields()
List of Component instances that should be rendered for the collection add line (if enabled). If not set, the default group's items list will be used

List add line field list


public void setAddLineFields(List<? extends Component> addLineFields)
Setter for the add line field list

addLineFields -


public List<ActionField> getAddLineActionFields()
Action fields that should be rendered for the add line. This is generally the add action (button) but can be configured to contain additional actions

List add line action fields


public void setAddLineActionFields(List<ActionField> addLineActionFields)
Setter for the add line action fields

addLineActionFields -


public boolean isRenderSelectField()
Indicates whether lines of the collection group should be selected by rendering a field for each line that will allow selection

For example, having the select field enabled could allow selecting multiple lines from a search to return (multi-value lookup)

boolean true if select field should be rendered, false if not


public void setRenderSelectField(boolean renderSelectField)
Setter for the render selected field indicator

renderSelectField -


public String getSelectPropertyName()
When isRenderSelectField() is true, gives the name of the property the select field should bind to

Note if no prefix is given in the property name, such as 'form.', it is assumed the property is contained on the collection line. In this case the binding path to the collection line will be appended. In other cases, it is assumed the property is a list or set of String that will hold the selected identifier strings

This property is not required. If not the set the framework will use a property contained on UifFormBase

String property name for select field


public void setSelectPropertyName(String selectPropertyName)
Setter for the property name that will bind to the select field

selectPropertyName -


public QuickFinder getCollectionLookup()
Instance of the QuickFinder widget that configures a multi-value lookup for the collection

If the collection lookup is enabled (by the render property of the quick finder), getCollectionObjectClass() will be used as the data object class for the lookup (if not set). Field conversions need to be set as usual and will be applied for each line returned

QuickFinder instance configured for the collection lookup


public void setCollectionLookup(QuickFinder collectionLookup)
Setter for the collection lookup quickfinder instance

collectionLookup -


public boolean isShowInactive()
Indicates whether inactive collections lines should be displayed

Setting only applies when the collection line type implements the Inactivatable interface. If true and showInactive is set to false, the collection will be filtered to remove any items whose active status returns false

boolean true to show inactive records, false to not render inactive records


public void setShowInactive(boolean showInactive)
Setter for the show inactive indicator

showInactive - boolean show inactive


public CollectionFilter getActiveCollectionFilter()
Collection filter instance for filtering the collection data when the showInactive flag is set to false



public void setActiveCollectionFilter(CollectionFilter activeCollectionFilter)
Setter for the collection filter to use for filter inactive records from the collection

activeCollectionFilter - - CollectionFilter instance


public List<CollectionFilter> getFilters()
List of CollectionFilter instances that should be invoked to filter the collection before displaying



public void setFilters(List<CollectionFilter> filters)
Setter for the List of collection filters for which the collection will be filtered against

filters -


public List<CollectionGroup> getSubCollections()
List of CollectionGroup instances that are sub-collections of the collection represented by this collection group

List sub collections


public void setSubCollections(List<CollectionGroup> subCollections)
Setter for the sub collection list

subCollections -


public String getSubCollectionSuffix()
Suffix for IDs that identifies the collection line the sub-collection belongs to

Built by the framework as the collection lines are being generated

String id suffix for sub-collection


public void setSubCollectionSuffix(String subCollectionSuffix)
Setter for the sub-collection suffix (used by framework, should not be set in configuration)

subCollectionSuffix -


public CollectionGroupSecurity getCollectionGroupSecurity()
Collection Security object that indicates what authorization (permissions) exist for the collection

CollectionGroupSecurity instance


public void setComponentSecurity(ComponentSecurity componentSecurity)
Override to assert a CollectionGroupSecurity instance is set

Specified by:
setComponentSecurity in interface Component
setComponentSecurity in class ComponentBase
componentSecurity - - instance of CollectionGroupSecurity
See Also:


protected Class<? extends ComponentSecurity> getComponentSecurityClass()
Description copied from class: ComponentBase
Returns the security class that is associated with the component (used for initialization and validation)

getComponentSecurityClass in class ComponentBase


public CollectionGroupBuilder getCollectionGroupBuilder()
CollectionGroupBuilder instance that will build the components dynamically for the collection instance

CollectionGroupBuilder instance


public void setCollectionGroupBuilder(CollectionGroupBuilder collectionGroupBuilder)
Setter for the collection group building instance

collectionGroupBuilder -


public void setShowHideInactiveButton(boolean showHideInactiveButton)
showHideInactiveButton - the showHideInactiveButton to set


public boolean isShowHideInactiveButton()
the showHideInactiveButton

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