Interface Inquirable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AgendaInquiryHelperServiceImpl, ComponentInquirableImpl, FiscalOfficerInfoInquiryViewHelperServiceImpl, GroupInquirableImpl, InquirableImpl, KimTypeInquirableImpl, KualiInquirableImpl, PeopleFlowInquirableImpl, PermissionInquirableImpl, PersonInquirableImpl, ResponsibilityInquirableImpl, RoleInquirableImpl, RoleMemberInquirableImpl, RuleBaseValuesInquirableImpl, RuleDelegationInquirableImpl, TravelAccountInfoInquiryViewHelperServiceImpl

public interface Inquirable

Provides the contract for implementing an inquiry within the inquiry framework

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 void buildInquirableLink(Object dataObject, String propertyName, Inquiry inquiry)
          Invoked by the ViewHelperService to build a link to the inquiry
 Object retrieveDataObject(Map<String,String> fieldValues)
          Responsible for retrieving the data object from its data source (database, service call, etc) based on the given map of field name/value pairs
 void setDataObjectClass(Class<?> dataObjectClass)
          Sets the class for the data object the inquirable should retrieve

Method Detail


void setDataObjectClass(Class<?> dataObjectClass)
Sets the class for the data object the inquirable should retrieve

Must be set before invoking any other operations on the Inquirable, including the retrieveDataObject method

dataObjectClass - the class of the dataObject that this inquirable should retrieve


Object retrieveDataObject(Map<String,String> fieldValues)
Responsible for retrieving the data object from its data source (database, service call, etc) based on the given map of field name/value pairs

Given map can contain more than fields (primary key or other) necessary for retrieving the data object. Method will use the fields necessary based on the metadata for the data object class configured on the inquirable

fieldValues - - a map of string field names and values
the data object or null if not found


void buildInquirableLink(Object dataObject,
                         String propertyName,
                         Inquiry inquiry)
Invoked by the ViewHelperService to build a link to the inquiry

Note this is used primarily for custom Inquirable implementations to customize the inquiry class or parameters for an inquiry. Instead of building the full inquiry link, implementations can make a callback to org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget.Inquiry.buildInquiryLink(Object, String, Class, Map) given an inquiry class and parameters to build the link field.

dataObject - - parent object for the inquiry property
propertyName - - name of the property the inquiry is being built for
inquiry - - instance of the inquiry widget being built for the property

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