Interface InactivateableFromToService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InactivateableFromToService

Provides methods for retrieval of business objects implementing InactivateableFromTo and needing effective dating logic

See Also:

Method Summary
 List<InactivatableFromTo> filterOutNonActive(List<InactivatableFromTo> filterList)
          Removes instances from the given list that are inactive based on the current date
 List<InactivatableFromTo> filterOutNonActive(List<InactivatableFromTo> filterList, Date activeAsOfDate)
          Removes instances from the given list that are inactive based on the given date
 List<InactivatableFromTo> filterOutNonCurrent(List<InactivatableFromTo> filterList)
          Removes instances from the given list that are not current based on the current date
 List<InactivatableFromTo> filterOutNonCurrent(List<InactivatableFromTo> filterList, Date currentAsOfDate)
          Removes instances from the given list that are not current based on the given date
 List<InactivatableFromTo> findMatchingActive(Class<? extends InactivatableFromTo> clazz, Map fieldValues)
          Performs search on given class and criteria and returns only results that active based on the active to/from dates and the current date
 List<InactivatableFromTo> findMatchingActiveAsOfDate(Class<? extends InactivatableFromTo> clazz, Map fieldValues, Date activeAsOfDate)
          Performs search on given class and criteria and returns only results that active based on the active to/from dates and the given active as of date
 List<InactivatableFromTo> findMatchingCurrent(Class<? extends InactivatableFromTo> clazz, Map fieldValues)
          Performs search on given class and criteria and returns that are active and most current.
 List<InactivatableFromTo> findMatchingCurrent(Class<? extends InactivatableFromTo> clazz, Map fieldValues, Date currentAsOfDate)
          Performs search on given class and criteria and returns that are active and most current based on the given date.

Method Detail


List<InactivatableFromTo> findMatchingActive(Class<? extends InactivatableFromTo> clazz,
                                             Map fieldValues)
Performs search on given class and criteria and returns only results that active based on the active to/from dates and the current date

clazz - - InactivateableFromTo class to search
fieldValues - - Search key values
List of InactivateableFromTo instances that match search criteria and are active


List<InactivatableFromTo> findMatchingActiveAsOfDate(Class<? extends InactivatableFromTo> clazz,
                                                     Map fieldValues,
                                                     Date activeAsOfDate)
Performs search on given class and criteria and returns only results that active based on the active to/from dates and the given active as of date

clazz - - InactivateableFromTo class to search
fieldValues - - Search key values
activeAsOfDate - - Date to compare to for determining active status
List of InactivateableFromTo instances that match search criteria and are active as of the given date


List<InactivatableFromTo> filterOutNonActive(List<InactivatableFromTo> filterList)
Removes instances from the given list that are inactive based on the current date

filterList - - List of InactivateableFromTo instances to filter
List of InactivateableFromTo instances from the given list that are active as of the current date


List<InactivatableFromTo> filterOutNonActive(List<InactivatableFromTo> filterList,
                                             Date activeAsOfDate)
Removes instances from the given list that are inactive based on the given date

filterList - - List of InactivateableFromTo instances to filter
activeAsOfDate - - Date to compare to for determining active status
List of InactivateableFromTo instances from the given list that are active as of the given date


List<InactivatableFromTo> findMatchingCurrent(Class<? extends InactivatableFromTo> clazz,
                                              Map fieldValues)
Performs search on given class and criteria and returns that are active and most current. That is if two records are active the more current one will be the one with a later active begin date

clazz - - InactivateableFromTo class to search
fieldValues - - Search key values
List of InactivateableFromTo instances that match search criteria and are current


List<InactivatableFromTo> findMatchingCurrent(Class<? extends InactivatableFromTo> clazz,
                                              Map fieldValues,
                                              Date currentAsOfDate)
Performs search on given class and criteria and returns that are active and most current based on the given date. That is if two records are active the more current one will be the one with a later active begin date

clazz - - InactivateableFromTo class to search
fieldValues - - Search key values
currentAsOfDate - - Date to compare to for determining active and current status
List of InactivateableFromTo instances that match search criteria and are current


List<InactivatableFromTo> filterOutNonCurrent(List<InactivatableFromTo> filterList)
Removes instances from the given list that are not current based on the current date

filterList - - List of InactivateableFromTo instances to filter
List of InactivateableFromTo instances from the given list that are current as of the current date


List<InactivatableFromTo> filterOutNonCurrent(List<InactivatableFromTo> filterList,
                                              Date currentAsOfDate)
Removes instances from the given list that are not current based on the given date

filterList - - List of InactivateableFromTo instances to filter
currentAsOfDate - - Date to compare to for determining active and current status
List of InactivateableFromTo instances from the given list that are current as of the given date

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