Class ViewValidationServiceImpl

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.service.impl.ViewValidationServiceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ViewValidationServiceImpl
extends Object
implements ViewValidationService

Implementation of Validation service for views, uses the same validation mechanisms as DictionaryValidationService but uses a different AttributeValueReader to get the correct information from InputFields - which include any AttributeDefinition defined attributes, if defined and not overriden

See Also:

Field Summary
protected  DictionaryValidationService dictionaryValidationService
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 DictionaryValidationService getDictionaryValidationService()
 void setDictionaryValidationService(DictionaryValidationService dictionaryValidationService)
 DictionaryValidationResult validateView(ViewModel model)
          This is the main validation method that should be used when validating Views Validates the view based on the model passed in, this will correctly use previousView by default as it automatically contains the generated data the validation requires.
 DictionaryValidationResult validateView(View view, ViewModel model)
          Additional validation method when you want to explicitly define the View being validated.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected DictionaryValidationService dictionaryValidationService
Constructor Detail


public ViewValidationServiceImpl()
Method Detail


public DictionaryValidationResult validateView(ViewModel model)
Description copied from interface: ViewValidationService
This is the main validation method that should be used when validating Views Validates the view based on the model passed in, this will correctly use previousView by default as it automatically contains the generated data the validation requires.

Specified by:
validateView in interface ViewValidationService
DictionaryValidationResult that contains any errors/messages if any, messages will have already been added to the MessageMap


public DictionaryValidationResult validateView(View view,
                                               ViewModel model)
Description copied from interface: ViewValidationService
Additional validation method when you want to explicitly define the View being validated. Note that the view must have the correct binding information on its InputFields already generated by its lifecycle for this method to be used correctly.

Specified by:
validateView in interface ViewValidationService
DictionaryValidationResult that contains any errors/messages if any,, messages will have already been added to the MessageMap


public DictionaryValidationService getDictionaryValidationService()


public void setDictionaryValidationService(DictionaryValidationService dictionaryValidationService)

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