Class ExpressionFunctions

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.ExpressionFunctions

public class ExpressionFunctions
extends Object

Defines functions that can be used in el expressions within the UIF dictionary files

Kuali Rice Team (

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static boolean empty(Object value)
          Checks whether the given value is null or blank string
static String getName(Class<?> clazz)
          Returns the name for the given class
static String getParm(String namespaceCode, String componentCode, String parameterName)
          Retrieves the value of the parameter identified with the given namespace, component, and name
static Boolean getParmInd(String namespaceCode, String componentCode, String parameterName)
          Retrieves the value of the parameter identified with the given namespace, component, and name and converts to a Boolean
static boolean hasPerm(String namespaceCode, String permissionName)
          Indicates whether the current user has the permission identified by the given namespace and permission name
static boolean hasPermDtls(String namespaceCode, String permissionName, Map<String,String> permissionDetails, Map<String,String> roleQualifiers)
          Indicates whether the current user has the permission identified by the given namespace and permission name and with the given details and role qualification
static boolean hasPermTmpl(String namespaceCode, String templateName, Map<String,String> permissionDetails, Map<String,String> roleQualifiers)
          Indicates whether the current user has the permission identified by the given namespace and template name and with the given details and role qualification
static boolean isAssignableFrom(Class<?> assignableClass, Class<?> objectClass)
          Checks whether the given class parameter is assignable from the given object class parameter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExpressionFunctions()
Method Detail


public static boolean isAssignableFrom(Class<?> assignableClass,
                                       Class<?> objectClass)
Checks whether the given class parameter is assignable from the given object class parameter

assignableClass - - class to use for assignable to
objectClass - - class to use for assignable from
boolean true if the object class is of type assignable class, false if not


public static boolean empty(Object value)
Checks whether the given value is null or blank string

value - - property value to check
boolean true if value is null or blank, false if not


public static String getName(Class<?> clazz)
Returns the name for the given class

clazz - - class object to return name for
String class name or empty string if class is null


public static String getParm(String namespaceCode,
                             String componentCode,
                             String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of the parameter identified with the given namespace, component, and name

namespaceCode - - namespace code for the parameter to retrieve
componentCode - - component code for the parameter to retrieve
parameterName - - name of the parameter to retrieve
String value of parameter as a string or null if parameter does not exist


public static Boolean getParmInd(String namespaceCode,
                                 String componentCode,
                                 String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of the parameter identified with the given namespace, component, and name and converts to a Boolean

namespaceCode - - namespace code for the parameter to retrieve
componentCode - - component code for the parameter to retrieve
parameterName - - name of the parameter to retrieve
Boolean value of parameter as a boolean or null if parameter does not exist


public static boolean hasPerm(String namespaceCode,
                              String permissionName)
Indicates whether the current user has the permission identified by the given namespace and permission name

namespaceCode - - namespace code for the permission to check
permissionName - - name of the permission to check
boolean true if the current user has the permission, false if not or the permission does not exist


public static boolean hasPermDtls(String namespaceCode,
                                  String permissionName,
                                  Map<String,String> permissionDetails,
                                  Map<String,String> roleQualifiers)
Indicates whether the current user has the permission identified by the given namespace and permission name and with the given details and role qualification

namespaceCode - - namespace code for the permission to check
permissionName - - name of the permission to check
permissionDetails - - details for the permission check
roleQualifiers - - qualification for assigned roles
boolean true if the current user has the permission, false if not or the permission does not exist


public static boolean hasPermTmpl(String namespaceCode,
                                  String templateName,
                                  Map<String,String> permissionDetails,
                                  Map<String,String> roleQualifiers)
Indicates whether the current user has the permission identified by the given namespace and template name and with the given details and role qualification

namespaceCode - - namespace code for the permission to check
templateName - - name of the permission template to find permissions for
permissionDetails - - details for the permission check
roleQualifiers - - qualification for assigned roles
boolean true if the current user has a permission with the given template, false if not or the permission does not exist

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