
Interface Summary
KualiCasAuthoritiesPopulator Populates the UserDetails associated with a CAS authenticated CAS ticket response.
KualiUserDetailsService Defines an interface for implementations that wish to provide data access services to the DaoAuthenticationProvider.

Class Summary
KualiCasAuthenticationProvider A CasAuthenticationProvider implementation that integrates with Kuali Identity Management (KIM).
KualiCasAuthoritiesPopulatorImpl Populates the UserDetails associated with a CAS authenticated user by reading the response.
KualiCasProxyTicketValidator Uses CAS' ProxyTicketValidator to validate a service ticket.
KualiDistributedSessionExpiredAuthentication An indicator used to determine that the session expired
KualiDistributedSessionFilter This class is the main integration point for implementing the distributed session in ACEGI.
KualiTestAuthenticationProvider This is the out of box authentication method used by rice.
KualiTicketResponse Adds distributedSessionToken to the TicketResponse.
KualiUserDetailsServiceImpl Populates a UserDetails object with ticket or username and Authentication Method

Exception Summary
KualiDistributedSessionExpiredException An indicator used to determine that the session expired

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