Class ServiceRegistryImpl

  extended by org.kuali.rice.ksb.impl.registry.ServiceRegistryImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServiceRegistryImpl
extends Object
implements ServiceRegistry

Reference implementation of the ServiceRegistry which is backed by a data access object that handles reading and writing data related to registry entries from a backend datastore.

In order for this class to function properly, a valid ServiceRegistryDao must be injected into it via the setServiceRegistryDao(ServiceRegistryDao) method.

Kuali Rice Team (

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 List<ServiceInfo> getAllOnlineServices()
          Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services in the registry that have a status of ServiceEndpointStatus.ONLINE.
 List<ServiceInfo> getAllServices()
          Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services in the registry.
 List<ServiceInfo> getAllServicesForApplication(String applicationId)
          Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services that have an application id which matches the given application id, regardless of their status.
 List<ServiceInfo> getAllServicesForInstance(String instanceId)
          Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services that have an instance id which matches the given instance id, regardless of their status.
 List<ServiceInfo> getOnlineServicesByName(QName serviceName)
          Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services that have a status of ServiceEndpointStatus.ONLINE with the given name.
 ServiceDescriptor getServiceDescriptor(String serviceDescriptorId)
          Returns the ServiceDescriptor which has the given id.
 List<ServiceDescriptor> getServiceDescriptors(List<String> serviceDescriptorIds)
          Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceDescriptor which match the given list of service descriptor ids.
 ServiceEndpoint publishService(ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint)
          Publishes the given ServiceEndpoint to the registry.
 List<ServiceEndpoint> publishServices(List<ServiceEndpoint> serviceEndpoints)
          Publishes the list of ServiceEndpoints to the registry.
 RemoveAndPublishResult removeAndPublish(List<String> removeServiceIds, List<ServiceEndpoint> publishServiceEndpoints)
          Performs a single atomic operation of removing and publishing a set of services in the registry.
 ServiceEndpoint removeServiceEndpoint(String serviceId)
          Removes the service from the registry with the given service id if it exists.
 List<ServiceEndpoint> removeServiceEndpoints(List<String> serviceIds)
          As ServiceRegistry.removeServiceEndpoint(String) but removes all services that match the given list of service ids.
 void setServiceRegistryDao(ServiceRegistryDao serviceRegistryDao)
 void takeInstanceOffline(String instanceId)
          Flips the status of all services that match the given instance id to the status of {@link ServiceEndpointStatus#OFFLINE.
 boolean updateStatus(String serviceId, ServiceEndpointStatus status)
          Updates the status for the service with the given id to the given ServiceEndpointStatus.
 List<String> updateStatuses(List<String> serviceIds, ServiceEndpointStatus status)
          As per ServiceRegistry.updateStatus(String, ServiceEndpointStatus) but updates mutliple statuses as part of a single operation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ServiceRegistryImpl()
Method Detail


public List<ServiceInfo> getOnlineServicesByName(QName serviceName)
                                          throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services that have a status of ServiceEndpointStatus.ONLINE with the given name. If there are no services with the given name, this method should return an empty list.

It is typical in clustered environments and other situations that more than one online service might be available for a given service name. It is intended that a client of the registry will use an available endpoint of their choosing to connect to and invoke the service.

Specified by:
getOnlineServicesByName in interface ServiceRegistry
serviceName - the name of the service to locate
an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for online services with the given name. If no services were found, an empty list will be returned, but this method should never return null.
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if serviceName is null


public List<ServiceInfo> getAllOnlineServices()
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services in the registry that have a status of ServiceEndpointStatus.ONLINE. If there are no online services in the registry, this method will return an empty list.

Specified by:
getAllOnlineServices in interface ServiceRegistry
an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all online services in the registry. If no services were found, an empty list will be returned, but this method should never return null.


public List<ServiceInfo> getAllServices()
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services in the registry. If there are no services in the registry, this method will return an empty list.

Specified by:
getAllServices in interface ServiceRegistry
an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services in the registry. If no services were found, an empty list will be returned, but this method should never return null.


public List<ServiceInfo> getAllServicesForInstance(String instanceId)
                                            throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services that have an instance id which matches the given instance id, regardless of their status. If there are no services published for the given instance, this method should return an empty list.

Specified by:
getAllServicesForInstance in interface ServiceRegistry
instanceId - the instance id of the services to locate
an unmodifiable listof ServiceInfo for all services in the registry for the given instance id
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if instanceId is a null or blank value


public List<ServiceInfo> getAllServicesForApplication(String applicationId)
                                               throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceInfo for all services that have an application id which matches the given application id, regardless of their status. If there are no services published for the given application, this method should return an empty list.

Specified by:
getAllServicesForApplication in interface ServiceRegistry
applicationId - the application id of the services to locate
an unmodifiable listof ServiceInfo for all services in the registry for the given application id
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if applicationId is a null or blank value


public ServiceDescriptor getServiceDescriptor(String serviceDescriptorId)
                                       throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Returns the ServiceDescriptor which has the given id. If there is no descriptor for the id, this method will return null.

Specified by:
getServiceDescriptor in interface ServiceRegistry


public List<ServiceDescriptor> getServiceDescriptors(List<String> serviceDescriptorIds)
                                              throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Returns an unmodifiable list of ServiceDescriptor which match the given list of service descriptor ids. The list that is returned from this method may be smaller than the list of ids that were supplied. This happens in cases where a service descriptor for a given id in the list could not be found.

Specified by:
getServiceDescriptors in interface ServiceRegistry
serviceDescriptorIds - the list of service descriptor ids for which to locate the corresponding service descriptor
an unmodifiable list of the service descriptors that could be located for the given list of ids. This list may be smaller than the original list of ids that was supplied if the corresponding descriptor could not be located for a given id in the registry. If no service descriptors could be located, this method will return an empty list. It should never return null.
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if serviceDescriptorIds is null


public ServiceEndpoint publishService(ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint)
                               throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Publishes the given ServiceEndpoint to the registry. If there is no service id on the ServiceInfo then this constitutes a new registry endpoint, so it will be added to the registry. If the given endpoint already has a ServiceInfo with a service id, then the corresponding entry in the registry will be updated instead.

Specified by:
publishService in interface ServiceRegistry
serviceEndpoint - the service endpoint to publish
the result of publishing the endpoint, if this is a new registry entry, then the service endpoint that is returned will contain access to both the service id and service descriptor id that were generated for this entry in the registry. This method will never return null.
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if serviceEndpoint is null


public List<ServiceEndpoint> publishServices(List<ServiceEndpoint> serviceEndpoints)
                                      throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Publishes the list of ServiceEndpoints to the registry. This functions the same way as executing ServiceRegistry.publishService(ServiceEndpoint) on each individual ServiceEndpoint. However, it performs this as an atomic operation, so if there is an error when publishing one service endpoint in the list, then none of the endpoints will be published.

Specified by:
publishServices in interface ServiceRegistry
serviceEndpoints - the list of service endpoints to publish
the result of publishing the endpoints (see ServiceRegistry.publishService(ServiceEndpoint) for details). This list will always be the same size and in the same order as the list of service endpoints that were supplied for publshing.
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if serviceEndpoints is null or if any ServiceEndpoint within the list is null


public ServiceEndpoint removeServiceEndpoint(String serviceId)
                                      throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Removes the service from the registry with the given service id if it exists. If the service with the given id exists and was successfully removed, a copy of the removed ServiceEndpoint entry will be returned. Otherwise, this method will return null.

Specified by:
removeServiceEndpoint in interface ServiceRegistry
serviceId - the id of the service to remove
the removed ServiceEndpoint if a service with the given id exists in the registry, if no such service exists, this method will return null
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if serviceId is null or a blank value


public List<ServiceEndpoint> removeServiceEndpoints(List<String> serviceIds)
                                             throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
As ServiceRegistry.removeServiceEndpoint(String) but removes all services that match the given list of service ids. It could be the case that some of the given ids do not match a service in the registry, in this case that ServiceEndpoint would not be included in the resulting list of services that were removed. Because of this, the list that is returned from this method may be smaller then the list of ids that were supplied.

Specified by:
removeServiceEndpoints in interface ServiceRegistry
serviceIds - the list of service ids to remove from the registry
a list of all service endpoints that were successfully removed, if no such endpoints were removed, this list will be empty, but it will never be null
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if serviceIds is null or if one of the ids in the list is null or blank


public RemoveAndPublishResult removeAndPublish(List<String> removeServiceIds,
                                               List<ServiceEndpoint> publishServiceEndpoints)
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Performs a single atomic operation of removing and publishing a set of services in the registry. This operation is useful in situations where a client application contains apis to manage the services they are publishing on the bus and they want to ensure the registry is kept in a consistent state in terms of what they have published.

Behaviorally, this operation is equivalent to performing a ServiceRegistry.removeServiceEndpoints(List) followed by a ServiceRegistry.publishServices(List), except that a null list is valid for either removeServiceIds or publishServiceEndpoints. In the case that a null or empty list is passed for either of these, that particular portion of the operation will not be performed.

This method returns a RemoveAndPublishResult which contains a list of the services that were successfully removed as well as those that were published.

Specified by:
removeAndPublish in interface ServiceRegistry
removeServiceIds - the list of ids of the services to remove, if this parameter is null or an empty list, then no remove operation will be executed
publishServiceEndpoints - the list of service endpoints to publish, if this parameter is null or an empty list, then no publish operation will be executed
the result of the operation which contains information on which services were successfully removed as well as published, this method will never return null


public boolean updateStatus(String serviceId,
                            ServiceEndpointStatus status)
                     throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Updates the status for the service with the given id to the given ServiceEndpointStatus.

Specified by:
updateStatus in interface ServiceRegistry
serviceId - the id of the service for which to update the status
status - the status to update this service to
true if the service with the given id exists in the registry and was updated, false otherwise
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if serviceId is null or a blank value


public List<String> updateStatuses(List<String> serviceIds,
                                   ServiceEndpointStatus status)
                            throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
As per ServiceRegistry.updateStatus(String, ServiceEndpointStatus) but updates mutliple statuses as part of a single operation.

This method returns a List of ids of the services that were updated. If a given service id does not exist in the registry, that id won't be included in the result. So the resuling list of updated ids may be smaller than the given list of service ids (though it will never be null).

Specified by:
updateStatuses in interface ServiceRegistry
serviceIds - the list of ids of the services for which to update the status
status - the status to update the services to
an unmodifiable list containing the ids of the services that were successfully updated, since it's possible some of the supplied ids might not exist in the registry this list could be smaller than the given serviceIds list
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if serviceIds is null or if any of the entries in the list is null or has a blank value


public void takeInstanceOffline(String instanceId)
                         throws RiceIllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: ServiceRegistry
Flips the status of all services that match the given instance id to the status of {@link ServiceEndpointStatus#OFFLINE. It is intended that this operation will be used by a registry client who is going offline for maintenance or other reasons and wants to ensure that the state of the registry is consistent with the application's state.

Specified by:
takeInstanceOffline in interface ServiceRegistry
instanceId - the id of the instance for which to set all services to the offline status
RiceIllegalArgumentException - if instanceId is null or a blank value


public void setServiceRegistryDao(ServiceRegistryDao serviceRegistryDao)

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