Uses of Interface

Packages that use Rule

Uses of Rule in org.kuali.rice.kew.rule

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kew.rule that return Rule
 Rule RuleExpressionResult.getRule()

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kew.rule that return types with arguments of type Rule
 List<Rule> RuleSelector.selectRules(RouteContext context, DocumentRouteHeaderValue routeHeader, RouteNodeInstance nodeInstance, String selectionCriterion, Timestamp effectiveDate)
          Returns a list of rules selected given the criteria specified in the arguments.
 List<Rule> NamedRuleSelector.selectRules(RouteContext context, DocumentRouteHeaderValue routeHeader, RouteNodeInstance nodeInstance, String selectionCriterion, Timestamp effectiveDate)

Methods in org.kuali.rice.kew.rule with parameters of type Rule
protected  void AccumulatingBSFRuleExpression.declareBeans(ScriptEngine engine, Rule rule, RouteContext context)
protected  void BSFRuleExpression.declareBeans(ScriptEngine engine, Rule rule, RouteContext context)
          Populates the BSFManager with beans that are accessible to BSF scripts.
 RuleExpressionResult BSFRuleExpression.evaluate(Rule rule, RouteContext context)
 RuleExpressionResult MetaRuleExpression.evaluate(Rule rule, RouteContext context)
 RuleExpressionResult RuleExpression.evaluate(Rule rule, RouteContext context)
          Performs an evaluation and returns a list of 0 or more RuleResponsibilityBos to which to dispatch action requests

Constructors in org.kuali.rice.kew.rule with parameters of type Rule
RuleExpressionResult(Rule rule, boolean success)
          Constructs a rule expression result with a success indicator but no responsibilities
RuleExpressionResult(Rule rule, boolean success, List<RuleResponsibility> responsibilities)
          Constructs a rule expression result with both a success indicator and a list of responsibilities
RuleExpressionResult(Rule rule, boolean success, RuleResponsibility responsibility)
          Constructs a rule expression result with both a success indicator and a single responsibilities

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